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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
4th July 2016
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Steve Jones-Blackett, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Adam Bowler, Phil Meadley, Steve Johns, Paul Ellis, Geoff Holden, Jenny Page, Kay McDowall, Malcolm Robertson.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Melissa Ozcan, Claire Standage, Michael Betteridge.
2. Minutes of the Meetings Held 4th May and 30th May 2016
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Regarding dog poo notices - Joan confirmed that the situation has improved since a bin was put in at the end of Gledhow Lane.
- Risk assessments have been agreed by Dan the Ranger.
4. Correspondence
A request has been received from Rob Bumby to cut back the bushes at the bottom of Little Switzerland as they are blocking the view for drivers and cyclists. The Group agreed to do this on the next Action Morning.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 8 May 2016
30 volunteers turned up and Mrs Hood's steps were repaired. Some work was also finished off on the top path. Work started on the steps near "Dorothy's Bridge".
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Saturday 9 July 2016
Please meet at the junction of Gledhow Lane and Gledhow Valley Road. Work will include repairing Mrs Hoods's steps. 8 tons of stone is due to be delivered. Limestone dust will be available for the steps. There is some repair work to do and path clearing by the gabions. There is also some holly to be removed although any volunteers will need to take care not to trample on the bluebells. Mervyn will be doing some preparation work on Saturday ready for the Action Morning on Sunday.
- Sunday 7 August 2016
- Sunday 25 September 2016
- Sunday 23 October 2016
May involve meadow cutting. Paul said he could get more scythes if needed for the meadow cutting as there would be 3 fields to complete.
- Sunday 20 November 2016
- Sunday 11 December 2016
6. Sale of Field 3 / Action on Field 2 - Update of meeting with Diocese / Ecological Survey / Bags of help
Sale of Field 3 - Paul reported that he had received confirmation from the Land Registry that the land now belonged to the Group. The expenses have been paid but there may be some additional transfer fees to come. Some of the money raised for the purchase has been transferred to the FGVW bank account but Paul needs to discuss with the bank how to transfer the money in the most efficient way. The Group also thanked Jenny for her support and help over buying the field.
Diocese Meeting - Steve Jones-Blackett attended a meeting with the Catholic Diocese and Councillor Fabian Hamilton. The trustees of the field 2 need to realise its full potential and are in no rush to sell or develop the land. They would ideally like to sell the land with planning permission to increase its value. In the meantime they are happy to leave as it is. Fabian suggested setting up a long term lease where the Group pay a small lease fee to look after the field but provide access to the House of Light. The Group had concerns about how much time and effort would be required from volunteers to do this for very little benefit. The Group agreed to thank the Diocese for the meeting but at this stage not to put forward any proposals. The Group decided to concentrate their efforts on getting Charitable Status before embarking on any other projects.
Ecological Survey - Kay is going to complete an ecological survey of the new field but requires a map of the area. Adrian and Paul both offered to help with this. Kay is hoping to complete the survey during July/August 2016.
Bags of Help - Martin has applied for a grant from Tesco's. Joan and Mervyn have been looking at hedgerow projects in the area and have been to view the "Caring for Life" one. They proposed fencing as a temporary measure to start to secure the field. They have been getting costs for both. Kay suggested livestock on the field but after discussion the Group decided this was too complicated due to water supply requirements, legality and costs.
The Group has been turned down for a Woodland Trust grant. The Group can re-apply in October.
Phil mentioned that he had been communicating with Wade's Charity and they had mentioned the possibility of a grant. He suggested we submit plans for the field such as developing a hedge around it of mixed hawthorn, crab apples, etc. but keep it mostly as pasture. The Group would need to put a proposal together and submit in stages as it is not clear how much money is available. The Group agreed that the field needed to be made secure but in a sympathetic manner to the surrounding area.
7. FGVW Christmas Cards
The Group now have a set of new Christmas cards due to the generosity of Steve Jones-Blackett. The large square Christmas cards are being sold for £3.50 per pack of 6 and all other cards at £3 per pack. They were available at the recent FGVW FunDay and will also be sold at the Chapel Allerton Festival and Bath House Open Day.
