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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
9th December 2013
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn Clayton, Mike Betteridge, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jenny Page, Naomi Watts-Kitto.
1. Apologies for Absence
Joan Clayton, Paul Ellis, Adrian Coltman.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 11th November
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Brackenwoods Meadow
Martin has been in contact with Leeds North East Homes who have agreed to cut the meadow.
4. Correspondence
The Group received an e-mail from Bill Dibley who used to live in the area with his family. He enjoys receiving the Group's e-mail updates and thanked the Group for the work being done.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 17 November 2013
4 tons of stone were used in path repair. Around 30 volunteers attended the event.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 15 December 2013
Work will begin on fixing the wall and building paths. Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Gledhow Lane. Some work will be carried out near the second entrance at the Brackenwoods end. Holes need to be dug ready for the two new noticeboards to be put in near the Bath House and old car park. A large Poplar tree has fallen down and needs to be cut up.
- Sunday 12 January 2014
- Sunday 16 February 2014
- Saturday 15 March 2014
- Sunday 13 April 2014
- Sunday 4 May 2014
6. FGVW Christmas Cards
The Group has sold around 90 packs of the new Christmas cards. They will also be available at the next Action Morning. Volunteers attended stalls at the Oakwood Farmers Market, Three Hulats' Farmers Market, Roundhay School Christmas Fair and St Matthew's Church Fair. Sales at the Three Hulats were three times greater than the previous year.
7. Risk Assessments
The latest versions were agreed on 1 January 2013 and were signed off by Leeds City Council. These are due to be reviewed on 31 December 2013. The Group has reviewed the risk assessments and made various comments and amendments especially relating to bee and wasp stings. Mervyn suggested that the sign in book should include a column so that volunteers could sign out too. The Group also need more trained first aiders. There was also a comment regarding the Ranger giving safety talks at the start of the Action Morning. The Group currently doesn't have a Ranger so Martin agreed to check this with the Council.
The Risk Assessments have been used to renew our insurance with BTCV.
Martin will send our comments to the Leeds City Council so that they can be agreed and signed off for another year.
8. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Nominations are invited for the positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. If you would like to nominate anyone please contact Martin.
The proposed date for the AGM is Friday 24 January 2014, to be confirmed.
9. AOB
- FGVW Christmas Party
A Christmas Party has been arranged at The Three Hulats for Friday 13 December.
- Logs Near the Lake
The logs near the bottom end of the lake are disintegrating and there is the potential danger of vehicles gaining access to the meadow. The Group suggested that the fallen horse chestnut tree on Allerton Grange Way be used to replace the logs. Martin to raise with Leeds City Council.
- FGVW Merchandise
A few people at the fair thought that the coasters were notelets. Diane suggested doing some FGVW notelets and also notepads. Adam agreed to investigate prices. Also it was suggested that the Group buy a new banner stating that all the proceeds went towards work in the woods so that people knew where the money was spent.
- Yorkshire Water
Mervyn attended a site visit with Yorkshire Water to show them the debris along the water course. The screen on Harrogate Road is faulty again and toilet debris is going into the woods. Yorkshire Water agreed to clean up the mess and action the Harrogate Road repairs. The area near Brakenwoods is also being looked at as it is believed to be faulty.
- Future FGVW Christmas Cards
It has been suggested by a volunteer that it would be good to see a Christmas card with volunteers working in the woods in the snow.
10. Dates of Next Meetings
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 Jan 2014 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 12 Jan 2014
- AGM - Fri 24 Jan 2014
- Action Morning - Sun 16 Feb 2014
- Action Morning - Sat 15 Mar 2014
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Apr 2014
- Action Morning - Sun 4 May 2014
- FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2014