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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
20th July 2012
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Mike Betteridge, Adrian Coltman, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis, Dorothy Carter.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th July 2012
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
Will be dealt with at the next meeting.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
Will be dealt with at the next meeting.
6. Grant Applications
No updates.
7. FunDay 2012 Review
This year's FunDay was discussed. Important points of note were as follows:
- 4,500 leaflets will be needed next year.
- Having 2 ice cream sellers worked well.
- There was a suggestion to put a request for home baking on the leaflet.
- 2 pop-ups were damaged on the day and although they have been repaired, 2 additional pop-ups have been purchased.
- The PA bought by the Group did not work very well so it was suggested that a more powerful one be hired next year.
- The magician and the band were very popular.
- The tombola was a big success.
- There is a stock of t-shirts left ready for next year. There was a suggestion to buy a few adult sizes and promote drawing on a t-shirt to give to dads e.g. for Father's Day.
- The firefighters were very popular.
- The PCSOs were pleased to have been given a stall.
- Traffic was an issue. The Group need to give traffic control some thought next year by consulting with the relevant authorities and perhaps ensuring passing places.
- The hedgehog people didn't turn up, and gave no reason/warning!
- There was a suggestion to split up the t-shirts and face painting stalls (as they both charge) and put a non-paying event in between them.
- The facepainters were very good.
- There were issues with Tailwaggers due to the waterlogged field, and a breakdown in communication regarding where they could set up and park instead.
- There was a suggestion to invite Morris Dancers for next year's event.
- The Group discussed if the large number of community groups in attendance added value. There was a suggestion to follow the same route as Roundhay Live and charge groups per gazebo/table and/or a contribution towards running costs. There was some debate over whether groups should bring their own tents/gazebos.
- The Group need to erect a sign by the leftover woodchips at the end of the day stating that that people can help themselves free of charge.
Paul provided the Group with a breakdown of income and expenditure for the FunDay. The total income was £4,800.13 which included £1,605 in grants. The total expenditure was £2,648.30. The Group made a surplus of £2,151.83 to use on projects in the woods.
8. AOB
- FGVW Volunteers BBQ
An FGVW volunteers BBQ will be held at Paul's house early in September. A suggested date was Saturday 8th September - to be confirmed.
- Date Change for Next Core Group Meeting
The next Core Group Meeting date has changed from Monday 6th August to Monday 30th July due to the holidays.
- Bat Walk
Leeds City Council is organising a Bat Walk in the woods in conjunction with the Chapel Allerton Festival. This will take place at 8.15pm on Thursday 30th August. If anyone would like to attend please meet at the lake in the woods. The cost is £2 per adult and £1 per child.
9. Dates of Next Meetings
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 30 Jul 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 05 Aug 2012
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 09 Sep 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 01 Oct 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 06 Oct 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 29 Oct 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 04 Nov 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 10 Dec 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 16 Dec 2012