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Minutes of Core Group Meeting
6th March 2017
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Carol Bull, Mervyn & Joan Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Steve Johns, Andy Smith, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, Phil Meadley.
1. Apologies for Absence
Adam Bull, Malcolm Robertson, Paul Ellis, Jenny Page.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 6th February 2017
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Martin checked that everyone had seen Kay's report on the new field. Copies available if anyone else would like to read it.
4. Correspondence
- We have received a letter from HM Revenues and Customs stating that FGVW is a charity for tax purposes. We don't have to pay back taxes on sales so this is very good news.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 12 February 2017
We had 30 volunteers and worked in the new field. The weather was very bad. The path was cleared on Gledhow Valley Road. Barbed wire was removed from the field but there is still some left to remove later.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Saturday 11 March 2017
We will put in the back fencing for the new field. Mervyn has been busy marking it out. We can put a hedge in at the front but it has to be done by the end of March. We need more funding for this. FGVW are in the current Tesco scheme where shoppers can vote to give grants to charitable causes via a blue token. We are currently running top. We've also had some money from the Waitrose community scheme. We'll need to order the hedgerow. We will take Ian's advice on what this should consist of and maybe do another Action Morning before the end of March. Some tree stumps also need to be removed so we can give the hedge a go. Steve JB asked if we could get a digger in but the Group felt this was unnecessary and planting could be done with spades. If the hedge doesn't get done in March then it will need to wait until November for peak planting time. Martin agreed to contact Ian. Joe also sent an article through on what was best to plant as a hedge in that area. The step at the bottom of Dorothy's Steps has also gone and this needs to be fixed. Please meet on Gledhow Valley Road at the newly acquired field.
- Sunday 23 April 2017
- Sunday 14 May 2017
6. FGVW Membership
Adrian has taken on the responsibility of Membership Secretary. Membership will just show commitment to the Group and the attraction is that they will be able to vote at the General Meeting. Currently there are 22 Voting Members and 6 Life Voting Members.
7. Lake Action Group (LAG)
David presented an update on their work so far. LAG met with James Coburn of Flood Prevention at Leeds City Council. There are some problems with the ecology survey that they need to look at before they can work at the end of the lake. Once the work on the lake has been done they will take on some responsibility for ongoing maintenance.
LAG has also had correspondence on silt sampling to check what is in the silt and how much it would cost to remove it.
LAG has been in contact with the Gledhow Conservation Area Group about identifying historical features. They met with Christine Osbourne and Vicki Nunns from Parks & Countryside, the Groundworks Trust and Wade's Charity. They shared an outline draft of the vision for the lake. No one raised any objections to what was being proposed.
LAG has been approached to a do a TV item on the lake for the "Made in Leeds" channel. Steve and David agreed to do a piece on the lake.
LAG provided an additional report to cover funding:
- Esh Communities: £1,000 requested, decision end of February.
- Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Foundation: £2,950 requested. We will hear by 31/5/2017.
- Carriers for Causes: £1,000 requested to be submitted this week.
- Post Code Local Trust: £2,950 submitted. We are through to the next round.
- Co-op Community Grant and Safer Communities Fund: Steve to apply.
- Tesco: £2-4k. Voting in stores now. Adam and Carol to publicise through Facebook and the website. Shoppers need to ask for a blue token. It finishes on 28th March.
Andy suggested that we contacted the supermarkets we were successful in getting grants from and provide photos and an article to put in their newsletters to promote their campaigns and FGVW on the work done due to the grant.
Steve JB mentioned that Wetherspoons were coming to publicise the work their staff volunteered to do for FGVW.
8. Nominations for Trustees
Adrian Coltman, Martin Calvert, Paul Ellis, Steve Jones-Blackett, Kay McDowell and Naomi Watts-Kitto have put in nominations for Trustees. There will be voting papers and 6 votes available to Voting Members at the General Meeting.
Martin suggested finding a quiet place for the AGM next year and also that we would need to produce more reports now we had charitable status. Suggestions from the Group included Lidgett Lane Community Centre, Inkwell and the Mustard Pot. The Accounts and the Chairs Report are ready so they can go on the website. Paul has done the agenda. It should be a normal AGM this year but a charity status one next year. Next year we will need to show how we are fulfilling our objectives. Accounts and reports will need to be submitted to the Charitable Commission.
