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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
16th April 2012

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Mike Betteridge.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th March 2012
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. Launch Day 25th April 2012
  2. Grant Applications
  3. FunDay 2012
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Geoff Gilbert.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th March 2012

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Stewardship
    The Group are waiting for further information from the Council.
  • Towbars and Trailer
    Mervyn has obtained some quotes for a tow bar and is looking at trailers. This will help transport equipment to and from the Action Mornings.
  • St Matthew's Easter Fair
    No-one was available to attend this event.

4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

  • Saturday 14 April 2012
    22 volunteers turned up. Work was carried out on the path and 4 tonnes of stone were used. Some bluebell bulbs were also planted.
  • Sunday 13 May 2012
    The Group will be continuing work on the path, tidying up and doing general path repairs. Work on the steps may need to be finished off. Volunteers to meet near the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road, opposite the Horses' Field.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks for the coming year (subject to change):

  • Sunday 8 July 2012
    Work on the middle path.
  • Sunday 5 August 2012
    This is now includes cleaning the Bath House ready for Heritage Open Day.
  • Sunday 2 September 2012 - CANCELLED
    This Action Morning has been cancelled due to a visit by Yorkshire Gardens Trust.
  • October 2012
    Work on the meadow.

6. Launch Day 25th April 2012

The Brackenwoods Community Spaces project is now finished. An opening ceremony will take place on Wednesday 25 April at 10am near gateway one, at the junction of Lincombe Drive and Lincombe Bank. Pupils from Gledhow School will be attending and planting plugs.

Group members are encouraged to attend to chat to the pupils, offer refreshments and generally help on the day.

The Group has put up posters in the area and Adam will publicise the event on the website and by e-mail.

Martin agreed to provide a breakdown of where the money had been spent in the woods.

7. Grant Applications

The Group has received two lots of MICE money, of £200 each, and a sustainability grant as part of the Brackenwoods project for wildflowers, plugs and various equipment.

9. FunDay 2012

The FunDay will take place on Saturday 9 June 2012. Core Group members agreed to start booking people in, especially the main acts.

  • Permission - Martin has been in contact with Events Planning at Leeds City Council. They have asked for a risk assessment for handling money.
  • Ice Cream Van - Confirmed.
  • Tailwaggers - Confirmed.
  • Leaflets - The design is using up a lot of ink. Adam to alter the design to a tree outline instead.
  • Firefighters/PCSOs - PCSOs and Policy have confirmed subject to a gazebo being provided.
  • Hedghogs - An alternative from Keighley has been booked.
  • Councillors - Fabian Hamilton confirmed.
  • PA System - A battery charged PA system has been bought by the Group and needs testing.
  • Tombola - Lots of prizes have been received.
  • Leeds Homeopathy - Coming to give demonstrations and a raffle prize.
  • Display - Photos needed of the 3 new entrances for the display boards.
  • Parachute Game - Confirmed. Adrian to provide the parachute.
  • Water - Half a pallet of water has been requested from Yorkshire Water.
  • Face Painters - 2 confirmed.
  • Gledhow Conservation Area Group - Confirmed.
  • Friends of Allerton Grange - Confirmed.
  • Toddle Waddle - There will be a sponsored toddler walk in the woods on the same day as the FunDay. The toddlers and parents will attend the event after their walk.
10. AOB

  • Heritage Open Day
    The Bath House has been registered for the Heritage Open Day and will be open to the public on Sunday 9th September 2012, 12.30-4.30pm.
  • Action Morning Changes
    The Bath House will now be cleaned on the Action Morning on 5th August 2012. The Action Morning on 2nd September 2012 has been cancelled due to a visit from Yorkshire Garden Trust.
  • FGVW Mugs
    It was suggested that FGVW mugs might be a good idea, and Adam agreed to investigate possible costs.
  • Knotweed
    The Knotweed is growing and needs to be tackled by the Council.
  • Tree Marking
    Pruning has been going well in the woods especially when the areas to be pruned and the trees are marked up in advance. Martin to check with the volunteers that they know how to clear the area, prune and stack the branches into piles suitable for wildlife.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 13 May 2012
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 14 May 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Family FunDay - Sat 09 Jun 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 08 Jul 2012
  • Action Morning - Sun 05 Aug 2012
  • Bath House Open Day - Sun 09 Sep 2012

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