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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
14th May 2012
Present: Joan Clayton (Acting Chair), Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Mike Betteridge, Steve Clavering, Stephanie Peart.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th April 2012
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Knotweed
Steve agreed to make some enquiries with the Council to see when it would be treated.
- Towbars and Trailer
Mervyn has obtained some quotes for a tow bar and is investigating trailers, to help transport equipment to and from the Action Mornings.
- FGVW Mugs
FGVW mugs have been ordered for sale at the FunDay after the design was agreed by members of the Group.
4. Correspondence
Mervyn has sent a thank you card to the Group for his birthday present.
Stephanie Peart kindly provided some photos showing the Brackenwoods Entrance launch day event.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 13 May 2012
29 volunteers attended and worked on extending and upgrading some of the path. 4 tons of stone was used. Mervyn bought more stone after the event to fill in some pot holes. 5 drains were put in and/or cleared and lots of litter picking took place.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks for the coming year (subject to change):
- Sunday 8 July 2012
Work on the middle path.
- Sunday 5 August 2012
Work will include cleaning the Bath House ready for Heritage Open Day.
- October 2012
Work on the meadow.
6. Launch Day 25th April 2012
An opening ceremony for the Brackenwoods Community Spaces project took place on Wednesday 25 April 10am near gateway one, at the junction of Lincombe Drive and Lincombe Bank. 30 pupils from Gledhow School attended and planted plugs of wildflowers. Group members also attended to chat to the pupils, offer refreshments and generally help out on the day.
7. Grant Applications
No updates.
8. FunDay 2012
Steve agreed to check with the Council which signing-in sheet needs to be used on the day. Last year there was some confusion which resulted in Joan completing 2 different forms.
The Group agreed to hold an additional planning meeting for the FunDay on Monday 28 May.
The FunDay will take place on Saturday 9 June 2012, 12.30-5.00pm.
- Band - The Band has been confirmed as the Horsforth Leeds City Band.
- Bird Boxes - The wood has been cut up but help is needed to drill holes and assemble.
- Circus Skills - Unlikely to attend.
- Leaflets - Completed. Photocopies needed. Steve to check.
- Marquee - New 6x6 marquee.
- Display Boards - Steve to provide additional council boards.
Adam will be thanking people who kindly donated tombola prizes in a future FGVW Update e-mail.
Joan reminded the Group that the woodchips need to be collected after the event.
If anyone would like to volunteer at the FunDay please let Joan know in advance so that tasks can be allocated. Joan also requested help from any volunteers to help take down the marquees at the end of the event.
Diane agreed to organise volunteers for the clay modelling and t-shirts.
Any home baking will be gratefully received.
9. AOB
- St Gemma's Hospice
£145 was raised for St Gemma's hospice at Mervyn's party and also £155 was collected from customers in the pub.
- Lost and Found
A large box of share certificates was found in the woods. Steve passed them over to the police who were able to track down the daughter of the owner, who had sadly died some years ago.
- Equipment
The Group would like to thank Trevor for cleaning and oiling some of the equipment used at the last Action Morning.
- Meetings
The Group discussed holding future meetings on the Monday prior to the Action Morning rather than afterwards. This would make it easier to discuss what work needed to be completed. The Group suggested that this change should be effective from October after the FunDay and Heritage Open Day events.
10. Dates of Next Meetings
- FunDay Planning Meeting - Mon 28 May 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Family FunDay - Sat 09 Jun 2012
- Action Morning - Sun 08 Jul 2012
- Action Morning - Sun 05 Aug 2012
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 09 Sep 2012