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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
15th May 2013
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Steve Johns.
1. Apologies for Absence
Mike Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th April 2013
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Audrey's Meadow
Plans for Audrey's meadow are on-going.
- FGVW Charitable Status
Paul is investigating giving the Group charitable status.
4. Correspondence
The Group has received an e-mail from a lady in Melbourne, Australia who has fond memories of the wood. She used to live in the area before moving to Australia and recently came on a visit. She was very impressed with the appearance of the woods and the signage.
5. Action Mornings
- Saturday 20 April 2013
The Action Morning was well attended and work took place on the Lord Mayor's path. A bench was also installed.
- Sunday 12 May 2013
A bench on the carriageway was cleared and a path built on either side of the bench.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 14 July 2013
Work to be completed in "Hilda's Wood" including path work. Some earth may need to be removed so that the stone can be delivered and wheel barrowed to the right area.
6. Lloyds Bank Volunteers on 9 May 2013
Lloyds Bank employees took part in a corporate volunteer day in the woods on 9 May.
The volunteers did an excellent job and worked very hard all day. They finished the woodwork on the path and used up 8 tons of stone. There were 22 volunteers from London, Leeds and Halifax and the Group is very pleased with the work that was completed, thought it was very worthwhile and hope to do it again.
Full risk assessments and health and safety announcements were carried out. Paul to look into our insurance to check we are covered for future events ourselves rather than relying on the Council.
7. Gledhow Valley Woods Management Plan
Leeds City Council has produced a management plan for the woods. It is a factual document about the area and it has been produced to help obtain funding from the Forestry Commission.
The Group raised a couple of issues including maintenance and removal of the lime trees and also if the footpaths will be maintained down Gledhow Valley Road as we have already lost one footpath. Martin agreed to raise these issues with the Council.
8. FunDay 2013
The date of the FunDay has been agreed as Saturday 8 June 2013.
- Permission LCC - E-mail conversation with Andrew Sykes. Booking and licensing nearly complete.
- Risk Assessment - MC to liase with Andrew at Events. Nearly complete.
- Tables, Chairs & Toilets - 45 tables and 100 chairs from Heere Events and 2 toilets from Convenience Hire all ordered. 8 more tables to come from Steve Clavering.
- Gazebos & Pop-ups - Need to be checked. Adrian has 8 gazebos and 1 pop-up, Trevor has 1 pop-up, Paul has 4.
- Grass Cutting - Manager at Potternewton Park, Julian Cook, to be informed. MC to liaise re grass cutting and fire extinguishers.
- Grants - Area Committee? Local councillors? Received £500 from floral fund.
- Posters - Need 80xA4. To be printed at SmallPrint.
- Programme - No.
- Flyers - 6000 needed to go to schools w/c 3 June or before due to Bank Holiday. Printing at SmallPrint. Distribution schools are Chapel A, St Matthews, Immaculate Heart, Moor Allerton, Gledow, Kerr Mackie, Bracken Edge, Talbot, plus the new Roundhay school.
- Guillotine - No longer needed, cutting to be done by SmallPrint.
- Refreshments - Martin has e-mailed Tescos, and Adrian the Co-Op. Need as much home baking as possible. Please encourage all our supporters.
- PA system - Pete to hire.
- Parachute Game - John and Jenny confirmed to run game. Adrian to bring game.
- Corpus Christie Band - Confirmed. Cost £50 via Martin.
- Magician Jon - Confirmed. Cost £120.
- Street Entertainer - Steve Faulkner confirmed. Cost £300.
- LCC Forestry and Chainsaw - No.
- Morley Exotic Animals - Confirmed. Cost £300.
- Noah's Ark - Joan agreed to find out the details for who attend St Gemma's Hospice events.
- Accordion Player - No.
- Daftasadrum - Confirmed. Cost £120.
- British Red Cross - Quoted £80. Carol has booked.
- Birds of Prey - Confirmed.
- Tombola and Raffle - Prizes requested.
- Bottle Stall - Naomi will be running a bottle stall. Donations of full bottles requested (approx. 75ml).
- Indie Ices - No, but donated 2 raffle prizes.
- Radish - Confirmed.
- Ice Cream Van - Naomi and Mike to investigate.
- FGVW Display - Adrian to paint a map of the woods so people can make suggestions.
- Coconut Shy/Tin Can Alley Games - Three Hulats Matt, Kelly and Bridie.
- Whack-a-Rat - No.
- T-shirt design - Martin.
- Firefighters - Confirmed.
- Police/PCSOs - Confirmed.
- Beekeeper - David accepted.
- Sue Charlton - Hedgehog care?
- Keighley Hedgehog Sanctuary - No.
- Tadpoles/Frogs - No.
- Bird Information - Linda has confirmed.
- Lion learners - No.
- Bird boxes - Mervyn.
- Plants for Sale - Joan, Gladys and Margaret.
- Clay Modelling - Adrian to obtain clay if we can get a volunteer to run stall.
- Woodcraft folk - No.
- Skelton Grange - No information yet.
- Face Painters - 2 confirmed.
- Henna Artist - No.
- Tailwaggers Display Team - No.
- Turns/timetable - ?
- Roping Off - ?
- Radish - Confirmed.
- Gledhow Allotments - Only selling produce.
- Wishing tree - No.
- Gledhow Conservation Group - Confirmed.
- Friends of Allerton Grange - ?
- REAP - To be invited by Paul.
- Moortown Community Group - ?
- Leeds Homeopaths - ?
- Straw Bales - With Jim's help.
- Woodchip Piles - Martin.
- Entrance Banner - No.
- Meanwood Urban Farm - No.
- Mayor/Councillors - Mike has invited the local Councillors, only one confirmed.
- Setting Up - At 7am.
9. AOB
- Memorial Benches
Avril, Audrey and Geoff's benches left to do. Another bench is due to be put in at the top of the lake.
- FGVW Signs
The Group will order 2 signs with specific instructions that a good quality yacht varnish needs to be used.
- Steve Clavering Retiring
Steve is retiring from his role as a Parks & Countryside Ranger. If anyone would like to join him for drinks he will be in The Grove pub near the dark arches in Leeds on the evening of 28 May 2013.
- Bottle Donations
Naomi is doing a bottle stall at the FunDay and is requesting donations of bottles of drink.
- Play Area
Steve suggested using tree stumps to make a small pay area for young children to jump and play on. The Group will ask for the Council's permission.
- The Naturalist
Martin has had an article published in Issue 138 of The Naturalist on "The Gledhow Valley Woods Nest Box Scheme".
10. Dates of Next Meetings
- FunDay - Sat 8 Jun 2013
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 8 Jul 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 14 Jul 2013