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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
31st July 2017

Present: Adrian Coltman (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Geoff Holden, Jenny Page, Mike Betteridge, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, David Miles.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 10th July 2017
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Field Open Afternoon
  7. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  1. Trustees Report
  2. Meadow Report
  3. FGVW at Chapel Allerton Arts Festival
  4. Bath House Open Day
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Joan Clayton, Steve Jones-Blackett.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 10th July 2017

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising


4. Correspondence

Adam received an e-mail from someone hoping to gain to the basement at Gledhow Hall for research for a book. The Group suggested that he get in contact with Christine Osborne from Gledhow Conservation Group who might be able to help.

5. Action Mornings

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 6 August 2017
    The Bath House needs to be made ready for the Heritage Open Day on 10th September. Mervyn has made a start on clearing the graffiti. There are also some wildflowers to plant in the area opposite the Bath House and there has been a request to clear the area near the Well Houses. Volunteers to meet near the Bath House.
  • Saturday 16 September 2017
    Work will include scything "Audrey's Meadow", clearing brambles and possibly cutting the tree shoots growing at the base of some of the trees.
  • Sunday 15 October 2017
  • Sunday 19 November 2017
  • Sunday 10 December 2017

6. Field Open Afternoon

This event was very successful so it was decided to make it an annual event, on 1st July next year to coincide with International Meadows Day. It was also suggested having a display board in the field explaining the history, insects and plants in the field. It was agreed to ask Martin as he had been involved with getting the display boards for the woods. The event raised around £187 on the day.

7. Lake Action Group (LAG)

The LAG has received around £3,000 from the Postcode Lottery. A trip has been organised to Canon hill on the 21st August near Barnsley to meet up with another group and Barnsley Council to find out what they did with the lottery funding for their lakes.

FGVW is currently "Charity of the Month" in Asda at Killingbeck. The winner will get £500 and the runners up £200. The Group was encouraged to ask people to vote for us by asking for the tokens at Asda. The token box is apparently quite well hidden.

The group has also applied for a £5,000 grant from the local Co-op and another from the One Stop Shop on Gledhow Lane.

Members of LAG went to a workshop in May about lottery funding in Yorkshire and Humberside to help us to put in successful applications.

LAG has been in contact with Yorkshire Water regarding the water quality of the lake. They have produced a survey and there is only pollutant species in there at present. They also identified some rare species in the meadow.

LAG is still working with the Groundwork Trust Leeds to get information which will support future funding applications.

The group has also had some conversations with Christine Osborne of the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group and is going to go to Leeds University library to do some research. Part of the Postcode Lottery money will be used on a display showing the history of the lake. The information currently missing, and which is holding things up, is how much silt is in the lake and what pollutants are in the silt? The group has had a conversation with Leeds City Council about how to determine this.

8. Trustees Report

The financial balance is looking healthier and we are almost back to where we were before we bought the field. We need to make sure we match grants with what the money was to be used for in the application. Grants will need to be ring fenced. We also need to know how much we made at the FunDay.

9. Meadow Report

Kay was unavailable to give the report.

10. FGVW at Chapel Allerton Arts Festival

We have a table on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is for everyone and Sunday is just for charities. We will be selling books, CDs and merchandise. Volunteers are needed to help run the stalls.

11. Bath House Open Day

Volunteers and baking are needed for the Bath House Open Day on 10th September.

12. AOB

  • Jenny informed the group that volunteers are hoping to get together to paint the railings near the war memorial in Chapel Allerton. If they get permission from the church people are welcome to come along and help on 19th August. The bus timetable is also going to be moved.
  • Naomi said that they are hoping to apply for a grant to update the website.
  • The Group discussed where to have the next meeting. The Three Hulats was used this time as a trial but it wasn't very quiet. It was thought that this might be due to the holidays and that it was worth trying again.
  • The Aviva Community Fund will open again in September so we will need to apply and ask people to vote for us.
  • Mervyn reported on some work that has been done near the lake. Railings have been put around the sump and the trap has been left up. It needs reporting to the flood prevention team.

13. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 06 Aug 2017
  • Bath House Open Day - Sun 10 Sep 2017
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 11 Sep 2017 (Venue to be confirmed)
  • Action Morning - Sat 16 Sep 2017
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 09 Oct 2017 (Venue to be confirmed)
  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Oct 2017
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 13 Nov 2017 (Venue to be confirmed)
  • Action Morning - Sun 19 Nov 2017
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 04 Dec 2017 (Venue to be confirmed)
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 Dec 2017

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