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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
30th July 2018
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Naomi Watts-Kitto, David Miles, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Geoff Holden, Phil Meadley.
1. Apologies for Absence
Steve Jones-Blackett, Paul Ellis, Kay Woodward, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Eveline Diemunsch.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th July 2018
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Martin and Adrian will arrange to go through the gazebos we have and sort them out into full sets.
- Christmas cards are due to arrive this week. Diane has offered to pack some up ready for the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival and Bath House Open Day events.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Saturday 14 July 2018
Improvements were made to the area around the Bath House.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 5 August 2018
Any work not completed on 14 July will be carried over. There will be balsam bashing and some work to do on the field. More work also to be done around the Bath House. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.
6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
David provided the Group with an update. The LAG had a meeting with the Trustees to update them with the lottery bid and clear up a few concerns. The budget will be revisited and circulated.
The LAG has been talking to LCC Parks & Countryside on the tree management work to be done around the lake and wild flower planting in the area. Phase 1 will involve clearing some of the mud around the lake, planting and also clearing to allow more light in.
The LAG has received comments on the information boards following the last meeting and from Wade's Charity and LCC Parks & Countryside. The final draft is currently being prepared and will be circulated before printing.
The LAG has met with Ben Aston, Chief Environmental Officer at Yorkshire Water, who has agreed that they will fund phase 2 for £50k and work on the bottom of the lake. They would like to introduce native crayfish to the lake.
There is a meeting next week with Flood Risk Management about clearing the silt traps and stream. The Group hope that once the silt traps have been cleared and prove they are working that this will be a regular thing and that they will be cleaned annually.
The Group is looking at a Heritage Lottery bid of £70k.
The Co-op Community Fund is currently up to £2k.
The LAG is working on how to phase the project now that we haven't got the funding to do all the work in one go. They are looking at funding and timescales for each phase which they will then discuss with Groundworks. They are currently looking at 3 to 4 phases up to the end of 2020.
7. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 1st-2nd September 2018
The stalls have been booked for Saturday and Sunday. The Group will sell merchandise and books left over from the FunDay. Steve to pick up the remaining books from Andy. Volunteers are required. Adrian will let people know the timings, etc.
8. Bath House Open Day Sunday 9th September 2018
The event needs to be publicised and volunteers are required from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
9. Trustee Report
Martin provided an update on the last Trustee meeting. The Group has received a donation of £5k in a will. It is for general use but the Trustees thought it would be nice to do something specific with the money so it will be set aside until an appropriate project can be found.
The Trustees are looking at preparing a budget of income and expenditure for the future.
The Group received a £200 donation and signed up a life member at the FunDay.
Naomi and Martin attended the LAG meeting for a Trustee update. They are happy with the work being done and the outcomes so far. They were pleased to see support from Vicki Nunns, Parks & Countryside, Groundworks and the Wade's Charity.
Merchandise was discussed and making use of materials in the woods to make items such as candle holders. The Group are conscious that they should not be relying on Mervyn to do all the work on this and it was agreed to ask volunteers to become apprentices so the work load could be shared in future. Adrian mentioned a place at Dragon Bridge on Halifax Road in Leeds that sells recycled materials which might be useful for making things to sell.
10. Meadows
Martin went round the meadows with the Head Ranger to sign off the risk assessments. He also agreed to use professional scythers to do Audrey's Meadow on September 3rd/4th. The Group will do a couple of the other meadows. Kay to ask if the large meadow can be done by machine (rather than by hand) and cleared by professionals.
11. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Adam has a plan and is working on some changes to the website.
12. FGVW FunDay 2018 Feedback/Social
A social will be held at The Three Hulats on 31st August at 7.30pm to thanks those volunteers who helped with the FunDay and also to communicate the financials and feedback.
13. AOB
- Diane asked if the Group were happy for a substitute to Rocky Road as the Action Morning snack.
- Geoff mentioned the tape needed at the Action Morning to tape off the paths they were working on and stop people walking through the area being worked on. He also asked about putting up posters to state what work had been done by the Group and when the next Action Morning would be. Martin to pick this up.
- The Aviva Community Fund starts again in September so the Group were asked for ideas to submit as the previous two awards have been based on Meadow planting. Ideas included information boards on the Bath House, using recycled material.
- It was mentioned that the rubbish collected at the last Action Morning had been set on fire while waiting for collection. Some wheelie bins had also been set on fire and this had caused some damage to the tree canopy. The Fire Brigade had been called out at 4.30am. There had also been issues with overhanging trees and branches being knocked off by high sided vehicles and into the path of other cars. Diane was hoping to raise the issues at the Police Forum being held at the Methodist Church.
- It was agreed that due to the events taking place in September there would not be a meeting or Action Morning that month. Martin to agree some dates for the remainder of the year.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 5 Aug 2018
- Steering Group Meeting - TBC (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)