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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
14th October 2013

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Mike Betteridge, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jenny Page, Christine Osborne, Lyn Aspland, Chris Chaganis, Miranda Stedd.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th September
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. FGVW Christmas Cards
  2. FunDay 2014
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Paul Ellis, Peter Foulston.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 16th September

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Waitrose Community Grants
    Jenny has applied for a Waitrose Community Grant on behalf of the Group.
  • Brackenwoods Meadow
    Joan asked if Pete had responded to the lady who had e-mailed the Group complaining about the state of the meadow. Martin has established that the area is the responsibility of Leeds North East Homes and they have agreed to cut the meadow by the end of the month.
  • Display Boards
    The Council have asked for the return of the display boards used on the Heritage Open Day.

4. Correspondence

The Group has received a newsletter from Leeds Parks & Green Spaces Forum. There is a meeting on Thursday at 12.30pm at the Pudsey Park Visitor Centre. Martin will try and attend.

The Group received an e-mail from Chris Chaganis and Miranda Stedd concerning one of the entrances to the woods. This was covered in any other business (see below).

5. Action Mornings

  • Saturday 21 September 2013
    We had 20 volunteers who worked very hard barrowing stone to finish the path. The Group has completed 100 metres of path at a cost of around £3,000.
  • Sunday 13 October 2013
    It was very wet but the volunteers cut the meadow at the bottom of the lake with a scythe. One bench was raised and some tree thinning took place. Unfortunately, some volunteers got stung very badly when they disturbed a wasps nest. First aid was administered at the scene and was logged in the accident book. There were 29 volunteers including a lot of children who planted bulbs. Almost 6 bags of bulbs were used.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 17 November 2013
    Some path will be repaired with chicken wire and new edging as it has worn out. Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane.
  • Sunday 15 December 2013

6. FGVW Christmas Cards

Adam has ordered the Christmas cards. The Group has ordered fewer this year than previous years so that we can change the designs more frequently, although the profit margins will be smaller.

7. FunDay 2014

The date of the next FunDay has been set for 14 June 2014.

8. AOB

  • Entrance Near the Old Butler's House
    Christine Osborne (of the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group) passed on an e-mail from Chris Chaganis, one of our local residents, concerned over the state of one of the entrances into the woods. It is a shared access route to the woods and his house, which used to belong to the butler of Gledhow Hall. Chris is keen to tidy the area and improve the driveway and asked FGVW and the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group for their thoughts on how best to approach this.
    Both Groups discussed various options. Christine suggested making it an enhancement area and offered to assist with funding and obtaining any grants. It was suggested that Chris apply to the Roundhay Council for a grant. Martin agreed to do a site visit to suggest what could be done in the area. Chris is happy to do the work but would like to get the correct permissions and advice first.
  • Friends of Gipton Woods AGM
    Christine Osborne attended the AGM and the issue of magpies and rats was raised. There are a lot of rats in the woods and Christine asked what the protocol was for their removal. In the past, FGVW has requested a rat-catcher but this has had limited success. This year has been a successful year for the rats as we have a bumper crop of beech nuts in the woods. Martin agreed to contact the Council to get some advice.
  • Suggested Work for the Group
    Mike suggested some projects for the Group including: cutting back vegetation in the old car park and un-bunging the drains to prevent flooding; clearing the area of Audrey's meadow; cutting back the laurel over one of the benches; repairing the worn out path near the old car park and Gledhow Lane. The Group already has permission to cut back the laurel. There are issues with the worn out path as it is near water and the Group are not permitted to work in the water. Martin is struggling to obtain the 3 quotes the Council need before work can start on Audrey's meadow.
  • Broken Wall
    A wall has been knocked down in a car accident. The Council has been informed but no work has yet been carried to repair it.
  • Leeds North East Homes Grant
    Adrian has applied for a grant from Leeds North East Homes.
  • Bulbs
    Lyn Aspland suggested the Group visited Merlin's Ground Works on Saturday to obtain some free bulbs available to groups such as ours.
  • Christmas Events
    The Group will be selling FGVW merchandise at:
    - Oakwood Farmers Market: Saturday 16 November 9.00am-12.30pm
    - Three Hulats Farmers Market: Sunday 24 November 9.00am-12.30pm
    - St Matthew's Christmas Fair: Saturday 30 November 10.30am-12.30pm
    - Roundhay School Christmas Fair: Saturday 30 November 10.30am-1.00pm.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 11 Nov 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 17 Nov 2013
  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2013
  • FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2014

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