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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
16th Mar 2015
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Diane & Trevor Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Jenny Page, Malcolm Robertson, Stephen Johns, Geoff Holden, Adam Bowler, Peter Dennis, Dan Frank, Phil Meadley, Lucy Evans.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Michael Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th February 2015
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Business Plan
Meeting to be arranged with Justin Williamson from Leeds City Council to agree the business plan that will show what work the Group will be doing in the woods for the rest of the year.
- Grants
Adrian confirmed that the MICE money application has been received by the Council and is being processed. The money will be used for a path improvement plan.
4. Correspondence
Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group asked if they can have a stall at the FGVW FunDay in June.
The Council notified the Group that it is too late to change the management of the grass verges this year. They are thinking of taking a more "relaxed" approach to cutting them and are carrying out an investigation with Leeds University that looks promising.
There have been some press articles regarding litter prompting David Hockney to release artwork of a landscape in Woldgate that inspired him after it had been blighted by fly-tipping.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 22 February 2015
The laurel has been cut down by the Council. 25 volunteers attended the Action Morning and helped to clear away the cut laurel. Audrey's Meadow was also cleared and the brambles were cut back. An injury was logged in the accident book when Malcolm slipped while going uphill with a wheelbarrow and hit his head.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 22 March 2015
Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road. The 105 trees donated by The Woodland Trust will be planted. There was a discussion whether to plant them in the area where someone keeps dumping cannabis plants to try and stop this or whether bigger and stronger plants were needed for this. The trees could also be used to finish off the work started when the Group previously received free trees form the Trust. There is also some tree thinning to do and the waste could be used to make wildlife habitats. Some volunteers will also look at the wall to see what can be done to fix it.
- Saturday 11 April 2015
6. Green Leeds Application
Martin has submitted an application to Green Leeds for wildflower plugs and nest boxes. This should help with Audrey's Meadow and replacing rotting bird boxes.
7. Audrey's Meadow
All existing plants have been removed and it is now ready for planting. The Group has 3 main options to choose from:
- The Council could spray the area to reduce weeds and then rotate and leave until 2016 to plant.
- The Council could treat the soil, leave for three weeks, rake and then we could plant later.
- The Council could treat the soil, rake and we could plant immediately.
The Group has decided to invite pupils from Gledhow School to help with any planting.
The advantage of leaving a year is that it will get rid of any perennials, however it will look bare for a year. The spray kills the plants but doesn't affect the ground as it is non-toxic. The Groups preference is to do something this year and plant things. Also depends on what we plant as they may have to compete with weeds.
All options would involve one spray. The Group has concerns over weeds and brambles breaking through and may need some work doing in the short term but it was agreed that we need something self-sustaining. A recommendation was made to put up some signs to explain to the community what the Group were doing. It was suggested to put in some annuals but look at number 3 as an option for most of the area.
8. Averil's Benches
Averil has requested four benches that need to be ordered and put in for her. The Group would like some volunteers to help put them in when they arrive.
9. Elaine Hill Leaving
Elaine Hill, a longstanding Parks & Countryside representative from the Council and friend of the Group is leaving her job and Leeds. She would like to invite the Group to attend her leaving party at the Three Hulats, date to be confirmed. The Group discussed what they could get her as a leaving present and to thank her for her work with the Group and the woods. Elaine has also said that a new ranger will be attending the Group's Action Mornings.
10. FGVW FunDay 2015
Stephen Johns is arranging the FunDay this year.
- Application - The application to use the field and for the event has been submitted to Leeds City Council.
- Community Groups - Last year the Group decided to make the event much smaller and put on more games and activities for children so we did not invite any of the Community groups. Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group has been in contact to ask if they can attend. After a lot of discussion the Group decided not to invite community groups again this year. Stephen agreed to write to them and let them know.
- Toilets - Stephen has got a quote.
- Chairs and Tables - Stephen has got a quote. Adrian asked for a copy of the quotes so that he could apply for a grant to cover the costs.
- Morley Exotic Animal Rescue - Has been booked.
- Face Painters - 2 face painters have been booked (with a possible back-up).
- Beekeepers - Have been booked.
- Birdwatching - Have been booked.
- Radish - Has confirmed.
- Parachute Game - Jenny and John have confirmed. Diane to ask the school if we can borrow a parachute.
- Talon Falconry - Are 95% sure they can come.
- REAP - Paul to check if REAP would like a stall as they give the Group one at their farmers market during the year.
- Bands - Stephen has been in contact with some bands. The Ukulele band has been in contact. He has also had suggestions for Jazz Voices and Corpus Christie Band (Joan agreed to contact). Alwoodley Community Choir has also been in contact due to a press article. Other suggestions include Blue Shark, Alistair Barton and Little Burley Band. Someone also mentioned that there was a band event happening on the same field as the FunDay but no one had any details.
- Magician - To book. Steve to contact Martin.
- Ice Cream Van - Mike to contact.
- Indie Ices - Adam to contact.
- Mayor/Councillors/MP - Mike to contact.
- Police and Fire Officers - Adrian to contact.
- British Red Cross - Carol to contact.
- North East Homes - Adrian to contact.
- About My Area/Hook a Duck - Adam to contact.
- PA System - Pete to arrange.
- Posters/Flyers - Will need to be in schools start of June after half term. The Group need to get some printing quotes as the previous printer has gone out of business.
- Refreshments - Needed.
- Plants - ???
- Birdboxes - ???
- Daftasadrum - To be invited.
- Tombola - ???
- Can the Councillor - Paul.
- Tin Can Alley - Diane.
- Rangers - Can they do bug hunts, wood walks, finding things in the woods?
- Raffle - Adam has a list of which businesses have previously donated and who needs a blank voucher if they donate again.
- Willow Craft - Peter.
- FGVW Display - Adrian has all the information on the Group and the slides and photos.
- Circus Skills - Steve to check with Martin.
Paul suggested Bug Life and Yorkshire Composters might like to get involved.
Joan reminded everyone that any visitors needed to bring their risk assessments with them to the event.
Suggestion to put all the children's activities together in one tent as a kids craft tent., also to include t-shirt designing.
Adrian has had an idea for getting the community involved in painting a board that could be put up in the woods.
It was also suggested to e-mail schools to see if any pupils working for their Duke of Edinburgh Award would like to volunteer to help on the day.
Steve to drop a note round to confirm who is doing what for the FunDay.
11. AOB
- FGVW Accounts
Paul stated that the Group has over £12,000 in its current account that includes some MICE money from the Roundhay Councillors to spend on some path work in the Roundhay constituency.
- Hilda's Wood
Geoff informed the Group that part of Hilda's Wood was being used as a tipping ground and needed some work to get it cleared up. He has tried to get the Council to clear it up but they have cleaned up the wrong area and so he is trying to persuade them to come back and get rid of the more difficult items.
- Photos of the Woods for FGVW Merchandise
A few members of the Group went to see Naomi to view and select the photos to be used for possible FGVW notelets and Christmas cards.
12. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 22 Mar 2015
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 13 Apr 2015 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 11 Apr 2015