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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
7th Dec 2015

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Jenny Page, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adrian Coltman, Paul Ellis, Steve Jones-Blackett, Adam Bowler, Phil Meadley, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 26th Oct 2015
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  1. Christmas Fair Takings
  3. Site Allocations Plan/Planning Application
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Mike Betteridge, Malcolm Robertson, Geoff Holden.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 26th Oct 2015

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • The grill for the inner door of the Bath House has been fitted and paid for by FGVW. It is still possible to get over the wall into the bath area but it is no longer possible to get into the adjoining room. Mervyn would like to repair the door itself and has secured some oak.

4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

It was noted that cannabis is becoming a consistent problem with 12 bags of plants dumped in the woods recently. Also a wardrobe has been found dumped in the woods.

  • Sunday 1 November 2015
    There were 49 volunteers including adults, children and scouts. Conservation volunteers also came and Adrian did meadow cutting with them. 1,060 bulbs were planted. One of the scythes has broken and needs repairing. A lot of brambles were cleared. The custard donuts didn't get eaten.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 13 December 2015
    2 tons of stone to be delivered so that paths can be repaired. The Group also has netting if required and there are enough volunteers. There is lots of litter in the woods especially in "Hilda's Wood" going up towards Roundhay School. The Group may borrow a leaf blower to clear the path beforehand.

Provisional Action Morning dates for 2016:

  • Sunday 10 January 2016 (now confirmed)
  • Saturday 13 February 2016
  • Sunday 13 March 2016
  • Sunday 3 April 2016
  • Sunday 8 May 2016

6. Christmas Fair Takings

  • Oakwood Farmers Market £ 77.00 (despite very bad weather)
  • Chapel Allerton Green Fair £ 79.50
  • St Matthew's Christmas Fair £ 76.00
  • Three Hulat's Farmers Market £ 90.00
  • Roundhay School Christmas Fair £ 45.30

The Group may attend the Three Hulat's Farmers Market on 20th December.

There are not many 2015 Christmas cards left.


Date to be confirmed by Martin.

8. Site Allocations Plan/Planning Application

Steve updated the Group on developments with the planning application. A site inspection was carried out on 23rd November. Some of the claims in the application were tested as the inspector timed the walk to the nearest bus stop and also drove to the nearest shops. Steve suggested that the Group contact a local solicitor in Chapel Allerton and mount a challenge that the land is unsuitable for building, as previously decided by the Council. Steve would also like to meet with Christine Osborne of the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group. A decision on the application is expected to be made 4 weeks from the site inspection but there may be a delay due to Christmas.

The site inspection was a fact finding mission only so interested parties were not invited, although 6 members of the Diocese were there for access to the land. Allen Glen e-mailed Christine Osborne explaining the process, why the Groups weren't notified and what had happened on the visit. The Group agreed to keep an eye on this.

Joan also raised the issue of the drains where permission is needed from the owners of a neighbouring field. Also that the area on the site map it is L-shaped and cuts out the bottom of the field. The Group discussed who owned this land as it was not clear.

9. AOB

  • Steve updated the Group on what was happening with the plot of land near Gledhow School for interest as the Group has no involvement. A consultation has taken place on the possibility of the School expanding into a plot of land that is owned by Leeds City Council but which has been used by the community. The area has now been fenced off. The decision is currently on hold due to an application being made by the Friends of Gledhow Field.
  • An environmental consultant/engineer has moved into Gledhow Lane and Steve is hoping to speak to her about putting reed beds in the lake. This should help with silting and diversity, and would be inexpensive. There are also grants available. Steve to discuss a possible plan and then the Group will talk to the becks inspector about how it can be done. This could also help remove the toxins which make dredging the lake so expensive. Steve agreed to feed back to the Group once he had found out more.
  • The grant application for Tesco's needs to be in by 11th December. Martin agreed to have a look at it.
  • A leaflet has been printed by a third party promoting the wrong date for the Action Morning in December. This date was changed members were notified by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and on the web site so the Group did not think that they could do much more to let people know.
  • A large tree has fallen in the woods due to the storms and another is leaning on another tree. Steve has managed to remove one of the trees that had fallen previously.
  • The Group has run out of leaflets. Adam agreed to send the template to Steve to see if he could print any for us.
  • There are bags of rubbish to be collected at the Action Morning on Sunday.
  • A handrail needs fixing and the Group agreed to put this in the plans for 2016.
  • The wall at the bottom of Gledhow Lane has finally been fixed by Leeds City Council.
  • A blue plaque was unveiled at a ceremony at Chapel Allerton Hall. It was unveiled by Councillor Judith Chapman, Lord Mayor of Leeds with Christine Osborne from Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group and a few words from Linda Kitchin, Chair of Leeds Civic Trust and from Christine Osbourne and Dr Kevin Grady Director of Leeds Civic Trust.
  • Lyn is moving into the Brakenwoods area and is hoping to help the Group with keeping this area clear.
  • The Group needs some more black bin bags.
  • There are still a few Christmas cards to sell. Joan brought some to the meeting.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Dec 2015
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 4 Jan 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 Jan 2016
  • Action Morning - Sat 13 Feb 2016
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Mar 2016
  • Action Morning - Sun 3 Apr 2016
  • Action Morning - Sun 8 May 2016

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