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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
9th January 2012

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Mike Betteridge, Geoff Gilbert.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 12th December 2011
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. Nominations for FGVW Officers for AGM Friday 27 Jan 2012
  2. FunDay 2012
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 12th December 2011

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Stewardship
    Martin has contacted Emma at Leeds City Council and invited her to our meetings in February and March to come and talk to the Group about the Stewardship programme.
  • Groundwork Work
    Martin is meeting with the Groundwork representatives to discuss the work completed and to ask about the handrail and planting that was agreed but not completed.
  • Friends of Gipton Wood
    Mervyn is organising delivery of a large number of bird boxes for the Friends of Gipton Wood.
  • Carriageway
    Leeds City Council will be scraping the carriageway on the 2nd and 3rd of February so that the top path can be accessed more easily.
  • Knotweed
    Martin has e-mailed Elaine at Leeds City Council regarding the knotweed.
  • Display Boards
    Adam has investigated getting some new display boards. Staples and Viking were unable to help with viable products. Office Furniture Online was very helpful and has quoted £334 plus VAT for their sturdiest boards of a similar configuration to those already owned by the Group. The Group agreed that if funds are available, the new boards should be bought.
  • Wade's Charity
    Adrian to contact Wade's Charity regarding funding.

4. Correspondence

Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group is holding an event which includes discussions, speeches and entertainment on Thursday 26 January at 7.30pm at the Gledhow Sports & Social Club. All welcome.

The Moortown Community Group invite everyone to an exhibition at Moortown Primary School on Saturday 21 January between 10am and 4pm.

Voluntary Action Leeds has started an Environment Forum. This advertises events, volunteering opportunities and funding deadlines in the local area.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 8 January 2012
    Excellent turnout with 32 volunteers. A lot of rubbish was collected. Mud was removed from the pathways and steps. This showed that some areas of the path need topping up with stone due to uneven surfaces and general wear and tear.
  • Sunday 5 February 2012
    Litter picking, path edging and general path maintenance. Chicken wire needed to prevent slipping on the path. Volunteers to meet at the sub-station near the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks for the coming year (subject to change):

  • Sunday 4 March 2012
    Work on the mini meadow near the pond. General clearing and planting. Soil and wildflower seed needed.
  • Saturday 14 April 2012
    Work on the top meadow.
  • Sunday 13 May 2012
    Work on the top path.
  • Sunday 8 July 2012
    Work on the middle path.
  • Sunday 5 August 2012
    Work on the top path.
  • Sunday 2 September 2012
    Bath House clearing ready for the Heritage Open Day.
  • October 2012
    Work on the meadow.

6. Nominations for FGVW Officers for AGM Friday 27 Jan 2012

Nominations were as follows:

Chair: Martin Calvert
Treasurer: Paul Ellis
Secretary: Carol Bull

Any other nominations welcome.

7. FunDay 2012

The FunDay will take place on Saturday 9 June 2012. Please can members think about who they would like to attend and start booking people in. Penny has agreed to do the tombola again this year and the ice cream man has expressed an interest in attending. There has also been some interest for having a brass band. Geoff agreed to find out details of the choir that attends his local church.

8. AOB

  • Strimmer Course
    Some members of the Group attended a strimmer course led by Leeds City Council. This had very little value as delegates could not use their own strimmers after the course and they were only trained to cut grass.
  • Old Woodcutter's house on Geldhow Valley Road
    The old woodcutters house on Gledhow Valley Road has been bought as a residential residence. Planning permission has been rejected to extend the house to join with an old shed to expand the size of the rooms. The Group has no objections to this work so is willing to support the residents in obtaining planning permission if this helps. Without this new owner, the house would almost certainly have fallen into complete disrepair.
  • FGVW Notice Boards
    There was some confusion amongst the Group concerning the noticeboards. Several drafts have been sent by Groundwork Landscape Architecture (based on Adam's original design) for checking by the Group, but no one was sure if they had been completed yet or where they would be sited.
  • Gabion Needed?
    Part of the path, 100 metres from the old car park, is being eroded by the stream. The Group agreed to investigate to see if a gabion would be suitable to prevent the path from being worn away.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • FGVW AGM - Fri 27 Jan 2012 (Three Hulats, 7.30pm)
  • Action Morning - Sun 05 Feb 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 04 Mar 2012
  • Action Morning - Sat 14 Apr 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 May 2012
  • Family FunDay - Sat 09 Jun 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 08 Jul 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 05 Aug 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 02 Sep 2012

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