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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
8th February 2016
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jenny Page, Adrian Coltman, Geoff Holden, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, Claire Standage, Stephen Johns
1. Apologies for Absence
Steve Jones-Blackett, Adam Bowler, Malcolm Robertson.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 4th Jan 2016
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- The Group raised questions over whether the Ghost Walk and James Bond events organised by Adam Bowler were going ahead. Martin understood that the events had been cancelled.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 10 January 2016
25 volunteers attended. A lot of repair work was done on the paths. It has been completed up to the top third now. There was a discussion whether to leave the un-adopted path to revert back to nature or to save it and do work on it to make it a proper path again. Trevor and Diane did some additional work on clearing one of the paths of leaves. A passing driver stopped to help them which was much appreciated and make a big difference.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Saturday 13 February 2016
It is hoped to do similar work as on the last Action Morning and continue with the path work. A sheet will need to be put down to put the stone on. 2-3 bags of stone are needed. Volunteers to meet opposite the "Horses' Field" but further up where the path goes into the Bracken Woods estate.
Provisional Action Morning dates for 2016:
- Sunday 13 March 2016
- Sunday 3 April 2016
- Sunday 8 May 2016
The AGM will take place at 7.30pm on Friday 11th March at The Three Hulats. Food will be provided. The AGM will be to receive annual reports and to elect officers. If there are any nominations for positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary please send them to the Chair before the meeting. All are welcome - please let the Chair know if you would like to attend.
7. Site Allocations Plan/Planning Application
The appeal for the planning application has been turned down. Some of the reasons were due to the distance to local services, the fact that the location is in a conservation area and in a green corridor. Steve is going to find out if they have a right to appeal again and is also looking to see if the land can be protected to prevent this happening again. It is still listed as unsuitable for building by the Council but this didn't stop the planning application form being made. The Group would like to look into options available to protect it from future building applications.
8. Community Woodland and PAWS (Plantation & Ancient Woodland) Restoration Events
Following on from the tree felling discussions in November last year John Williamson at Leeds City Council is interested in talking to members of the local community. Two events have been proposed on Wednesday 27th April. One is a daytime event from 9.30am to 4.30pm and the other is an evening event from 6pm until 8.30pm.
PAWS would like to restore the woods to what it was like originally. The Forestry Commission would like to discuss what the future might be. The event is to raise awareness for something to be done in the woods and to consult the community to prevent the situation we had last year happening again. Martin asked for feedback from the Group. The Group thought that it was a good idea but that the event was too long. It would be good if it could be done over two evenings. It would be a good education piece. Also leaflets would be needed and distributed to reach the wider community.
9. Reporting of Incidents
There was an accident at the last Action Morning caused by someone bringing in one of their own wheelbarrows that did not have rubber handles and had a flat tyre. It has been recorded in the Accident Book but it raised the issue of people bringing their own tools. The Group need to check that all tools used at Action Mornings are fit for purpose and remove them if not. The Group has got two new wheelbarrows.
There was also an incident on Saturday morning when a member of the Group witnessed a man throwing rubble into the beck. It highlighted the need for the Group to look at what to do when needing help in a hurry. The man throwing the rubble into the beck was challenged but he said it was his land at the end of his property so he could do what he wanted. He said it was to build an embankment, but the rubble was clearly intended to get washed away - eventually ending up in the lake. Joan phoned Land Drainage, the Council, Yorkshire Water and the Environment Agency on Saturday morning but no one was available. The final response from Leeds City Council was to call 101 for fly tipping. Diane has contacted Jane Dowson and sent photos.
10. North Leeds Greenway
Joan got in contact with Bhupinder who set up Friends of Allerton Grange Fields to ask about the notices in the field as she thought it would be good to do something similar in Gledhow Woods. She thought it would be good to put signs up in the meadow to explain the work that had been done so people were more mindful of walking all over the wildflower meadow while it was still developing.
Bhupinder sent details on an idea he is proposing for the area to make a "North Leeds Greenway" and making a Green Corridor to prevent building in unsuitable areas. He would like to get all local Groups involved and encourage the community to walk and cycle for health. It would also help with the Leeds application to be a City of Culture in 2023.
He would like to come and talk to local Groups about his idea. The Group agreed to invite him to one of the meetings to do a 20 minute presentation.
11. FGVW FunDay 2016
- Steven Johns has agreed to run the FunDay again this year. The date agreed is Saturday 18th June. Steve has started the process to get permission from Leeds City Council.
- Face painters - Do we want them? They are expensive and so it was suggested to leave them out for a year and see if they are missed. There was a suggestion to try something different. If anyone knows of an amateur face painter that could do it cheaply we may reconsider. A note could be put on Facebook asking if anyone knows someone.
- Bands - Corpus Christie have been in contact and keen to come again. Martin to find out about the "Bands in the Park" band that played the week after the FunDay last year.
- Magician and Circus Skills - To be invited.
- Morley Exotic Animals - To be invited.
- Talon Falconry was suggested again.
- Jenny agreed to find the contact details or the bat lady in Otley.
- Mervyn asked about inviting the Swan Centre.
- Meanwood Valley Farm was suggested.
- Martin to contact TCV regarding events.
- The "Chain Saw Man" was mentioned.
- There was a query over the candy floss lady and a concern over the gas canisters used, although she did have risk assessments.
- Martin to talk to Kay about doing the information tent and plants.
- Claire volunteered to do the raffle again. She also suggested some changes including announcing the winners herself and promoting the sponsors more.
- The Group was asked to start collecting for the Tombola.
- Adam agreed to ask the About My Area lady.
- Martin told the Group that Adam Bowler suggested Star Wars characters that he could book for a small fee and also arranging a wrestling event on the FunDay. The Group did not think that these were in line with the FunDay ethos but agreed to encourage Adam to come and help us.
12. AOB
- A draft leaflet has been produced by Adam and Steve. Martin to find out about prices.
- Peter Banks is one of our new Rangers. Joe Walker is also a new Ranger and Martin met him last week.
- A suggestion was raised for there to be more litter bins. There was a discussion over whether this would work and if we could have more signs about litter fines. Steve agreed to contact the relevant people.
- The bamboo is spreading very quickly. It was supposed to have been sprayed. Martin to discuss with the new Ranger.
- Jed has sent us some pictures for Christmas Cards. Steve said that we would need to select some in March for cards. Carol to send some of her own pictures to Joan. Martin suggested a sub-committee to decide which photos to use.
- A camper is leaving black bin bags of rubbish in the woods. Martin agreed to raise it with the Ranger.
- Joan asked what the Group thought about notices in the woods regarding the wildflower meadow. The Group agreed it was a good idea and Joan agreed to get some details.
- Geoff has bee trying to get the Council to remove rubbish near Brackenwoods with little success and no support from people in the local area who don't seem to care.
- Adam thanked Joan and Mervyn for their help in identifying where benches and bins were in the woods for the leaflet.
13. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 13 Feb 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 7 Mar 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Mar 2016
- Action Morning - Sun 3 Apr 2016
- Action Morning - Sun 8 May 2016