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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
17th March 2011
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Geoff Gilbert, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Dawn Morrell, Sundar Subramaniam.
1. Apologies for Absence
Paul Ellis, Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th January 2011
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Covered by items in the Agenda.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 13 February
Work started on restoring the carriageway. A pond has been created. Around 24 volunteers turned up. A tree has fallen onto the carriageway which the Council has agreed to come and remove so that work can continue.
Future Action Mornings
- Saturday 19 March
Mervyn has ordered 16 lengths of edging to go around the trees and define the paths better at the boggy area near the bridge. Planting is needed around the new pond. 3 tons of limestone will be delivered. Beech needs to be thinned and the jetty area needs tidying up. Volunteers to meet at the old car park on Gledhow Valley Road opposite Gledhow Park Drive.
- Sunday 10 April
Meeting place to be confirmed. This event will take place on Sunday, rather than on Saturday as first advertised.
6. Foxes and Mange
Dawn Morrell spoke to the Group about mange, which is affecting some of the local foxes. She has been using homeopathic drops supplied by the National Foxes Welfare Society and has looked into other drug options to try and cure the foxes. Dawn is interested in hearing from other members of the Group who feed or see foxes in their gardens so she can identify which have mange and which gardens they visit. Dawn agreed to supply information on this for Adam to put on the website. She will also provide contact details for any Group Members who are interested in helping.
7. Groundwork Application
This has passed stage 1 and is currently going through stage 2, which involves collecting 3 letters of support form both residents and local groups. Martin is chasing the letters.
8. Sewage
Joan has been on a site visit with Yorkshire Water as sewage is going into the beck. Yorkshire Water has stated that they are not responsible as tree roots have damaged a drainage system not under their control, but that they will help.
Joan has been in contact with various departments and a surveyor is due to visit the site and put cameras down the pipework to assess the damage. Once the problem has been fixed Yorkshire Water has agreed to clean up the area so it can be monitored.
9. FunDay 2011
The Group discussed what was liked and disliked about last year's FunDay and what they would like to include this year. Some of the ideas discussed were:
- Permission LCC - E-mail sent to Becky Meers, Bookings and Licensing Officer, informing her of the event going ahead as a LCC event under Jenny Rodgers.
- Tables & Chairs - 38 tables, 50 chairs (from Heerevents), and 2 toilets (from Convenience Hire), plus 6 more Tables from Steve Clavering.
- New Manager at Potternewton Park - Julian Cook (ex John Casey) to be informed. Martin to liase re grass cutting and fire extinguishers.
- Risk Assessments - Martin to liase with Jenny.
- Grants Area Committee - Floral Fund: Martin has applied but we may not get any funding from them this year. Adrian to apply for an Area Committee Grant.
- Local Councillors - Mike?
- Posters - 60xA4 needed. Adam to design. Peter, Adrian, Paul to print?
- Programme - Adam, Peter. 400 needed.
- Flyers - 6,000 needed. Photocopying by Paul/Adrian/Elaine? Christine Distribution. Schools: Chapel A, St Matthew's, Immaculate Heart, Moor Allerton, Gledhow, Kerr Mackie and Talbot.
- Guillotine - Phil?
- Chapel Allerton Magazine - Adrian?
- Refreshments - Martin to write to Tesco and Sainsburys. Co-Op, Adrian? Indie Ices, Adam? Ice cream Van, Claire?
Need as much home baking as possible. Please encourage all our supporters.
- Gazebos - 9x(9x3) large, 11x(3x3) pop-up plus 2 new 6x3m, Phil's Scout Tent. Need to check where they are stored. Adrian, Martin, Mervyn, Paul, Steve?
- P.A. System - Pete to hire.
- Red Cross - Carol to invite.
- Turns - Daftasadrum confirmed. Urban Circus and circus skills, Pete?
- LCC Forestry - ?
- Dale the Chainsaw Man - ?
- Raffle - Adam to scrounge prizes and organise.
- Tombola - Penny to organise.
- Hunt the Bear Game - Adam to organise.
- FGVW Display - Adam/Adrian to organise.
- Parachute Games - John/Jenny Farley to be asked by Joan. Adrian providing parachute.
- T-Shirt Design - ?
- Firefighters - Adrian to invite.
- Police/PCSOs - Adrian to invite.
- Woodland Friends - Donna may do something different this year. Joan to check.
- Birds of Prey - Adam to invite.
- Beekeeper - David accepted.
- Sue Charlton - Hedgehog care accepted provisionally, Martin.
- Tadpoles/Frogs - Accepted provisionally.
- Linda - Bird information, accepted.
- Wildlife things in the tent - ?
- Lion Learners - Confirmed from 1.30pm onwards, £120.
- Bird Boxes (or something else) - Mervyn to organise.
- Plants for Sale - Gladys, Margaret.
- Clay Modelling - Adrian to order clay.
- Woodcraft Folk - To be invited by Adrian.
- Face Painters - 1 confirmed - Martin.
- Turns/Timetable - Peter to organise. Adam to produce printed timetable.
- Roping Off - Peter.
- Setting Up - From 7.00am sharp please.
- Radish - Adam to invite.
- Gledhow Allotments - Adrian to invite.
- Wishing Tree - Lynne unable to attend.
- Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group - Adam to invite.
- Friends of Allerton Grange - ?
- REAP - Paul to invite.
- Leeds Urban Market - Peter to invite.
- Environmental Services - ?
- East North East Area Management Team - ?
- Straw Bales - With Jim's help.
- Woodchips - Martin to arrange.
- Entrance Banner - Paul?
- Meanwood Urban Valley Farm - ?
- Mayor to Open Event - Adrian to invite.
Adrian agreed to look into any grants that may be available. Diane referred to a recent newspaper article she had seen which may be useful to the team. She agreed to pass it on to Joan.
Group members were asked to bring any ideas they have for the FunDay to the next meeting.
10. AOB
- Wikaniko
The Group has been contacted by Mark Davy who is a Wikaniko Distributor that sells Eco-friendly products. He has offered some tombola prizes and asked for a stall at the FunDay. The Group decided to reject the stall request as this day is always run on a "no commercial business" concept.
- Helping Hands
Helping Hands are going to do some volunteer work in the woods. Martin has agreed a day with them. Work to be decided nearer the time.
- FunDay Celebrations
Mervyn has been contacted by the Three Hulats offering to provide bacon butties on the morning of the FunDay for volunteers helping to put up the gazebos. They have also offered to do a small celebration after the event. Paul has also offered to do a BBQ. The Group agreed that a social event the day after the FunDay would be better as volunteers are often too tired to attend the night of the event.
- St Matthew's Easter Fair
Dorothy Carter has asked the Group if they would like to do a stall on 16th April to sell merchandise. Adam and Carol provisionally said that we would and Joan agreed to get more details.
11. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 19 Mar 2011
- Core Group Meeting - Thu 7 Apr 2011 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 10 April 2011
- Action Morning - Sun 22 May 2011
- Family FunDay - Sat 11 Jun 2011