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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
30th July 2012
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam Joan & Carol Bull, Trevor Joan & Diane Kitto, Mike Betteridge, Geoff Gilbert, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis, Peter Foulston, Steve Clavering, Steven Johns.
1. Apologies for Absence
Adrian Coltman.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th July 2012
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Knotweed
Some areas of knotweed are dying but some areas have not been treated. Although this is a good start the Group will ask the Council why only some of it has been treated.
- Missing Swan
One swan has gone, presumed dead. The grass near the lake has been cut to try and encourage the swans to stay near the lake and not wander towards the Bath House and road.
- Balsam Bashing
It may be too late to bash the balsam this year as it has started seeding.
- Roundhay Live
There is a debriefing meeting on 26th September. Martin has agreed to attend. The bird boxes were not very popular. Paul is arranging for the Group to receive a £50 fee for loaning out gazebos and also £50 for a replacement gazebo that was damaged.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 8 July 2012
17 volunteers attended and worked on upgrading some of the path. 4 tonnes of stone was used. The drainage that was put in is working really well despite the heavy rain. Bags of collected litter still need to be picked up from the roadside.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks for the coming year (subject to change):
- Sunday 5 August 2012
Work will include cleaning the Bath House ready for Heritage Open Day, and litter picking. If there are sufficient volunteers, work needs to be done on the path nearby and some work is also needed in the waterlogged area. Chippings are needed near the Bath House in case the area gets wet. Martin and Mervyn to check what needs doing in the Bath House before the Action Morning. Hose pipes are also needed. Work also needs to be agreed with Avril in payment for water and electricity used when cleaning the Bath House. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House on Gledhow Valley Road.
- Monday 1 October 2012
Work on the meadow.
6. Grant Applications
The Group can apply for a grant from the Yorkshire Gardens Trust.
7. Yorkshire Gardens Trust Bath House Visit
Joan has finalised arrangements for the Yorkshire Gardens Trust visitors. The Group will be working in conjunction with the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group who will talk about the buildings in the area including Gledhow Hall.
The visitors would like to see the Bath House, Gledhow Hall, and to view the work completed in the woods. The event will take place on 2 September between 2pm and 4pm.
FGVW volunteers are needed to help on the day and walk with 2 separate groups, to help with the Bath House visit, and look after the FGVW stalls. Steve Clavering will also be in attendance and providing the lamps for inside the Bath House.
Home baking would be very welcome and the Group are offering to pay for ingredients.
8. Bath House Open Day
Joan agreed to contact the Yorkshire Post to try and get some publicity for the Bath House Heritage Open Day. Home baking is required for the event.
9. FunDay 2013
The 2012 FunDay started slowly with the first hour being very quiet. This could have been due to recent Jubilee events, various extra bank holidays and poor weather, etc.
Potential dates for the FunDay in 2013 are 8 and 15 June. The day does generate money for the Group, which needs at least £2,000 a year to continue with its work. Martin asked the Group to think about if they would like to do the FunDay again next year.
10. FGVW Bank Account
The Group has two accounts, one of which is with the HSBC. HSBC has been in the news recently and has been heavily fined due to money laundering activities. This has caused a great deal of concern within the Group with numerous e-mails being circulated on the topic.
The Group had an open and honest discussion about the matter at the meeting. Pete explained why he was against remaining with the HSBC. However, while the Group agreed in principal, there was also an acknowledgement of implications to the day-to-day management of the Group's banking.
Paul explained why he thought the Group should make a stand and proposed moving the account to the Co-Op. There was some debate over the logistics of putting money into this account and accessibility, which Paul agreed to investigate. The Group agreed to make a stand, that it was not acceptable for us to continue with the HSBC, and to change banks as soon as a viable alternative is agreed.
Treasurer's Report
The Group currently has £5,774.35 held in a current account with the HSBC and some reserves saved with the Ecology Building Society.
11. FGVW Christmas Cards
The Group discussed whether to order new cards or to try and reduce existing stock. There are currently 467 packs of cards left and it costs approximately £700 to order a new batch. The Group discussed whether to get new stock or offer a discount to sell the existing ones. There was also a suggestion to offer both options as there was some concern that the existing cards would be difficult to sell to those who had already bought them this year.
The Group agreed to continue to sell the cards at full price at the Yorkshire Gardens Trust event and the Open Heritage weekend and assess volumes again afterwards.
Joan asked if we could use one of the Leodis pictures as a card, but we would need to obtain permission to do this. Naomi agreed to ask at her school to see if we could sell cards at their Christmas Fair. There were also possibilities to sell more at the Oakwood Farmers Market and St Matthew's Fair in November.
Naomi suggested a mail order system for Christmas cards that could be repackaged with customised design mixes.
There was also a renewed request from the Group to try obtaining coasters and place mats from an alternative source.
12. AOB
- Tents/Gazebos
Steve C has asked to borrow a 9x3 gazebo from the Group for a Friends of Highwood event.
- Balsam Bashing Needed
The balsam needs bashing before it starts to seed.
- New Bench
Geoff would like to donate a bench to the Group before he moves away from Leeds. He would like it in the beech tree area at the top of the woods. Geoff has been visiting residents in the area to find out how they would feel about a bench near to their houses. He has also looked at alternative locations. He has not received any objections from the local residents.
- Brackenwoods Project
Mike has kindly agreed to take photos of the newly planted Brackenwoods area near the new entrance. The wildflowers are growing well and the display boards are still in place.
- Cherry Trees
The cherry trees near to the FunDay field look diseased. The Group agreed to contact Justin to see what could be done.
- Candystripe
The Candystripe Group are running children's activities in the woods during the holidays. Steve C agreed to check that they had permission and that they would be responsible for clearing the area afterwards.
- FGVW Totem Pole
The FGVW totem pole has now rotted at the base and fallen over.
- Straw Bales
Joan has been asked to contact Jim to request straw bales for the Chapel Allerton Festival.
13. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 05 Aug 2012
- Yorkshire Gardens Trust - Sun 02 Sep 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 03 Sep 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 09 Sep 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 01 Oct 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 06 Oct 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 29 Oct 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 04 Nov 2012
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 10 Dec 2012 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 16 Dec 2012