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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
7th January 2013
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge.
1. Apologies for Absence
Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 10th December 2012
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Possible Reed Bed
Martin has contacted members of the Council regarding the possibility of creating a reed bed where the lake is silted up near the island. They have agreed that it can be done provided it just goes around the outside of the lake. He has been given details of a contractor who he has agreed to contact to see what he recommends.
- North East Area Committee Minutes
These have been read and commented on by Joan.
- New Benches
The new benches have been ordered and are due to arrive this week.
- Nominations for FGVW Posts
No nominations have been received for the role of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Nominations are still welcome prior to the AGM.
- Groundworks
Mervyn has raised the issue regarding the quality of the signs and lack of preservative on the woodwork to Groundworks. They have asked the Group to send photographs.
- Pavements
The pavement running along Gledhow Valley Road has been cleaned at the request of the Group.
4. Correspondence
Parks and Countryside has asked for details of FGVW events.
The Yorkshire Gardens Trust has published an article on the history of Gledhow which acknowledges the work done by the Group and their recent organised tour of the area.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 16 December 2012
Approximately 20 volunteers attended the Action Morning. The area around "Audrey's meadow" was cleared. Digging has also started in order to build a new pond.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks for the coming year (subject to change):
- Sunday 13 January 2013
Work needs to be completed on the path near to the Bath House due to excess water and mud congregating in the area. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.
- Monday 4 February 2013
Volunteers to meet near the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road. There is some path work to do and the possibility of putting in a bench depending on delivery and weather. Work is also required on the top path which is dependent on being able to transport stone to the area. Later, gabions will need to be put in to repair the path.
- Sunday 10 February 2013
- Sunday 10 March 2013
- Saturday 6 April 2013
- Sunday 12 May 2013
6. FunDay 2013
The date of the FunDay has been agreed as Saturday 8 June 2013. The Group is encouraged to start inviting acts and to think about any new acts.
Martin is investigating a brass band who recently performed at Carols in the Park for free.
The Group agreed to charge other groups £10 each for attending or £20 if they required tables and chairs to recoup some of the costs of the FunDay.
The following acts are being considered and/or to be invited:
- Daftasadrum
- Magician
- Rock Choir
- Face Painters
- Lion Learners
- Beekeeper
- Birds of Prey
- Circus Skills
Adam to investigate a group which provided exotic animals at Crossgates Shopping Centre.
Martin to obtain permissions and licences.
7. AOB
- FGVW Tombola Prizes
Penny Betteridge has requested donations for the FunDay tombola. Adam agreed to e-mail members asking for any unwanted Christmas presents and donations.
- Hilda's Will
Martin agreed to check with the Council to find out what happened to any charity money which was left in the will for the benefit of the woods.
- Website Birds Section Update
Martin would like to update the bird pages on the website. He is discussing various options on the best way to do this with Adam. Also, a link to a bird identification site has been requested.
8. Dates of Next Meetings
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 4 Feb 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Feb 2013
- FGVW AGM - Fri 15 Feb 2013 (Three Hulats, 7.30pm)
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 4 Mar 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Mar 2013
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 1 Apr 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 6 Apr 2013
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 May 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 12 May 2013
- FunDay - Sat 8 Jun 2013