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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
28th March 2016

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Bhupinder Dev, Mervyn Clayton, Steve Jones-Blackett, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Jenny Page, David Miles, Adam Bowler, Phil Meadley, Adrian Coltman, Paul Ellis, Steve Johns, Melissa Ozcan, Hurol Ozcan.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th Mar 2016
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. North Leeds Greenway
  1. Community Woodland and PAWS (Plantation & Ancient Woodland) Restoration Events
  2. Land for Sale
  3. FGVW Christmas Cards
  4. FGVW FunDay 2016
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adam & Carol Bull, Mike Betteridge, Malcolm Robertson, Joan Clayton, Geoff Holden, Clare Standage, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 7th Mar 2016

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Regarding dog poo notices - Joan has been going round in circles with Vicky Nunns. Vicky referred us to the Allerton Grange Fields strategy. It is not entirely appropriate for us, however it does refer to putting up notices. Joan will send 3 sample posters to (Ranger) Joe Walker. The three posters were all received well at the meeting. It was thought appropriate to try 2 of the posters in the problem areas. Bhupinder suggested following people and alerting LCC dog wardens.

4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 13 March 2016
    A very busy morning - 36 volunteers attended. Mrs Hood's steps had the damaged posts replaced and a new handrail fitted. The top meadow next to the M62 path was cut back. Brambles were cleared from around the copse at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road. 3 tons of hardcore was used to top up the Lord Mayor's path.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 3 April 2016
    Please meet at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road. Work will include repairing Mrs Hood's steps and continuing with the path at the Lodge entrance. Martin and Mervyn to do some preparatory woodwork for said path.

Provisional Action Morning dates for 2016:

  • Sunday 8 May 2016

6. North Leeds Greenway

Bhupinder Dev introduced himself as Chair of Friends of Allerton Grange Fields. Allerton Grange Fields is a green space which includes an orchard, flower beds and "buzzing beds". They are working with Bug Life regarding wild flowers.

The proposed "Greenway" would connect the Arena Quarter in the City with Wigton Moor via green spaces and parks. It is supported by Friends groups and Councillors and will be an important part of the "Capital of Culture" bid. It will be a project Leeds can be proud of over 7 years with reference to history, nature conservation. There would be enhanced signage throughout, walking routes, cycling path and an opportunity to encourage sustainable modes of transport e.g. walking/cycling to schools and to the city centre.

Steve Jones-Blackett asked if Friends of Gledhow Fields were included in the proposal and gave a brief outline of their situation. The Greenway could unite Friends groups as well as other groups. Friends groups are naturally insular. There could be also an "Inner Greenway".

Sheepscar could be a challenge for the Greenway project. First meeting with LCC officers. A steering committee would be set up. Reps from Groups on it. Funding will hopefully fall into place. Bhupinder works for Bradford CC, working on a similar project from Bradford to Shipley, enhancing that corridor.

The Leeds Greenway would link up deprived communities with the suburbs. There could be a walking festival.

7. Community Woodland and PAWS (Plantation & Ancient Woodland) Restoration Events

The Group has been sent a flyer from the Ancient Woodland Restoration and Woodland Trust. Following on from the tree felling discussions in November last year John Williamson at Leeds City Council is interested in talking to members of the local community. Two events have been proposed on Wednesday 27th April. One is a daytime event from 9.30am to 4.30pm and the other is an evening event from 6pm until 8.30pm.

The Group fed back to the Trust stating they thought the event was too long and not everyone could get to an all-day mid-week event. The Group thought a smaller event would be more accessible to a larger number of the community. The response was that the event can't be changed at this point and will take place on 27th April. Details will be made available to anyone who would like to attend.

8. Land for Sale

One of the fields in the failed planning application along Gledhow Valley Road has been put up for sale. The Group felt it was important to try to control this asset to prevent development in the uncertain future. FGVW can't own land itself, but the Group wondered if the Wade's Charity might be interested? Phil Meadley thought there could be possible revenue from grazing.

The suggested price is £28,500. David Miles suggested that the money could be raised through crowd funding via social media. Lots of people are interested, and it could bring people together.

We need to be clear about the use of the field, which would be to leave it as it is with a view to encouraging wild flowers.

David had looked into registering the land as having community interest but this is not an option as it is a long process and we only have till April 22nd to try to buy the land.

There is a danger that a self-builder might get the field.

It was agreed that Paul Ellis, Steve Jones-Blackett and Phil Meadley would look at legal implications, fund raising, social media and the Wade's Charity to come up with a strategy to purchase the field.

9. FGVW Christmas Cards

The sub-group looking at the cards for this year had chosen 2 designs, however a very similar image to one of these is already being used by the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group. This means that we will used 1st and 3rd choice designs. Steve Jones-Blackett said that House of Cards would do the work and that next month would be a good time. Naomi Watts-Kitto to organise this. Thanks to Steve and Wendy Jones-Blackett for offering to produce the cards.

10. FGVW FunDay 2016

  • Loos, chairs + tables, permissions all in hand.
  • First Aid sorted.
  • Just Corpus Christi confirmed so far.
  • In touch with Circus Skills.
  • Magician still to contact.
  • Beekeeper, Start Birding and About My Area all confirmed.
  • Birds of Prey - Adam Bull to contact.
  • Face painter Ann couldn't help with a price reduction so unless we can find face painters, we will not be having them.
  • Morley Exotic confirmed.
  • TCV - still awaiting a decision.
  • Beat the Goalie - Adam Bowler still sorting.
  • Ice Cream man and Councillors/MP - Mervyn Clayton to ask Mike Betteridge to organise.
  • Nestboxes, smaller plant sale and games are all looking OK.

11. AOB

  • Adrian Coltman has booked the Bath House for the Heritage Open weekend in September.
  • Trevor Kitto asked if we could get more 30mph signs put up. Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe to investigate.
  • An old postcard of Gledhow Valley Road has been made available to the group by an ex resident of Gledhow Valley Road. Available for folk to look at. Martin Calvert to circulate.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 3 Apr 2016
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 2 May 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 8 May 2016

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