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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
4th January 2017
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jim & Gill Mudd, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, David Miles, Malcolm Robertson, Kay McDowell, Geoff Holden, Paul Ellis, Robert Jones.
1. Apologies for Absence
Jenny Page, Melissa Ozcan.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th December 2016
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Aviva Community Fund - All the paperwork for the due diligence requirement has been sent off so we are waiting for confirmation that this has been approved and we can have the grant.
- Vicki Nunns has the fencing to go around the Bath House so FGVW needs to look at putting it in place. Steve and Mervyn have been corresponding with Vicki to make this happen.
4. Correspondence
- Chris Dowse from REAP has asked the Group about putting beehives in the new field. Adam to let Chris know that we will consider it. The decision depends on if we are having a horse on the field and if it is a suitable site. Kay will put it in her report but as the field is north-east facing it may not be suitable for bees.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 11 December 2016
We had 22 volunteers. The sledging slope was cleared. Previously Martin had walked round with Justin to look at the trees on the slope. Justin advised that of the three oak treees, one is in good condition and should be kept but that one or both of the others could be removed as they are close together. Mervyn expressed concern about removing both of them.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 8 January 2017
Work will start in the new field. The old fencing to be taken down and a temporary one put up. Also there is a lot of rubbish that has been dumped in "Hilda's Wood" that needs removing.
- Sunday 12 February 2017
- Saturday 11 March 2017
- Sunday 23 April 2017
- Sunday 14 May 2017
6. FGVW Field
Martin and Mervyn have met with Ian Henderson from Legacy Habitat Management, who may be able to help us with fencing the field on 3 sides. There is some clearing to do before the fence can be put in. For insurance reasons, the Group can only start work on the field when the transfer of ownership has gone through. Martin and Adrian have signed the documents as trustees so now the field ownership has been transferred but it is still at the land registry. The Group hope to be able to do the clearing at the next Action Morning.
Existing barb wire and old fencing needs to be removed and a temporary barrier put up ready for fencing. Post rail and stock fencing is going on the front with post and wire around the sides. It is also going to be planted with hedgerow. Martin will approach the owners of the adjoining field to check they are happy for us to work in this area. Legacy Habitat Management also has a meadow cutting machine that we may be able to borrow. The tree stumps also need to be removed.
A decision on keeping a horse in the field will be postponed until we know that the land is suitable. Kay to look at the pros and cons of keeping the horse there.
7. Lake Action Group
Copies of the "Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods Beck & Lake Project Brief" dated December 2016 was passed round. It is hoped to use this document for funding or to go to any partners that support the Group. It is a first draft so there are no costings or drawings yet. The Lake Action Group are working with Groundwork Trust who have experience in this area, and who the FGVW Group has worked with before, to get the project underway. The Lake Action Group has been meeting with lots of other groups who can help with the process.
Yorkshire Water has been very enthusiastic and supportive. We need a sustainable plan in place to mitigate against the lake silting up. First we need to find a way of getting the silt out of the lake and then to look at prevent it from happening to improve wildlife, look at natural and historical features and include signage. The overall aim is to make the lake a better place. The Lake Action Group has been exploring different ideas to remove the silt and re-sculpt the area. Wade's Charity own the land, Yorkshire Water own the water but Leeds City Council own the lake itself.
There are two stages to the funding. Stage one is to build on the brief details and include plans and designs. Stage two is to use large grants for dredging the lake. Groundwork Trust has experience in obtaining such large grants for these types of projects.
There was general agreement from the Group that the Lake Action Group had done really well to speak to all the groups and people involved and were very supportive, especially if it improves biodiversity and the environment. Paul suggested that everyone reads the material and to feed back at the next meeting.
The terms of reference are to be recirculated. Paul has already made some comments and suggested amendments so the Group need to agree the next draft.
8. Christmas Fairs Report
There are about 40 packs of Christmas cards left and every market has been successful. There is not much stock left. The Group need to think about what they want to sell this year. This needs to be done in time for the Chapel Allerton Open Garden Day so Adrian can have a stall in his garden.
Mervyn's bird boxes are selling very well and Steve suggested expanding this range to bird tables, bat boxes and insect houses. Adrian offered to help Mervyn. We also need more cards and to think through what we want on them and sizes, etc. Steve agreed to do a full stock take and let Paul know the monetary value.
9. Woodland Trust Grant
Martin confirmed that the Group has secured a £10,000 grant towards woodland management. This is to be used to start improving the management of the beech plantation as some of the trees are at the end of their life and are becoming dangerous. Justin has agreed to do a community walk around open to all in February so that everyone is aware of what is happening. The Woodland Trust will have a stall at the FunDay and so there will be another chance for people to ask questions and talk about it. It is hoped part of the grant can be used for replanting too.
10. FGVW Paid Membership
FGVW paid membership has been agreed at £5 per year or £50 for life membership. An e-mail will be sent out stating the terms of the membership. Members get full voting rights. This will also be publicised at the Action Mornings. You don't have to be a member to be part of the Group and attend meetings or Action Mornings. Membership is only needed to vote or to become a trustee. Geoff to send details to Adam with a membership form to be sent out to everyone. There was some discussion over how to refer to members. It was agreed the term members would be used for fulfilling the charitable status conditions and other would be called supporters or volunteers.
A date in March was proposed as 4 weeks are needed to get the reports circulated and to sort out membership for voting.
12. AOB
- Diane brought in some knitted Christmas puddings that contained a Ferro Rocher. They were being sold at Christmas for £1 and were very popular. Trevor's cousin has offered to make some for the Group to sell at this year's Christmas Fairs. The Group agreed that this was a great idea.
- Robert asked if gift aid should be applied to the membership fees. Paul agreed to look into this.
13. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 8 January 2017
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 February 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 12 February 2017
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 6 March 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 11 March 2017
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 17 April 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 23 April 2017
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 8 May 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 14 May 2017
- Chapel Allerton Open Gardens Event - Sun 11 June 2017 (provisional)
- FGVW FunDay - Sat 17 June 2017 (provisional)