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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
8th May 2017

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, Geoff Holden, Steve Johns, Malcolm Robertson, Phil Meadley, Jenny Page, Adam Bowler, Claire Standage.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th April 2017
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. FGVW Merchandise
  7. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  8. Chapel Allerton War Memorial
  1. Trustees Report
  2. Safeguarding Policy
  3. Oakwood Day
  4. FunDay 2017
  5. Field Open Day
  6. AOB
  7. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Joan Clayton, David Miles, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis, Kay McDowell.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th April 2017

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • One of the Tesco campaigns finished on 28th April and the Group received over 8,000 more tokens than the other groups. We are waiting for the results from the other stores.
  • The bird walk given by Martin was attended by 10 people.

4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 23 April 2017
    We had a record number of 53 volunteers and this included 10-12 children. There were a few issues at the start with children not staying with their parents and some photos being taken that included children. Also the children wanted to do the same jobs as the adults so there was concern over health and safety and if our risk assessments were suitable for this situation. The Group need to mitigate these risks in the future. The Group contacted the Council and are comfortable that the risk assessments are suitable and are up to date. Joan's previous suggestion of having team leaders who will explain the jobs and give information on how to use any equipment will be trialled on Sunday. We need to reiterate that parents/guardians need to be responsible for the children and they can't just be left with us. Claire suggested using the instructions given at Parkrun where children must stay within a certain distance of their parents at all times. It has also led us to create a Safeguarding Policy which we will discuss later on. A lot of work was completed at the Action Morning and the footpaths were cleared.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 14 May 2017
    Volunteers to meet near the old car park opposite Gledhow Park Drive to work on "Audrey's Meadow" and the top path.

Martin will e-mail the dates for the next Action Mornings to the end of the year.

6. FGVW Merchandise

Steve JB updated the Group on the merchandise situation. Everything has now gone off to press. Steve circulated copies of 4 everyday card designs, 2 Christmas card designs and a tote bag which will be delivered next week. Thanks go to Naomi for sorting out the pictures and completing most of the work.

There was a suggestion to use bird pictures for a set of 4 coasters.

Mervyn has also made a table tea light decoration from wood to try. Mervyn and Trevor have also been busy making bug boxes.

7. Lake Action Group (LAG)

Wade's Charity gave us a grant to enable us to approach the Groundworks Trust to do a survey for us. The Group met with the Groundworks Trust last week to discuss plans. The first stage is all about feasibility and costs versus funding. De-silting can be very expensive, estimated to be in the region of £1.5m. They discussed various options such as partial de-silting and trying to control the rest with planting such as reed beds. We are looking at different tiers to make sure any work done is sustainable in the long term and will prevent re-silting.

The Group can contribute by helping with the lake. We need to get the silt analysed. If it is just leaves then we can disperse this in the woods. If it is toxic and needs removal it will cost over £1m. We are working with the Groundworks Trust to look at different options and then we can bring these to the meeting to discuss with everyone and choose the best one. We also need to put plans in place to stop it re-silting once the work has been completed.

8. Chapel Allerton War Memorial

The open meeting was attended by about 15 people and Jenny gave an update on next steps. The war memorial and cemetery needs cleaning and tidying up. Some of the work will cost money as some of the paving needs to be replaced, the rest is just time. The bus shelter ideally needs moving but it has already been moved once so an alternative suggestion was to make it clear plastic so the memorial can be seen more easily. The area will also need continuous maintenance. It was hoped that S106 money could be used however this has been earmarked to build a new pedestrian crossing opposite the new Aldi store. Jenny will update the Group when the next meeting date is decided.

9. Trustees Report

  • The Trustees have been through a variety of policies including a Reserve Policy to ensure we have sufficient funds in place should anything bad happen, an Investment Policy so that we don't put any money we receive at risk and a Safeguarding Policy for when working with children.
  • Paul is currently working on a Risk Policy.
  • The policies will be reviewed every year.
  • The Trustees also discussed the General Meeting and what went well and what could be improved on next year.

10. Safeguarding Policy

Martin circulated a copy of the Safeguarding Policy at the meeting for comments. Carol suggested extending this to include vulnerable people such as those volunteers who had mental or physical disabilities. Adrian offered to arrange for the Group to receive more information on working with children.

11. Oakwood Day

Oakwood Day is on Saturday 13 May from 12 noon to 7pm and volunteers are required to run the FGVW stall. Joan and Mervyn will set everything up. Claire and Jenny offered to do 1-3pm. Adrian and Malcolm may also able to help.

12. FunDay 2017

The FunDay is booked for Saturday 17th June 2017. Steve Johns has continued with organising the event.

  • Everything is on course.
  • Leeds City Council has granted permission.
  • Joan has confirmed attendance from the Allotments Association.
  • Local Councillors are expected to donate around £450 to the event.
  • Adam has updated the poster and Steve is getting them printed.
  • Flyers will be given to schools after half term.
  • The Scout group has offered their water boiler for use on the day.
  • Mervyn has arranged for the water to be delivered at the end of the month.
  • Adrian to order the clay and get the bean bags. He also offered to ask the school if they had a battery operated PA system we could borrow.
  • Claire has started collecting prizes for the raffle. We are just doing business prizes this year as the list got too long last year. Diane has requested Leeds Rhino tickets from the Leeds Building Society. Adam agreed to provide the board.
  • The big bear needs a table for Name the Bear. Claire agreed to do bear names.
  • Naomi has offered to give a home made wooden fort as a prize. The Group discussed if this should be a separate competition or some sort of silent auction. Claire to investigate.
  • The Conservation Trust volunteers have confirmed.
  • PCSOs confirmed.
  • Wheel of Fortune is being built by Jenny and footballs have been bought.
  • Diane and Trevor have painted some pots to put the money in and labelled with each of the stalls to make it easier for Paul to do the accounts.

13. Field Open Day

The Group agreed to have a Field Open Day to explain to the community what we are doing with the new field. It was proposed to do this at the end of July and we could have merchandise and cakes, etc. Kay needs to be available to do walks in the field and to explain the plants and flowers growing there. The Group has also had a donation of wildflowers from Austin's Gardens. Kay is going to see what there is and decide where best to plant them.

14. AOB

  • Japanese Knotweed is growing in the woods again. There are a few patches in the valley. Some of it has been treated but it's come back. Martin and Adrian went to see Mr Light as some of it is growing in his field. They have talked to Neil Henderson and he'll let us know about costs as we don't want it spreading.
  • Yorkshire Water has been in contact with Mervyn regarding the surface water problems. There are some deliberate cross sections but the water has been tested and it is within limits.
  • The Group was reminded that the Open Garden Day is on 11th June.

15. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Chapel Allerton Open Gardens Event - Sat 13 May 2017
  • Action Morning - Sun 14 May 2017
  • Chapel Allerton Open Gardens Event - Sun 11 June 2017
  • FGVW FunDay - Sat 17 June 2017

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