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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
5th December 2016

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, David Miles, Jenny Page, Adam Bowler, Phil Meadley.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th November 2016
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Christmas Event in the Woods (Adam Bowler)
  7. Lake Action Group
  1. Christmas Fairs
  2. Aviva Community Fund
  3. Woodland Trust Grant
  4. Horses in the New Field
  5. FGVW Social - Three Hulats Friday 16 December
  6. AOB
  7. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Malcolm Robertson.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th November 2016

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising


4. Correspondence

  • Bob Wilson has e-mailed expressing his disappointment at not being able to sell bulbs at a recent event and how he will no longer be fundraising for the Group. He will still attend the Action Mornings. The Group acknowledged his e-mail.
  • The Group has received a card from Theresa's grandchildren saying how much they like the slugs and snails in the woods.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 20 November 2016
    We had 33 volunteers and it was a great morning. Brambles were cut back, a lot of litter was picked and work was done in Audrey's Meadow.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 11 December 2016
    Volunteers to meet at the jetty by the lake. There are bulbs to plant and some work to do at the Bath House. Brambles also need clearing at the top of the woods. We could have some potential visitors from a new group being set up - Friends of Potternewton Park.
  • Sunday 8 January 2017
  • Sunday 12 February 2017
  • Saturday 11 March 2017
  • Sunday 23 April 2017
  • Sunday 14 May 2017

6. Christmas Event in the Woods (Adam Bowler)

Steve JB and Adam Bowler have an idea to raise funds next year. They would like to do a Christmas community event in the woods to include Carol singing, mulled wine, nibbles, etc. It is too late for this year but it is something to discuss mid year in 2017 to start organising.

7. Lake Action Group

David explained how the working group were getting on and passed round copies of the terms of reference they had produced. They had a productive meeting with Steve Mann from Yorkshire Water. He has committed to do some costings on the removal of the silt from the lake and the beck and look at other ideas. He looked into extending the island. They are also doing an ecological survey of the lake to check what is in and around there. They are hoping to do this before Christmas. Yorkshire Water also said that they may be able to help with some of the funding. They provided helpful information on using silt traps and what we can do. Another meeting has been agreed early next year and it will include Leeds City Council. The next stage is to write all findings up as a brief and share it with the Group.

The silt traps will need maintenance so there is a need to aim to get them as easy to maintain as possible. The main issue is with the build up of leaves. The Group agreed to use Action Mornings to keep the leaves clear. The silt has caused the exit funnel to narrow. The boon is also a silt trap and the engineers did commit to keep it maintained following the last clearance.

Joan mentioned that Duffy's are supposed to check every 2 weeks. Volunteers cleared the top of the drains and area at the Action Morning but the Council needs to clear these deeper as the water is not draining away. The reason for the flooding is because the drains are not working properly.

The lake is now at the correct level and can work properly as a balancing lake. The working group agreed to report back to the Group after Christmas.

David passed round the terms of reference for comments.

Adrian thanked the working group for their hard work and for the progress they had made on this work.

8. Christmas Fairs

Joan explained that the Fairs had gone really well and a lot of money was raised. The Oakwood Farmers Market did well and took over £240 whereas takings were only £70 last year. The Group had a good position too. Adrian said how good it was to talk to people about the achievements over the year from asking the community to help stop the planning application to helping us to buy the field.

There is one Fair left on 18th December.

Steve JB mentioned that if anyone wanted any Christmas cards to sell they should contact him.

9. Aviva Community Fund

The Group secured enough votes to make it through to the final. Paul has provided all the bank statements for the last year and Carol has completed the Due Diligence Form so the Group should receive £1,000 if it is all acceptable.

10. Woodland Trust Grant

Martin confirmed that the Group has secured a £10,000 grant towards woodland management. He is meeting Julian later in the week to discuss. We will need to get 3 quotes for the Council for any work being considered. They are looking at removing some of the diseased and leaning trees. Joan expressed concern and said that this needed to be communicated to the local community as we do not want the same issues and aggravation that it caused last time there was a proposal to cut down some trees.

11. Horses in the New Field

Mary Taylor (aged 15) has asked the Group if she can keep her horse in the new field over winter. The Group felt that it was too late for this year as the field is not fenced off but also that they do not have enough information or knowledge in this area to make a decision yet. There is no shelter or water in the field so the Group do not know if it is suitable for a horse. Further discussion is required.

12. FGVW Social - Three Hulats Friday 16 December

It is proposed to have an FGVW Christmas Social at the Three Hulats on Friday 16th December around 7.30pm. There is a buffet option available for £6.99 per person but we will need to book in advance. If members e-mail Joan she will arrange it.

13. AOB

  • Joan has discussed the Bands in the Park concept with Alison Stockwell in the hope that the band due to play at Gledhow can come on the same day as the FGVW FunDay. We do not know which band it will be but it will already be paid for.
  • A local resident, Mrs Walker, has sadly died and has kindly donated some tools to the Group for use at Action Mornings. The Group thank the family for their kind gesture and are very grateful.
  • The issue with the surface water in the Brakenwoods area is still on-going.
  • An inspection has been carried out on the damage to the electrics of the CSO on Kings Lane. This has been damaged several times now so the company is looking at what else it can do other than just repairing the box.
  • Vicki Nunns has not been in contact with Mervyn regarding the Bath House fencing. The materials are available and Mervyn has sent in the measurements. Steve BJ agreed to e-mail instead.
  • Diane is baking mince pies for the Action Morning.

14. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 11 December 2016
  • Core Group Meeting - Wed 4 January 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 8 January 2017
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 February 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 12 February 2017
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 March 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sat 11 March 2017
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 17 April 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 23 April 2017
  • Core Group Meeting - Mon 8 May 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 14 May 2017
  • Open Gardens Event - Sun 11 June 2017 (provisional)
  • FGVW FunDay - Sat 17 June 2017 (provisional)

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