9. FunDay 2017
The FunDay is booked for Saturday 17th June 2017. Steve Johns has started doing the administration and asking for permission to use the field etc. Cawthorne Brass Band has been booked through Leeds City Council as part of the Council's "Band in the Park" initiative. They are booked in from 2pm to 4pm. Tables, chairs, toilets and first aiders are all booked. Morley Exotic Animals have also been booked.
Steve asked if the Group would like to do anything different this year. The Group decided to invite Gledhow Conservation Area Group and the Allotment Society. Justin and the Woodland Trust would like a stall to publicise the tree management work to be done in the woods over winter and the removal of diseased and damaged trees. Martin will pass on details to Steve.
- Trust Conservation volunteers to invite.
- Martin to find out if the RSPB charge and if this would clash with Linda.
- Adrian to invite fire fighters and PCSOs.
- Steve to contact the PCSOs we had last year who were keen to take part again this year.
- Adrian to order clay.
- Birds of Prey - Adam?
- Matt the Magician has offered to do a show.
- It is intended to have a book stall so donations of books welcome.
- Steve asked about hot drinks and if there were any issues in borrowing a gas canister type heater from the local scouts. Steve agreed to ask the Council if this was acceptable with suitable risk assessments.
- Steve JB offered to print the leaflets. He asked if the posters could be the same design as last time for continuity and familiarity or a new one designed by Mrs Jones-Blackett.
- Information Stall - the Group thought it would be a good idea to have information on the lake proposals and on the new field. Steve to pick up with Kay.
- Claire has agreed to do the Raffle.
- A donated large Bear will be used in the FunDay as one of the games e.g. Name the Bear. Possibility of asking Dorothy to pick this up as she did something similar with a knitted figure last year.
- 200 Christmas puddings have been knitted ready to have chocolates added to them for sale.
- Steve to speak to Jenny regarding games.
- Plants and refreshments as normal.
10. The FGVW Core Group
Paul would like the website refreshing to reflect the Group's Charitable Status. Paul and Martin have spoken to Adam about it already. People should be able to go on the website and see that there are Trustees and that its run as a charity.
Decisions to be made by the Trustees rather than the Core Group. The Core Group will still to run Action Mornings and the FunDay, etc., but through the Trustees. Martin asked the Group what the Core Group should be called going forward to avoid confusion. We need to show that it is the Trustees running the Group. Ideas included Steering Group, Action Group and Committee.
11. AOB
- Adrian asked if anyone had any spare room in their garage for the gazebos. He currently has 8 and needs the space back. Steve JB said he would check out warehouse availability and let Adrian know.
- Diane raised the issue of producing new FGVW Christmas cards on behalf of Naomi with Steve. We will need to think about designs very soon.
- Joan asked the Group to keep an eye on volunteers at the Action Mornings. Now we are getting more volunteers we need to watch where people are going and what they are doing in case anything happens. It maybe that we need to consider having team leaders.
- Joan asked for volunteers for an event at Oakwood Farmers Market on Saturday 18th March.
- Paul Ellis would also like the display boards for an event on 19th March.
- Mervyn has made 10 bird box kits for Steve JB to sell at the Open Gardens event on 11th June.
- Steve JB mentioned a meeting to discuss the Open Gardens event on Wednesday.
- Joan is also going to give some of the FunDay plants to Adrian for the open Gardens event.
- Steve JB will be selling cards at his Open Gardens event.
- Steve JB is hoping to get imagery for the Christmas cards and other cards. He has received a picture of the kingfisher at the lake taken by someone who posted it on Twitter.
12. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 11 March 2017
- General Meeting - Fri 24 March 2017 (The Three Hulats, Harrogate Road)
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 17 April 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 23 April 2017
- Core Group Meeting - Mon 8 May 2017 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 14 May 2017
- Chapel Allerton Open Gardens Event - Sun 11 June 2017
- FGVW FunDay - Sat 17 June 2017