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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
10th February 2014

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Jenny Page.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 6th January
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Planned Work for 6 Months
  1. Selected Felling 2014-2015
  2. Gledhow Triangle
  3. FunDay 2014
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adrian Coltman, Mike Betteridge, Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 6th January

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Brackenwoods Meadow
    Leeds North East Homes have cut the meadow.
  • FGVW Banners & Merchandise
    Martin still to agree the wording of the new banners with Paul.
  • Leeds Forum
    Martin attended the latest Leeds Forum that includes community groups from all over the region. The focus this month was on insurance. There were large differences in the amounts being paid by different groups and there were discussion to take a more uniformed approach.
  • Risk Assessments
    Martin has been in contact with the Council to get the amendments to our risk assessments agreed. In the meantime the Group can still continue with its work.
    The AGM was successful and well attended.
  • Display Boards
    Mervyn has been sanding, preserving and improving the display boards one at a time. This should mean that they last much longer.

4. Correspondence

Leeds City Council is promoting the Royal Horticultural Garden Society and the Group has ben invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday 12th February.

The Group has received a request for a memorial bench for a local resident who has recently died. Martin agreed to e-mail them back regarding where it needs to be situated as there are only limited places left where we could put one. It was suggested that a plaque could be put on one of the existing benches.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 12 January 2014
    There was a big litter pick near Allerton Grange Way. It was suggested that this is done once a year during winter when there is less vegetation. Over 20 volunteers attended the event.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 16 February 2014
    It was proposed to do beech thinning this month before the bluebells start to come through. Work will take place near to the Bath House. Martin to arrange for some limestone to be delivered to repair the path in the area. All volunteers to meet at the end of the lake.

  • Saturday 15 March 2014
    There was a proposal to do some path repairs.

  • Sunday 13 April 2014
  • Sunday 4 May 2014

6. Planned Work for 6 Months

Leeds City Council has asked the Group to submit a plan of the work they intend to do over the next 6 months. Martin has met with Elaine and Justin and agreed to do path work repairs, beech thinning, litter picking, repairing the path and raising the benches around the lake.

7. Selected Felling 2014-2015

Justin at the Council would like to continue with the work started on the trees a few years ago. The proposed plan is for Justin to mark the trees that can be felled by a contractor. Trees will be felled in small clusters to promote diversity, bird life and more open spaces to allow other vegetation to grow. Some areas will be replanted. Justin has agreed to do a site visit to answer any questions and concerns that local residents may have. Martin to agree some dates when the visit can take place.

8. Gledhow Triangle

Some members of the Group raised concerns at the AGM that the residents in Gledhow Lane were going to receive a Wellbeing Grant from the Council of £6,000 to work on the land behind the flats and fell the trees in the area. Other residents had complained about this to the Council. Although the Group has not been involved in this decision they are concerned about the lack of consultation with local residents on this community space project. The Group has also received e-mails from concerned residents. The Group felt that local residents should have been consulted on how best to use the woods and surrounding area.

Martin updated the Group on what had been happening. Many residents had complained to the Council about the lack of consultation and a Save the Trees, Bats and Owls Group has also complained about the felling of trees. The grant was originally issued to lift the crowns on 3 trees, remove a dead tree and for benches, gardens and to make the area suitable for growing produce for use by the local community.

The Council has now put the grant on hold until a public meeting is held to resolve any differences. Although FGVW is not connected to this work they are interested in the outcome as it is in the area.

9. FunDay 2014

There was a proposal to make the FunDay smaller and more manageable with simpler activities for children to take part in, and more hands-on stalls.

Everyone has been asked for ideas of new things to do at the FunDay and to ask if there are any local (not too expensive) bands interested in coming.

Jenny suggested badge making and making animal masks, and Mervyn suggested hiring some outdoor games. It was agreed that some activities should continue such as birds of prey, face painters, plants, building nest boxes and the Red Cross.

Martin agreed to contact the Council to obtain permission for the event.

10. AOB

  • New FGVW Merchandise
    Naomi had done a lot of research and obtained prices and samples for new merchandise to show the Group. The most popular choices were for pocket notebooks, bookmarks and a calendar. The Group agreed that it would be good to get small volumes of these to see how they went. New photographs are needed for a calendar as well as a possible sponsor(s).
  • Drainage
    Trevor had contacted Councillor Jane Dowson regarding the blocked drains on Gledhow Valley Road and surrounding area. These have now been cleared with the exception of two near the old carriageway.
  • FGVW on Twitter
    Adam has set up a Twitter account for FGVW and added links on the website.
  • Conservation Display Boards
    Joan had received an e-mail from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group stating that they had two display boards to be put up in the area. However, a resident had complained about the location of one of the boards so the Council are now looking at alternatives.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 16 Feb 2014
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 10 Mar 2014 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sat 15 Mar 2014
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Apr 2014
  • Action Morning - Sun 4 May 2014
  • FunDay - Sat 14 Jun 2014

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