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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
11th November 2013

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Mike Betteridge, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jenny Page.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th October
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. FGVW Christmas Cards
  2. Risk Assessments
  3. AOB
  4. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th October

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Brackenwoods Meadow
    Pete has responded to the lady who had e-mailed the Group complaining about the state of the meadow. Martin established that the area is the responsibility of Leeds North East Homes and that they agreed to cut the meadow by the end of the October, however this has not been done. Martin agreed to contact them again.
  • Leeds Parks & Green Spaces Forum Meeting
    Martin attended a meeting held by Leeds Parks & Green Spaces. There were a lot of different groups in attendance and it provided good networking opportunities.
  • Update on Chris and Miranda
    Chris and Miranda attended last month's meeting to ask the Group's advice on clearing up a public access point to their house and the woods. Martin did a site visit with Chris and agreed what needed doing. Chris has completed all the work himself and improved the access in keeping with the woods.
  • Audrey's Meadow
    Martin has received a second quote, from BTCV, but we are still struggling to get the third quote necessary for the Council to approve the work.
  • Successful Grants
    Adrian has secured a grant from Leeds North East Homes and the Group has won a £500 grant from the Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving program. Martin has received £250 from Northern Rail to be used to increase the number of bird boxes in the woods.
  • Groundworks
    Joan has been working on getting the Group on the Groundworks list to receive free bulbs each year, with limited success.
  • Laurel Removal
    The Group hired John Mudd to cut down some of the laurel. This has been very successful and the Group is considering cutting back more laurel.
  • Damaged Path
    The path near Gledhow Lane which was damaged by the Council has now been repaired by them.

4. Correspondence

Martin attended the meeting at the Leeds Parks & Green Spaces Forum. He met with representatives from other local volunteer groups and brought back plenty of information.

The Group received an e-mail from the Pavilion Arts Group. They are interested in local wells, spa water and the bath house. They are meeting on Thursday 5 December and would like someone to get in touch and give a talk on the subject. The Group has put them in contact with Elaine.

The Group has received an e-mail from BBC radio looking for information on the VAD Hospital at Gledhow Hall. Adam has put them in contact with someone who provided photos of the hospital for the web site and who knows more about the local history.

Friends of Geoff have bought some FGVW merchandise to pass on to Geoff and his family since they moved out of the area.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 13 October 2013
    20 metres of chicken wire and 4 tons of stone were used to repair the path. The muddy area at the bottom of the steps was also looked at.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 17 November 2013
    Work will begin on fixing the wall and building paths. Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane.
  • Sunday 15 December 2013

6. FGVW Christmas Cards

Adam has chased up the Christmas card order and they should arrive this week in time for the various Farmers markets and Christmas Fairs.

7. Risk Assessments

Paul has been having difficulty renewing our insurance with BTCV. This has led to the Group assessing the Risk Assessments that are in place. The Group has Risk Assessments for Actions Mornings, the FunDay and the Bath House Open Day. The latest versions were agreed on 1 January 2013 and were signed off by Leeds City Council. These are due to be reviewed on 31 December 2013. Martin gave out copies of the assessments and asked members to raise any issues or comment on any updates or amendments.

Joan raised the issue of working with children and stressed to the Group that all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and that no members of the Group should be left alone to work with a child.

Following the incident with a wasp nest at a recent Action Morning the Risk Assessment will be updated to state that anti-histamine is carried in the First Aid Box.

Martin asked the Group to provide comments for the next meeting and these would be passed on to the Council. We expect to receive updated signed off copies ready for 1 January 2014.

Martin also agreed to ask members of other Groups if they were having similar issues.

8. AOB

  • Christmas Party
    Martin asked the Group if they would like to have a Christmas Party at The Three Hulats. A date of Friday 13 December has been proposed.
  • Steps Near the Bridge
    Adrian raised the issue of the quality of the steps near the bridge. Some of the area around the steps is being dug out by dogs making it unstable. The area needs to be filled in.
  • Feeding the Ducks
    Sacks full of bread rolls have been left in the woods for the ducks. Although the Group has no concerns about feeding the ducks it is asking residents to take care over the volume of bread being left as this is attracting a large number of rats, which is becoming an issue.
  • Yorkshire Water
    Mervyn has reported the poor state of the water course and sanitary debris hanging on nearby trees etc. to Yorkshire Water. Someone from Yorkshire Water has agreed to meet Mervyn for a site visit at the beginning of December.
  • Brackenwoods Meadow
    The Group has received another complaint about the state of Brackenwoods Meadow.
  • Dead Foxes
    A number of dead foxes have been found in the woods and near Gledhow Valley Road. Joan reminded the Group that when these are reported it should take 24 hours for them to be removed, although in some cases this has been taking up to 2 weeks.
  • Benches Vandalised
    Some of the benches in the woods have been sprayed with graffiti. The Group will look into cleaning these up. A new bench has arrived and a plaque has been ordered.
  • Steve Update
    Steve is making good progress following his accident and is nearly off crutches.
  • Christmas Events
    The Group will be selling FGVW merchandise at:
    - Oakwood Farmers Market: Saturday 16 November 9.00am-12.30pm
    - Three Hulats Farmers Market: Sunday 24 November 9.00am-12.30pm
    - St Matthew's Christmas Fair: Saturday 30 November 10.30am-12.30pm
    - Roundhay School Christmas Fair: Saturday 30 November 10.30am-1.00pm.

9. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 17 Nov 2013
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 99 Dec 2013 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2013
  • FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2014

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