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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
12th December 2011
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adrian Coltman, Mike Betteridge, Geoff Gilbert.
1. Apologies for Absence
Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th November 2011
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Memorial Bench
Joan agreed to contact Dorothy to discuss where the memorial bench should be installed.
- Stewardship
Martin has contacted Leeds City Council to ask if a representative can come and talk to the Group about the Stewardship programme. No response received to date.
- Recent FGVW Events
The Group had stalls at Oakwood Farmers Market (Saturday 19 November) and St Matthew's Christmas Fair (Saturday 26 November) but declined the Famers Market at The Three Hulats due to poor weather conditions and a lack of people to man the stall.
4. Correspondence
Selected members of the Group are attending a strimmer training course on Thursday 15 December at Temple Newsam.
There is a volunteer thank you event at Meanwood Working Men's Club on Thursday 15 December.
BTCV are advertising volunteering opportunities to work in Wykebeck Valley if anyone is interested. Pick up is available and the work is carried out on Fridays.
The Group has received details of the Area Business Plan for 2012/3 from Leeds City Council. People can choose which they consider as priorities from a list. It can be completed as a Group response.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 11 December 2011
Around 20 volunteers turned up. Work continued on the top path. The pond was lined with wildflower turf. There was also some litter picking carried out. Martin has received an e-mail from Steve Clavering stating that the Council will be scraping the carriageway to get rid of leaves and debris etc. Steve has also requested that the pond be made deeper.
- Sunday 8 January 2012
Litter picking, path edging and general path maintenance. Chicken wire needed to prevent slipping on the path. Volunteers to meet at the sub-station near the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.
Future Action Mornings
Dates will be supplied by Martin shortly.
6. Groundwork Application
The physical work has been completed. The soil has been churned over and the gates have been put in. Martin agreed to check the work against the plans submitted as a handrail hasn't been put in as agreed.
7. Roundhay Live 2012
The Group agreed to be involved in this event again next year. The event takes place 2 weeks after the FunDay. The Group agreed to lend the pop-ups gazebos and marquees.
8. Bath House Visit
Joan has been contacted by Susan Kellerman of the Yorkshire Gardens Trust Group. They would like to look round the Bath House and have requested a talk on the subject. They are looking for an expert on the history of Gledhow as a designed landscape (particularly 18th Century period of Jeremiah Dixon and the 19th and 20th Centuries). The Group suggested facilitating looking around the Bath House an hour before it officially opened to the public on the next Open Heritage Day but the talk should be given by the Gledhow Conservation Area Group as they have more detailed information. Joan agreed to contact Christine Osborne to arrange the talk.
9. AOB
- FGVW Christmas Cards
The Group have not sold as many FGVW Christmas cards as last year. Comments have been received that a few people did not like the photo of the dog. Radish is selling the cards steadily and have ordered extra packs. It was agreed to review the sales figures in January and discuss whether a different mix of cards might help. Also, some of the cards were badly creased when they came back from the printers. Adam to complain to the supplier once all cards are packed.
- Friends of Gipton Wood
The Friends of Gipton Wood Group has requested a large number of bird boxes for their woods. Mervyn agreed to contact them to arrange delivery and agree numbers and type.
- Top Path
Stone is needed for the top path but it is difficult to transport it to the right place. The Group agreed to look into it after the carriageway was scraped to see if vehicles could get any closer. Wood chips might provide a temporary solution to the problem.
- Japanese Knotweed
Joan asked for an update on the Knotweed. Martin agreed to check with Elaine.
- Display Boards
The hinges on the display boards have become damaged through wear and tear. Adam agreed to get some estimates for some new boards. It was suggested that the Group apply to the Area Committee for a grant to cover the cost of new ones. Adam suggested looking into the Proceeds of Crime Fund to see if this was suitable.
- Wade's Charity
Adrian agreed to obtain an update on the possibility of a grant from the Wade's Charity towards administration costs.
10. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 8 Jan 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 9 Jan 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- FGVW AGM - Fri 27 Jan 2012 (Three Hulats, 7.30pm)