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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
19th March 2018

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Steve Tyndale-Biscoe, Adam & Carol Bull, Kay McDowell, Steve Jones-Blackett, Steve Johns.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th February 2018
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  1. Trustees Report
  2. New Meadow/Triangle Meadow at End of the Lake
  4. FGVW FunDay 2018
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Paul Ellis, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Malcolm Robertson Jenny Page, Phil Meadley.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 19th February 2018

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Rachel Cranch from the Woodland Trust did a walk around on the 8th March and spoke with volunteers and Justin from the Council.
  • Martin will be doing a bird walk on 28th April from 9am to 11am. Places are limited so anyone interested should e-mail Martin directly.

4. Correspondence

  • None.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 25 February 2018
    There were 27 volunteers. Work took place on clearing the silt traps and gullies. The area around the silt trap was also cleared ready for the machinery. Beech saplings were thinned and the path cleared near the new field. There was also some litter picking.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 25 March 2018
    Volunteers to meet at Gledhow Lane crossroads. Work will include silt trap clearing and litter picking. There are also some plugs to put in near the silt trap but it was suggested that it was too cold and wet to put plugs in yet. The Group also want to look at how the silt trap is performing since a tree came down in the woods and mud and debris went into the beck and the weather has been bad. The Group is interested in how the trap has coped and how much silt has been trapped over the 6 week period. If there are enough volunteers a suggestion was made to improve some of the steps and clear them as they are in a poor state. There are also 80 fruit trees donated by Community Gardener to put in along the side of the new field. The tunnel near the Lord Mayor's path also needs clearing. Steve TB offered to start work on this prior to the Action Morning.
  • Sunday 29 April 2018
  • Sunday 20 May 2018

6. Lake Action Group (LAG)

Alison Finch has started work on the Management Plan following a walk in the woods. She will bring the plans for discussion at the FGVW meeting in April.

The Methodist Church Hall has been booked on 17th April for the wider public consultation with the community, Wade's Charity and Local Councillors. It has been booked for 6-9pm with a proposal for a 7.30pm start. The Group need to start publicising it and encouraging people to complete a questionnaire.

The suggestion for a new silt trap to be built to capture silt down the beck above the island has been agreed with a hydrologist. The Group will pay for some drawings to be done for the silt trap and surrounding area. There is currently a concrete base running between the traps. It is hoped to direct the silt towards the banks in one place where it will be easier to clear out.

The LAG have reminded Duffy's that they need to clear the second trap by the end of the week otherwise we lose the £2,000 grant we were given for this purpose.

The LAG have now engaged Rachel Moore, a Masters student studying hydrology, to look into the issue of water quality and how to prevent silting. She will be attending the Action Morning this week and the community consultation.

Work continues on the expression of interest for the Heritage Lottery Grant. Work is underway looking at a budget of around £350,000. Steve J-B is looking at the VAT situation. Many of the local community groups have expressed an interest.

7. Trustees Report

This is available on the FGVW website and will be reviewed at the AGM.

8. New Meadow/Triangle Meadow at End of the Lake

The Woodland Trust has provided some seeds and plugs which can be put in once the area has been levelled. The Group also need to order some more.


The AGM will be on Tuesday 27th March at 8pm at Gledhow Sports & Social Club to receive reports and elect officers and trustees.

10. FGVW FunDay 2018

Altofts and Normanton Brass Band has been confirmed by Leeds City Council to appear as part of the Bands in the Park initiative.

Steve J hasn't had confirmation yet from Morley Exotic Animals, Birds of Prey or Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group.

Steve J-B to pass on contact details of the Allotment Association to Steve J.

Adrian agreed to contact the fire brigade.

Joan to contact John and Jenny regarding the parachute game.

Steve J to update the poster and pass to Adam. Adam to send electronic version to Steve J-B who can print the posters and will get a competitive quote for printing the flyers.

Any prizes for the tombola can be passed on to Adam, Carol or Joan.

Joan suggested that everyone keeps hold of any books for the book stall themselves and bring them along on the FunDay.

The MICE money application needs to be in by Wednesday 21st March as Council assets will then be frozen pending the elections.

11. AOB

  • Yorkshire Traction Honley Band will also be in the area playing on 15th July 2018.
  • The Group discussed having an Open Meadow Day (National Meadows Day is on Saturday 7th July) and agreed to put it on the agenda for next time.
  • The bridge balustrades have collapsed.
  • Bhupinder gave a presentation on the flower corridor to the Roundhay Labour Party. Also noted was a proposed move of the Lidget Lane Community Hall to Highwood.
  • Kay's partner has offered to help make bird boxes.
  • Heidi and Steve have been booked to provide ice cream at the FunDay.
  • Justin has been in contact regarding 300 trees that need planting. It was suggested that a separate day was booked when Justin could attend and assist and that it would be quite a large job for the Group.
  • The Group were asked if it was preferable to move the monthly meeting to Tuesdays from Mondays. The Group expressed a preference for Monday but suggested an earlier start time of 7.30pm.
  • Adam and Adrian agreed to discuss the implications of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming in on 25th May. Changes may be needed on the Action Morning sheets, membership forms, website etc. and the Group need to look at how they store, use and delete data.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 25 Mar 2018
  • AGM - Tue 27 Mar 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 23 Apr 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 29 Apr 2018
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 17 May 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 20 May 2018

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