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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
22nd October 2018

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), David Miles, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Geoff Holden, Phil Meadley, Steve Jones-Blackett Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Jenny Page.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 30th July 2018
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  7. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 1st-2nd September 2018
  8. Lawn Turfing
  9. Lake Information Board
  1. Bath House Open Day Sunday 9th September 2018
  2. Trustee Report
  3. The Meadows
  4. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  5. Interim Neighbourhood Planning Forum
  6. Christmas Markets
  7. AOB
  8. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Naomi Watts-Kitto, Adrian Coltman, Kay Woodward, Malcolm Robertson.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 30th July 2018

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Martin and Adrian went through the gazebos and sorted them out into full sets.
  • Christmas cards have arrived. Diane has packed them up.
  • At the last Police Forum, Trevor and Diane raised the problem of someone burning rubbish and bins.

4. Correspondence

  • None.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 30 September 2018
    There were 30 volunteers and the meadow was cut and raked.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 28 October 2018
    There is some planting to do near the Bath House. The Group are planting prickly bushes to aid security. There will also be beech thinning, litter picking and general tidying up around the Bath House and railings. There was also a discussion on the area between the Bath House and stream and to try and keep this natural. Martin agreed to speak to Parks & Countryside to see if they could stop cutting it back and also if they would like some spare fencing back. Volunteers to meet at the Bath House.

6. Lake Action Group (LAG)

David provided the Group with an update.

The Co-op Community Fund is nearly up to £3k and finishes next Sunday. The Co-op are having a pay-out celebration day on 24th November so the Group are going to go into the branch to talk about their work.

Mark Jackson has completed some drone photography and film footage of the lake. He would like to do more covering the different seasons. Adam will put the footage on the FGVW website and Steve to add to Twitter.

A Leeds University student has completed a dissertation that includes information on the water quality of Gledhow Beck. David is sending a copy to Ben Aston at Yorkshire Water to try and obtain a grant to look at the water quality and to complete a low cost project to improve the quality and also help with reed beds in the lake. The Group also had a discussion about the Combined Sewer Overflow system on Kings Lane and the on-going problems with the drains in the Brakenwoods area.

The Lottery grant application is waiting for a decision form the trustees. As part of the tendering process we will need to get quotes form 3 different contractors and there is concern over the time scales and seasons. The Group would prefer August/September to avoid the nesting season and also this will be the best time for planting.

There is a meeting on 7th November to discuss the silt traps with Flood Risk Management and Parks & Countryside.

Sarah from Asda has been looking at the types of grants available to the Group. Some of the grants are decided regionally but we can apply for a Community Fund grant of £500 in January based on the in-store tokens voting system.

David is attending a masterclass in crowdfunding.

7. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 1st-2nd September 2018

The festival went very well especially since the weather was good too. The Group raised £404.35 over the 2 days that included £60 in bird box takings, selling merchandise and books. It was also a good platform to advertise future events for the Group.

8. Lawn Turfing

A couple of "rogue traders" were spotted removing turf from the woods and the FunDay field. Local residents reported this to the Group who started to gather evidence. The Group also visited residents who had bought the turf without realising they were being scammed and that it had been taken form the woods. Trevor and Diane to raise at the next police meeting this week.

9. Lake Information Board

A grant received form the Postcode Lottery Fund has been used to produce a lake information board. The sign has been created by City Signs and put up by Mervyn, Martin and David. The unveiling ceremony was on Monday. Various Councillors came including Councillor Jane Dowson, Councillor Mohammed Rafique and Councillor Angela Wenham. The photos are to be shared on Twitter and also sent to the Postcode Lottery Group by Steve.

10. Bath House Open Day Sunday 9th September 2018

The Bath House Open Day received 210 visitors and the Group raised £358.78 selling cakes and merchandise.

11. Trustee Report

The Trustees Meeting is in 4 weeks' time.

12. The Meadows

Martin went round the meadows with the Head Ranger to sign off our risk assessments. He also agreed to use professional scythers to do Audrey's Meadow on September 3rd/4th. The Group will do a couple of the other meadows. Kay to ask if the large meadow can be done by machine and cleared by professionals.

Martin's and Audrey's meadows have been cut and raked. Adrian's meadow has been cut but needs raking. Kay was looking at getting in contractors to do the new field but this would be expensive. The piles of cuttings already in the field also need to be removed. The Group could cut the field but it will take around 4 hours and 8 volunteers to rake it. There was also a question over what to do with the cuttings.

A suggestion was made about getting livestock for the new field.

13. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Adam and Paul have completed a new Privacy Notice and Cookie Policy that are both now on the website.

14. Interim Neighbourhood Planning Forum

The Group found out at the last minute that there was an Interim Neighbourhood Planning Forum running on the same night as the meeting. It is a discussion on what people in the area want it to be like and also a question over where the boundaries are. The Gledhow Valley Woods are in both Roundhay and Chapel Allerton. The Group discussed whether to attend this meeting or not. One of the volunteers was attending the meeting so Jenny will talk with her and obtain more information.

15. Christmas Markets

Joan received the dates for the Oakwood Artisan & Craft Markets. There was one on Saturday 27th October but no volunteers were available. Other possibilities included 10th November 12pm-9pm for the Christmas light switch on, 24th November 10am-3pm or 8th December 10am-5pm. The 8th December event clashes with an Action Morning so this may be moved, however the Group thought the 24th November would be the most likely event for us to attend.

There may also be the option to attend The Three Hulats' market and to have a stall in Chapel Allerton.

Joan requested some tote bags from Steve and also put in a request for some new coasters with pictures of bluebells and woodland scenes on them.

16. AOB

  • The St Matthews Scout Group would like to volunteer to do some work in the woods. The Group need to find some tasks for them to do.
  • Joan mentioned that after speaking to the "In-Bloom" group we may be able to get some bulbs from the Arium.
  • Japanese knotweed was supposed to have been treated by Habitat Management. It was already done earlier in the year.
  • The Council would like to discuss with the Group the prospect of taking temporary ownership of the Bath House. The Trustees will discuss this as there are a lot pros and cons to consider, especially over liability as it is a listed building. There was a lot of concern that we may receive an Improvement Notice if we took it on and then be forced to cover the costs. This has been instigated by Steve's enquiries into using some 18th century slate to replace the "temporary" steel roof put on by the Council some years ago.
  • Black headed gulls have been seen on the lake.
  • There are problems with one of the paths that has been badly eroded, and one of the sleepers is missing. The path is steeply sloped so it is difficult to fix. Members of the Group will assess what can be done.
  • A project has been submitted as part of the Aviva Community Fund.
  • The Group has run out of leaflets. Steve agreed to print about 1,000 and Adam agreed to check the artwork is up to date and send it to Steve. The charity number needs to be added to the leaflet. Martin has some money left over from the Woodland Grant which can be used to fund the printing costs, which are expected to be around £66.
  • Some of the benches are damaged and/or disintegrating. Members of the Group agreed to have a look to see if they could be saved. Also one of the benches may need moving due to anti-social behaviour and noise.
  • We need a Health & Safety assessment for a grant application. The Group has risk assessments so this has not been needed before. The Group is hoping to receive a copy of the one Middleton Park use.
  • There will be a non-denominational service at the war memorial in Chapel Allerton at 11am on 11th November. Everyone is welcome to attend.
  • The 3 Hulats will be closing for refurbishment in January for 3-6 weeks.

17. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 19 Nov 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 25 Nov 2018
  • Steering Group Meeting - Mon 3 Dec 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sat 8 Dec 2018

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