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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
19th February 2018
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, David Miles, Jenny Page, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, Adam & Carol Bull, Phil Meadley, Kay McDowell, Steve Jones-Blackett, Steve Johns.
1. Apologies for Absence
Joan Clayton, Paul Ellis, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Malcolm Robertson.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 8th January 2018
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- There is a walk around the valley with Alison Finch (who will be working on the Management Plan) planned for Saturday 24th February at 10.30am. Please meet outside David's house.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 14 January 2018
There were 33 volunteers. Work took place on the meadow and on clearing the silt traps and gullies. Mervyn suggested a sluice gate of some kind. There are currently 3 silt traps near the lake that run in succession. The first one has been dug out and cleared by the Group. It was suggested that this be cleared on a regular basis.
Trevor, Diane, Joan and Mervyn also did an ad-hoc litter pick that was well received.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 25 February 2018
Volunteers to meet at carriageway near the jetty by the lake. Work will include thinning beech trees, path clearing and litter picking.
- Sunday 25 March 2018 (previously advertised as 24 March)
- Sunday 29 April 2018
- Sunday 20 May 2018 (previously advertised as 29 May)
6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
The LAG has been successful in obtaining a grant of £1,000. They have also received £100 from WHSmith. The Co-op Community Fund is doing well and we are on target to receive £700 this quarter. Kay is working on doing some publicity for this at the Co-op entrance.
A meeting was held with John Crossly at Groundworks Trust regarding funding and who we should target for the bulk of the work including Wren Environmental, Viola and Garfield Western Charity. The LAG are also looking at the Heritage Lottery Fund and putting forward an expression of interest. David shared an outline of what the bid will look like with the Group to get feedback.
We need to do a wider public consultation with Wade's Charity and Local Councillors to get feedback from the local community. We can use a draft questionnaire that Groundworks use. Steve JB asked Adam if we could use Survey Monkey. David suggested doing the consultation in March. Steve TB suggested using the Methodist Hall.
There was a discussion on how the silt form the lake could be used to rebuild the area around the lake rather than removing it from the site. There was also a proposal to put in herringbone type booms above the silt trap that had been cleared to capture leaves and test out what would work. It was hoped to use natural material from the woods. We don't know how much silt there will be at this stage. Work is starting tomorrow using money received fro Green Leeds that must be used by March.
There is a suggestion for a new silt trap to be built to capture silt down the beck above the island. LAG has received a quote of £2,000 for the design but then there are labour and material costs to consider. We need a permanent solution to stop the lake silting up again once it has been dredged.
Hydrology Report
LAG have been trying to engage a Masters student who can look into the issue of water quality and how to prevent silting. Rachel Moore has expressed an interest in the project.
7. PAWS Work
The tree work has been completed. Rachel Cranch has organised a walk round on the 8th March to speak to volunteers and Justin from the Council. Martin will find out the time.
8. Trustees Report
A meeting was held at the end of January. There had been some concerns about the LAG but these have now been resolved. The Trustees are happy with the activities of the Group.
9. Co-op Community Fund
Kay, David and Martin met with the Co-op store manager. Normally they have 3 nominated charities but this year there are only 2. The Co-op are keen to increase their membership and are hoping we can help by promoting the charity fundraising. FGVW will receive a percentage of the money from customers buying Co-op branded items and from the sale of plastic bags.
10. FGVW FunDay 2018
Steve Johns has been in contact with the usual suppliers for chairs, toilets, etc. He has also submitted an application to the Council.
Adrian has had the offer of a PA system for free.
The Council has agreed to provide a band again as part of their Bands in the Park scheme.
The Group agreed that the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group and Chapel Allerton Allotment Society were welcome to come but there was some debate over whether it was appropriate for the Co-op to have a stall. There was also some debate over the Trust Conservation Volunteers as they charge £150.
The new ranger Louise Gibson has offered to do a stall.
Steve asked volunteers to think about what they wanted to do and if they were happy to do the same as before.
Volunteers needed to do the book stall and to collect and store books ahead of the event.
Diane confirmed the face painters.
We also need a volunteer co-ordinator on the day. Steve volunteered.
The AGM will be on 27th March at 8pm at Gledhow Sports & Social Club to receive reports and elect officers and trustees.
There are currently 6 trustees, but there can be more.
Adrian is currently collecting membership fees.
The Trustee Report also needs to be approved.
12. AOB
- Steve JB has been approached by the Arts Council about using the new field for an event. The Trustees discussed it at their meeting and decided that it wasn't appropriate while the plants and meadow was getting established. Also Steve has put the Arts Festival in contact with Gill Boulton, who did the Christmas Advent Art in the woods, to do something on along similar lines. The Advent Art was very well received by the public and also Local Councillor Jane Dowson who is supportive of doing this again.
- Trevor mentioned the path work to be done at the Action Morning and Diane kindly offered to make Rocky Road again, which was very well received.
- Mervyn mentioned a mains water leak on Gledhow Valley Road that had been reported to Yorkshire Water.
- Steve TB expressed concern over the state of the foot path on the right hand side of Gledhow Valley Road and if the Group could do anything about it. The Group will look at the Action Morning to see if it is worth clearing.
- Steve J to look into applying for MICE money for the FunDay.
13. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 25 Feb 2018
- Steering Group Meeting - Mon 19 Mar 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 25 Mar 2018
- Steering Group Meeting - Mon 23 Apr 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 29 Apr 2018
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 17 May 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 20 May 2018