8. Temple Newsam Beekeepers
The Beekeepers are having to leave Temple Newsam and heard that the Group have purchased a field. They are looking for somewhere to be based and contacted the Group regarding using the field. The Group were happy to discuss using the field to encourage the bee population but did not think it was appropriate to build a club house on the site (the requested). The land has been bought for the community and to keep as pasture. The Group do not intend to allow any building on the site.
9. Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) Status
The Group is applying for CIO status. This was put on hold until after the FunDay. It was proposed to set up a small working group to take this forward, draft the application, decide on whether membership fees need to be introduced, agree the constitution, agree the number and names of trustees, etc. There will then be another EGM to agree and adopt the documents to take this forward to the next stage. The working group will consist of Paul Ellis, Kay McDowall, Adrian Coltman, Steve Johns, Steve Jones-Blackett and Martin Calvert. Adrian will agree a date at the end of July to meet at his house to discuss.
10. FGVW FunDay 2016 Debriefing
Steve Johns provided a debriefing of the FunDay and Paul provided the financial details.
- Steve thanked everyone for their help with the FunDay. The Group thought that it had gone really well.
- Both Bands were very good. The Roundhay Ukulele Orchestra would like to attend next year as they were already booked for this year. Corpus Christie Brass Band had to wait for the magician to finish his act so it was proposed to move the magician away from the bands so that we could have continuous music throughout the afternoon.
- The new book stall went well. There is a large supply of books remaining so they are going to be sold at a car boot sale to raise money for the Group. Any unsold books will be given to various charities in the area.
- Jenny thanked Adrian for the prize wheel as it had been very popular.
- Wendy's cards had sold very well.
- The new face painters worked well and it is hoped that they will be able to do it again next year.
- The circus skills performer has offered to do a performance next year.
- Paul requested that next year notes are put in the bags of money as he had difficulty identifying which money belonged to which stall. Adrian suggested zipped up envelope type bags which you can add names to.
- Steve asked to be added to the FGVW bank account to allow him to sign cheques to pay for turns at the end of the FunDay as Paul was under a lot of pressure with collecting money.
- Kay requested a larger map of the woods for the information tent and that the times of the Action Mornings be added to the dates on the leaflet.
- There were large queues for the hot drinks so the Group agreed to look at the layout and see if improvements could be made next year. The issue is with getting enough hot water at regular intervals.
- Everyone agreed that the PCSOs had been brilliant and were happy to mingle and chat with the community and help out with the stalls. Adrian has sent a thank you.
- Joan thanked everyone who had donated prizes and to Steve Jones-Blackett for providing the cards.
- Paul provided a breakdown of the money made on each of the stalls and the expenditure. The Group was unable to secure any grants this year but made an impressive surplus of £1,554.39, one of the highest over the years.
- The highest incomes were earned from refreshment donations, plants, raffle, cards, merchandise, book stall and bird boxes. The Group were surprised to see that the Hook a Duck was had raised over £100.
- The largest costs were for hiring the toilets, chairs and tables, etc. and for Morley Exotic Animals, Circus Skills and TCV. The largest reduction in cost from previous years was the face painters.
- A provisional date for the FunDay next year has been set as Saturday 17th June 2017.
11. AOB
- Joan updated the Group on the state of the beck. Maggie from the allotments has been contacting Yorkshire Water repeatedly about the beck. Yorkshire Water has agreed to look at it, including the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) if they can get agreement from Leeds City Council to close Harrogate Road to investigate.
- A group of Cub Scouts will be in the woods tomorrow at 6.45pm. If any members of the Group would like to help the meeting place is by the lack at Gledhow Park Drive.
- The Group will have a stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival on Saturday 3rd September 2016.
12. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 9 July 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 1 August 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 7 August 2016
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 11 September 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 19 September 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 25 September 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 17 October 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 23 October 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 14 November 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 20 November 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 5 December 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 11 December 2016
- FGVW FunDay - Saturday 17 June 2017 (provisional)