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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
13th January 2011

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Geoff Gilbert, Trevor & Diane Kitto, and Joan& Mervyn Clayton.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th December 2010
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. FGVW Christmas Cards and Sales Events
  2. FunDay 2011
  3. AGM Nominations
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Mike Betteridge.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th December 2010

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Lifting the Crowns
    This work has now been completed at a cost of £350.
  • Yorkshire Water
    Adrian has contacted Yorkshire Water and they have agreed to attend a site visit and a FGVW meeting to discuss the ongoing sewage problems. Adrian to discuss with Joan and agree suitable dates for a site visit.
  • Volunteer Event at the Civic Hall
    Claire and Steve attended on behalf of the Group.

4. Correspondence

Martin and Adrian have received a letter from Community Spaces confirming that the Brackenwoods Groundworks project has got through to the second stage of the process to receive a grant. Martin has agreed to meet them at a site visit at 10.30am on Monday to walk through the proposed work on the project.

Adrian has received a DVD showing pictures of snowy scenes taken in the woods in 1963 which he will pass round the Group.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 12 December
    Work started on restoring the carriageway. A channel was dug to divert water. The day was very well attended and included volunteers from the Air Cadets.

Future Action Mornings

  • Sunday 16 January
    Martin and Mervyn have been on a site visit to identify the sweep of the carriageway path. The Council has agreed to bring in a digger if the path is suitable so that vehicles can get hardcore and stone nearer the top of the woods. This will mean that work can begin in restoring the higher path and reducing the boggy areas. The way needs clearing ready for the digger and water needs to be diverted. One of the benches may also need to be moved. If a lot of volunteers turn up then some can help clear the laurel on the island in the lake. Volunteers to meet at the old car park on Gledhow Valley Road opposite Gledhow Park Drive.
  • Sunday 13 February
    Martin and Mervyn have been on a site visit to identify the sweep of the carriageway path. The Council has agreed to bring in a digger if the path is suitable so that vehicles can get hardcore and stone nearer the top of the woods. This will mean that work can begin in restoring the higher path and reducing the boggy areas. The way needs clearing ready for the digger and water needs to be diverted. One of the benches may also need to be moved. If a lot of volunteers turn up then some can help clear the laurel on the island in the lake. Volunteers to meet at the old car park on Gledhow Valley Road opposite Gledhow Park Drive.

6. FGVW Christmas Cards and Sales Events

The Group has been busy selling FGVW Christmas cards and Adam reported that 138 packs of 2008 cards and 495 packs of the 2010 cards were sold during 2010. We now have 157 packs of the 2008 cards and 159 packs of the 2010 cards left in stock. The Group discussed the idea of creating FGVW calendars this year. Adam agreed to get some quotes to see if this is feasible.

7. FunDay 2011

The Group discussed what was liked and disliked about last year's FunDay and what they would like to include this year. Some of the ideas discussed were:

  • The event is about the right size
  • Need a band
  • Liked the Magician
  • To invite the Red Cross in place of St John's Ambulance this year
  • Tailwaggers dog display - Joan to investigate
  • Dry stone walling - although issues over where to build the wall!
  • Willow weaving
  • Lion Learners
  • Birds of prey - Adam agreed to contact

Adrian agreed to look into any grants that may be available. Diane referred to a recent newspaper article she had seen which may be useful to the team. She agreed to pass it on to Joan.

Group members were asked to bring any ideas they have for the FunDay to the next meeting.

8. AGM Nominations

Members are welcome to nominate people for the positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. At the meeting the following people were put forward:

  • Chair - Martin Calvert
  • Acting Chair and Grants - Adrian Coltman
  • Treasurer - Paul Ellis
  • Secretary - Carol Bull
Other nominations are welcome and can be raised at the AGM or with other members of the Group.

9. AOB

  • Signing-in Forms
    Joan discussed changes to the Action Morning signing-in form with Adam. Adam agreed to alter the form and incorporate the Leeds City Council logo and other information for the next Action Morning.
  • Former Woodcutters House
    The former woodcutters house opposite the bath house has become vacant and is being used by people for unsociable behaviour. The Group agreed to notify the PCSOs and Park Rangers if necessary.
  • Thank You Certificates
    Joan suggested that thank you notes and certificates should go to the Three Hulats and Allerton Medical Centre for their excellent support and help in selling Christmas cards. Adam to organise.
  • Request for a Handrail
    The residents in the Bracken Woods area who recently applied for a grant through FGVW have requested a handrail for the steps near where the old garages used to be.
  • Wikaniko
    The Group was visited by Mark Davy who is a Wikaniko Distributor that sells Eco-friendly products. The Group were offered a discount for selling the products, but the idea was rejected. Anyone interested can visit his website at www.buywikaniko.co.uk.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 16 Jan 2011
  • FGVW AGM - Fri 4 Feb 2011 (Three Hulats Pub)
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Feb 2011
  • Core Group Meeting - Thu 17 Mar 2011 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sat 19 Mar 2011
  • Action Morning - Sun 24 April 2011
  • Action Morning - Sun 22 May 2011
  • Family FunDay - Sat 11 Jun 2011

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