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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
9th July 2018
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Jenny Page, Naomi Watts-Kitto, David Miles, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Steve Jones-Blackett.
1. Apologies for Absence
Paul Ellis, Kay Woodward, Adrian Coltman Joan & Mervyn Clayton.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 17th May 2018
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- A resident of Hillside flats was concerned about the number of trees being cut down nearby. Martin spoke to him and told him he would need to talk to the management company as the trees in question were on private land.
- David has been in contact with the Badger Group and will arrange for them to attend one of our meetings in the Autumn.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 20 May 2018
Plugs were put in at the Bath House. The ground was very stony and they were difficult to plant. The Bath House was cleared and the fencing moved outward. A large hole was filled.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Saturday 14 July 2018
The Bath House railings need painting and there is some path decking to repair. The new hedge also needs watering. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.
- Sunday 5 August 2018
Any work not completed on 14 July will be carried over. The balsam also needs bashing although it depends on when it flowers and may need an extra Action Morning.
6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
David provided the Group with an update. He passed round a draft copy of the History of Gledhow Lake that it is going to be made into an interpretation board and put in the woods. A second board will contain info on the plants and wildlife. Christine Osbourne from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group had helped to put the information together. The Group were asked to provide feedback but initial reactions were very favourable. It was suggested that when the boards are completed we invite local councillors for an unveiling. A decision needs to be taken on where to put them. It was suggested we try and match up the vista and also avoid the area that will be dredged in the future so it doesn't need to be moved.
A meeting that was due to take place today will now be tomorrow. This is a meeting with LCC Parks and Countryside and the drone pilot regarding aerial photos to be taken of the lake.
David to attend a meeting with Yorkshire Water and other parties that are supporting community groups to see about a planning application and what, if any, support they can give.
David will be attending a crowd funding course.
LAG is waiting for a response from the flood management company on whether they can help with funding for silt removal.
The report form Rachel Moores is expected at the end of the month.
The Group has received £1,500 from the Co-Op so far as part of their Community Fund initiative. There is 4 months left to go and £3,600 potentially left to the groups. The Group decided to re-publicise and show the Co-Op how appreciative we are of the money and what we are doing with it. It was also suggested to have a bucket collection day at the local store.
7. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 1st-2nd September 2018
Martin and Adrian have agreed to run the stalls but more volunteers are needed. Please let them know if you can help. The Group will sell merchandise and books left over from the FunDay. Steve to pick up the remaining books from Andy.
8. Bath House
Steve has been given some green Welsh slate that we thought we could use to replace the temporary corrugated roof put on by the Council 12 years ago when the original slate was stolen. Steve has met with the Councillors as there are restrictions on what can be done with the Grade II listed building. We need a Conservation Officer, councillors and the Planning Department to agree it can be done.
9. Trustee Report
The Trustee meeting is next week.
10. Meadows
Kay to see the contact at Bugs Life to see if we can get the meadow scythed. Now that we have five meadows it would be good to get some professionals in to help.
11. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Nothing new to report as work was put on hold due to FunDay preparations.
12. FGVW FunDay 2018 Feedback/Social
It was suggested that we have a social event to get feedback on the FunDay and go through the financials. It looks like takings are lower but outgoings also lower. Martin to agree a date for the social event.
It was suggested that next year we have signposts/labelling on the tents so that people know where to go to set up and also our customers can decide where to go and what to do.
It was also suggested to have fewer chairs so more people move around the event.
It was felt the FGVW merchandise was in the wrong place and should be located somewhere else next year.
Although there were no animals this year this was seen as a positive move due to customer feedback on keeping exotic animals in captivity.
The Juggler was very popular and would like to come again despite being in the pouring rain.
The photos taken by Peter Howarth were excellent.
There were some complaints that the face painting was too expensive at £4 given that the painters were not professionals.
The gazebos need sorting out and putting into sets again.
13. AOB
- The Group need to think about any new merchandise they would like at the next FunDay. Jenny suggested paperweights but has found that they are expensive. Beanbag frogs were also suggested.
- The Christmas cards have been paid for. Diane needs some more envelopes and sleeves for some existing cards. Steve to order these for the new cards and supply them for the old cards too.
- Martin gave an update on the Open Meadows Day. Due to the World Cup it was quiet after 3pm. Kay took groups round the field and Jenny provided activities for the children. It was suggested that next time the Group should do this event the day after the National Meadows Day on a Sunday.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sat 14 Jul 2018
- Steering Group Meeting - Mon 30 Jul 2018 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 5 Aug 2018