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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
17th May 2018

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Steve Jones-Blackett, Eveline Diemunsch, Ali Finch.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 23rd April 2018
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  7. Meadows Open Day Saturday 7 July
  1. Chapel Allerton Festival
  2. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  3. FGVW FunDay 2018
  4. Woodland Management Plan - Alison Finch
  5. AOB
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Steve Johns, Jenny Page, Naomi Watts-Kitto.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 23rd April 2018

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • The group thanked Martin for doing two bird walks in the woods.
  • David contacted Duffy's and the ground has now been levelled.

4. Correspondence

  • None.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 29 April 2018
    There were 34 volunteers. 10 meters of new path was laid and over 1,000 plugs were planted. A large stretch of pathway was also cleared from low hanging branches. A lot of litter picking was done. Geoff suggested using cones and barriers when doing path work in the future and also to put up laminated signs saying what work had been done and that it had been done by FGVW. Mervyn suggested printing FGVW on the back of the hi viz jackets.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 20 May 2018
    There are 1,800 plugs to be planted and some seeding to do near the Bath House. There is also the fence to be cleaned and extended at the Bath House and a bench to be put in. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.
  • Saturday 14 July 2018
  • Sunday 5 August 2018

6. Lake Action Group (LAG)

The Group has been unsuccessful in getting through to the next stage of the Heritage Lottery Fund grant application. The Group received feedback and has found that lottery sales and funding have reduced. The group can still apply for smaller Heritage Program lottery grants of up to £200k. There will be a meeting to discuss splitting down the work into smaller chunks and funding with smaller pots of money. Also looking at other funding grants.

Rachel Moore, Masters Student, will be taking some water samples over the next 6 week period.

£1,145 has been raised so far from the Co-Op Community Fund.

Silt trap work is still on-going due to delays in getting information from Leeds City Council.

The group has some funding to do some information boards and David has been speaking to the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group and getting permission from Leodis to use the pictures. He will bring a draft of the information board to the next meeting. The Group are also meeting with Jeff Roberts from Aire River Trust to get ideas and link up with other organisations.

7. Meadows Open Day Saturday 7 July

The Open Meadow event will be from 1-4pm on 7 July. It will be the same format as last year. A path will be cut round the edge and refreshments made available. Jenny made labels last year which Kay still has so we can re-use. The Group agreed to promote the event at the FunDay and on the website and via social media etc.

8. Chapel Allerton Festival

Adrian has requested a stall at the Chapel Allerton Festival on 1st and 2nd September. The Group expressed a preference for the same spot as last year.

9. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Adam has been researching the impact of GDPR on the Group particularly the use of cookies on the web site and impact on contact details and mailing lists. The work is in hand.

10. FGVW FunDay 2018

Steve J was unable to attend the meeting but had sent an update. He hasn't had much luck in finding a replacement for Morley Exotic Animals and the Birds of Prey.

Louise the Ranger has confirmed.

Everyone is collecting books for the book stall.

Steve J-B had printed the posters and leaflets and brought them to the meeting to circulate to various members ready for distributing after half term.

Any prizes for the tombola can be passed on to Adam, Carol or Joan.

Any plants available for sale can be passed on to Joan.

The fire service will send an appliance provided there are no emergencies.

Volunteers may be needed for the parachute game.

FunDay to be published on the website.

There will be a meeting to discuss final arrangements for the FunDay on 4th June at 7.30pm.

11. Woodland Management Plan - Alison Finch

Ally provided a summary of the items in her report at the last meeting and invited comments from the Group. The Group were very impressed but had a few concerns. They like the idea of an entrance gate but said it would need to be very strong to withstand any vandalism. Also it would be necessary to ask the neighbours when considering where to put benches in. In the past there had been complaints of noise and disturbances when benches were put in near homes and it became a meeting place for groups of people playing music etc.

The Group had looked at the path where it had been suggested to raise the edges. The edges are used for drainage so it was suggested it may be better to raise the middle instead.

The Group were concerned about the amount of litter in the area if picnic benches were put in as it would end up being them who would be left to clear it up.

The Group liked the idea of putting in "security" plants such as thorny bushes near the bath house. Although they liked the idea of changing the type of fencing and putting in a path they thought this might lead to more vandalism.

The Group were very interested in making a heritage trail and various suggestions were put forward as to the type of markers to be used that had been seen in other parks and woodland including QR codes and holes in stones with cards to explain the view. The suggestion was to discuss with the community at the FunDay.

The Group thanked Ali for her work and asked if she could help and make a start on the heritage trail and suggestions for planting at the Bath House.

12. AOB

  • The Group had been contacted by a local resident concerned about 11 trees being cut down. The Group found that this was done by the Management Company and there was nothing that could be done.
  • Someone is setting up a Leeds Badger Group in Chapel Allerton and they are interested in coming to talk to the Group. It was suggested that they come to the next meeting after the FunDay.
  • Diane made the Group aware of a local newspaper article about the Community Payback Scheme and how to apply for work to be done.
  • Mervyn has got two new strimmers for the group.
  • The verges have been cut. The Group may investigate if these can be left in future as when the areas are left they provide a haven for butterflies and other insects. They could also form part of the bug corridor.
  • Yorkshire Water has been doing some work at Kings Lane.
  • Oakwood Crafts has been in contact with Joan about FGVW having a stall at their fairs. Joan has the dates up to the end of the year. The Group thought that we had a lot on leading up to the FunDay so suggested starting from July.
  • Adam asked the Group if anyone wanted a gazebo that had become available.

13. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 20 May 2018
  • FunDay Meeting - Mon 4 Jun 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 9 Jul 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sat 14 Jul 2018
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 30 Jul 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 5 Aug 2018

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