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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
4th February 2013
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Steve Clavering.
1. Apologies for Absence
Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th January 2013
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Possible Reed Bed
Martin has met with Elaine regarding the possibility of creating a reed bed where the lake is silted up near the island. A meeting has been arranged with the contractor on Monday to discuss the work to be done including Audrey's meadow. The Group needs 3 quotes to be able to apply for a Green Leeds grant.
- New Benches
Four benches have been delivered.
4. Correspondence
Mike has asked for the table measurements for the FunDay tombola. Steve agreed to measure one but estimated that they were 6ft by 2ft and 6ft by 2.5ft.
The Council has contacted the Group regarding its enquiries into the money left in Hilda Kitson's will for the benefit of the woods. The money has been allocated to other charitable causes however they are willing to work with the Group if there are needs for funds for work in the woods. Martin to circulate the e-mail for comment.
Martin has completed a survey sent by the North East Area Committee highlighted the ten things we thought were most important for the area.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 13 January 2013
Approximately 25 volunteers attended the Action Morning. The footpath was improved by the bath house and some path repairs carried out. A lot of litter was collected. The police also collected the bags of used cannabis plants that had been dumped in the woods and reported. A small additional Action Morning was later held to start digging the new pond.
- Sunday 10 February 2013
The Group has got 4 tons of stone to complete the Lord Mayor's path. Also work is needed to unblock the pathway that leads towards the litter bin. If there is enough volunteers a bench could be put in near the end of the carriageway. Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks for the coming year (subject to change):
- Sunday 10 March 2013
Stone is required to top us the middle path as it is getting boggy. Other work to include tree thinning and litter picking. Martin to ask John Mudd if he can help to transport the stone. Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road.
- Saturday 6 April 2013
- Sunday 12 May 2013
6. FunDay 2013
The date of the FunDay has been agreed as Saturday 8 June 2013. The Group is encouraged to start inviting acts and to think about any new acts.
The following acts are being considered and/or to be invited:
- Corpus Christie - Band has agreed to attend.
- Lion Learners - Have increased their price from £120 to £200.
- Morley Exotic Animals - Charge £300.
- Rob Roy Collins Escapologist - Charges £600.
- Noahs Ark - Joan agreed to find out the details for who attend St Gemma's Hospice events.
- Accordion Player - Mervyn suggested getting in contact with one.
- Daftasadrum - Confirmed.
- British Red Cross - Has been in contact asking if we require their services again, Carol to book.
- Birds of Prey - Waiting for confirmation.
- Priory Street Games Hire - Carol to investigate.
- Tombola - Prizes requested by Penny.
- Bottle Stall - Naomi suggested doing a Bottle Stall for the FunDay. She will contact someone who does this at St Matthew's Fair to find out the best way of doing it.
Martin invited the Group to comment on the acts and if they were worth the money or if we should look for alternatives.
7. AOB
- Groundworks
Martin has sent photographs to Groundworks regarding the quality of the signs and lack of preservative on the woodwork.
- Park Ranger Steve
Steve is unable to attend the AGM so provided an update to the Group. He thanked the volunteers for all their work in the woods. He also confirmed that the stewardship was still under discussion. There have been some changes in the Council and Doug Louie will be taking over responsibility for this. He will require a lot of paper work and copies of the Group's constitution, grant applications and an annual plan of the work it attends to do in the woods. Julian Cook will also require a copy of the annual plan.
- Yorkshire Gardens Trust
Joan is going to donate £20 to the Gledhow Conservation Group out of the £50 the Group were given for organising talks and walks in the woods with the Yorkshire Garden Trust members.
- Noticeboards
Joan informed the Group that Gledhow Conservation Group has applied for a grant to put up another two noticeboards in the woods.
- Permissions
Martin has applied for planning permission to remove a large laurel from the woods. Permission is needed as Gledhow Valley is a conservation area.
Members are invited to the AGM where food will be served at 7.30pm prior to the meeting.
8. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Feb 2013
- FGVW AGM - Fri 15 Feb 2013 (Three Hulats, 7.30pm)
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 4 Mar 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Mar 2013
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 1 Apr 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 6 Apr 2013
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 May 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 12 May 2013
- FunDay - Sat 8 Jun 2013