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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
14th November 2016
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Carol Bull, Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, Malcolm Robertson, David Miles, Jenny Page, Paul Ellis, Geoff Holden, Bob Wilson.
1. Apologies for Absence
Adam Bull and Joan Clayton.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th October 2016
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- The Woodland Trust grant application is ongoing.
- Joan has given Steve JB a map which shows the ownership of the lake to be Wade's Charity but there is still a question over ongoing maintenance and who is responsible. Leeds City Council may be looking after it.
- Steve JB has very kindly taken over looking after the merchandise for the Group from Adam Bull who has been doing it for 12 years.
- Mervyn has sent Vicki Nunns an e-mail regarding improved fencing around the bath house. Steve JB has also met Vicki who believes there may be some money available for materials towards the fence. Steve JB agreed to follow this up by e-mail. Mervyn has also shown someone in Vicki's office around the bath house and done all the measurements.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 23 October 2016
There were 39 volunteers. The top path was finished off and the meadow was scythed. Mervyn took a party of volunteers up to finish the path near the lodge house and the remaining stone was used.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 20 November 2016
It was planned to cut Audrey's meadow but it hasn't grown much and it may be too wet. Instead there is work to be done on the sycamores near the meadow to clear the sledging site, and brambles need to be cut back. Also, graffiti needs to be removed form the boards and paths need to be cleared. Volunteers to meet at the jetty by the lake.
- Sunday 11 December 2016
6. Charitable Status
Paul is transferring the field ownership over to the Group. We are starting to add the charity number to all the merchandise and it is on the website. There was an initial interim Trustee Meeting as we need to make sure we are meeting our objectives. This was held at 8pm on 7th November 2016 at 5, Gledhow Park Crescent and the trustees reported:
Management of FGVW
There will be 3 or 4 meetings a year, held prior to a Core Group Meetings, to ensure FGVW is fulfilling its charitable objectives, review sub-groups, costs and revenues, assets, membership applications and decide on major spending.
Any costs over £500 to be referred to the Trustees. FunDay costs to be agreed in advance, as per usual. Current funds stand at £6,431.89 in total, with no major outstanding costs.
The transfer of ownership is going ahead.
Our accounts template is in line with the requirements of the Charity Commission.
The TCV Community Network Insurance with Zurich has been renewed today at a cost of £266.16.
Membership of FGVW to be £5 a year or £50 for life membership. You need to be a member to become a Trustee and be able to vote at the AGM. Membership will run from January 1st to December 31st. Trustees will review new membership applications. You need to be a member by 31st December to vote at the following AGM. Half year membership will be available at the FunDay. We are not expecting a large membership.
Geoff Holden very kindly agreed to take on the role of Membership Secretary.
New Trustees
To be voted on at AGM via a ballot paper. The positions of Treasurer and Chair must be held by Trustees. New Trustees must be members of FGVW.
Report to Charity Commission
As FGVW is classed as a small charity, the annual report is a brief document.
We have received the password to access the Charity Commission website.
The Trustees continued by discussing the following at the meeting:
Notice of the AGM to be 24 days beforehand. There will be a closing date for new memberships. The AGM will be at the end of February. Membership is just for voting. Volunteers to Action Mornings do not need to be members.
The Group will be looking for Trustees at the next AGM.
Steve JB asked if the TCV insurance would cover a garden open day. Paul believes it is OK provided there is not more than 500 people in attendance. There are 8 events proposed over several locations so we would not be expecting over 500 people at each location at any one point in time.
7. Lake Action Group
David updated the Group on the work the Lake Action Working Group has been doing. He had hoped to have the terms of reference ready for the meeting but the meeting to discuss this was moved to tomorrow night. They have been doing research and bringing in everyone who can help us with the lake. Pippa Chapman, Professor of Geography at Leeds University, has been extremely helpful and enthusiastic along with the Groundwork Trust and Leeds City Council Parks and Countryside. They have also been in contact with people who can help with grants. They also have a meeting with Yorkshire Water so that any work carried out is not wiped out by pollution.
The working group is developing a plan to cover the issues of dredging, quality of water, reed beds, historical significance of lake, improving the entrance and improving the habitat and environment.
The next stage is to come back to the Group with a draft outline and to consult with the Group and wider community and Councillors about getting the work done. We are looking at doing this over 2 to 3 years. Martin thanked Dave and the working group for getting the right people involved and for the huge amounts of progress on this.
The electronics for the Central Sewage Overflow (CSO) have been damaged on Kings Lane. There is also a problem with pollutants from the Bracken Woods area. Yorkshire Water is investigating and using dyes to track where it is coming from. The Group hope to work in partnership with Yorkshire Water as they have invested a lot in the valley. They immediately sent out a contractor when the Group notified them of the sewage coming out of the drain in the grill near the steps.
There is the possibility of a Masters student studying the length of the beck and the pollution.
8. Christmas Fairs
Oakwood Traders and Residents Fair was on Saturday between 12pm and 7pm. The Group raised a total of £200. It was a very good event with Joan, Mervyn, Martin, Trevor and Diane volunteering.
The next fair is on Saturday at Oakwood Farmers Market. Mervyn, Trevor and Diane aim to go there first thing. We need more volunteers.
Steve JB and Jenny will run the St Matthew's stall on Saturday afternoon.
The Three Hulats Fair is on the Sunday.
Last year the Group had a pop-up stall in Chapel Allerton and may do this again.
9. Aviva Community Fund
We currently have 996 votes but we need more. Voting closes on 18th November.
10. AOB
- Steve JB told the Group that Lucy Lovell is keen to help with an open gardens event in the Gledhow area next year. She has got the flyers and is looking for gardens for people to visit. The date will be Sunday 11th June and any proceeds will be split between St. Gemma's hospice and FGVW. Paul asked for risk assessments to be completed.
- Bob asked if it would be worth exploring working with the local schools and have junior member badges. Steve JB agreed to look into it where he is governor of one of the schools.
- There have been large amounts of cannabis being dumped in the woods including whole hydroponic kits which the Group has informed the Police about for removal.
- Steve JB warned the Group to be vigilant as there has been an increase in crime in the Chapel Allerton area. In one weekend a large number of garages and cars were broken into and some stuff was dumped into the woods such as broken bike chains. We are asking residents and members to keep a look out for suspicious activity and to report it to the police.
- Paul asked if anyone was able to look after the pop-ups he currently has stored in his garage as it is needed. Steve JB offered to store them in his warehouse.
- Geoff volunteered to be the Membership Secretary.
- Diane asked for some leaflets to be printed. Adam to send the artwork to Steve JB.
- Trevor mentioned the bamboo on Gledhow Lane as it was supposed to have been sprayed but is spreading. Martin to e-mail Joan. Paul explained the history of that patch of land and that it had been a former garden with a patio some years ago and the bamboo was deliberately planted there.
- Adrian agreed to follow up on cleaning up the leaves on Gledhow Valley with the Payback Community Volunteers.
11. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 20 November 2016
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 5 December 2016 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 11 December 2016
- Open Gardens Event - Sun 11 June 2017 (provisional)
- FGVW FunDay - Sat 17 June 2017 (provisional)