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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
15th January 2019
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Jenny Page, Kay Woodward, Steve Johns, David Miles, Theresa Williams.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Geoff Holden, Steve Jones-Blackett, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Malcolm Robertson.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 3rd December 2018
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- A wooden top as been put on one of the benches to try and save it. A couple of other benches also need repairing.
- Adrian has arranged an outing to the local refuse and energy recycling plant on Monday 4th March 2-4pm. Between 6 and 30 people are allowed and shoe sizes may be required in advance. If anyone is interested in going please let Adrian know.
- The fruit tree planting by Chapel Allerton in Bloom went ahead.
- An FGW Christmas social is to be arranged for February.
- The Group will receive £200 from the Aviva Community Fund.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 16 December
There were 22 volunteers. The new field was raked, and a skip was filled. One of the benches was repaired and lots of litter was collected.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 20 January
Volunteers are to meet at the field owned by FGVW. A skip will be ordered so that the piles of branches, etc. can be cleared and removed. Funding for the skip has been kindly donated by the Buglife organisation.
6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
Martin, David and Steve are meeting Parks & Countryside and Flood Management in February to discuss with the Group what they are intending to do.
The Heritage Lottery Fund bid has been submitted. The decision is expected at the end of January.
The Department of Housing and Communities has a funding scheme for "pocket parks". Vicki Nunns has offered to support the Group as a local council partner. Applications need to be in by 25th January and it is for £25,000.
Betty's is also celebrating it's 100th anniversary and is making funding available to green groups.
David attended a crowdfunding course. He has plenty of ideas on how to do it, including producing a video on what it is you want to raise funds for. It was suggested that 30% of the funding is secured before going public and to offer people incentives for donated money. Information was also given on different platforms available other than JustGiving.
There is an event at the City Museum on 23rd January. This is a Postcode Lottery event to support people getting funding for their communities.
There is an event at Leeds Beckett University on 13th March on water purification technology.
David remains in contact with the Ecology representative at Yorkshire Water regarding funding but has not yet had a response.
7. Field Management
Kay is writing a field management plan. It is recommended to leave a fifth of the field uncut for bugs that prefer long grass. If we want to produce hay then the grass will need to be cut in June/July for the sugar content. Cutting it later in the year produces green hay that can be used for seeding rather than thrown away. Kay has had a discussion with David about mini-balers and rakers. Open Country in Harrogate also have a group of volunteers who will scythe fields. The Group aim to cut the field in September. Kay is waiting to hear from Natural England for more information on her plan.
8. FGVW Christmas Sales
Sales went very well. Christmas cards were popular and a reprint had to be ordered. The Three Hulats sold £70 worth.
9. Trustees Report
No meeting since the last Steering Group meeting.
10. Bath House Incident
Members of the community witnessed people trying to steal the Yorkshire flagstones from the Bath House. One of the stones got stuck in the gate. Photos were taken, along with a number plate, and passed on to the police. The Group are asking people in the area to remain vigilant.
11. FunDay 2019
The FunDay will be on 15th June 2019 and it will be the 20th anniversary. The Group are looking for volunteers and activities. Theresa suggested having llamas and alpacas and also contacting Askham Bryan college for other animals. Fiona has joined a steel band and will ask them if they are interested. Steve suggested sending out an e-mail to members asking for volunteers now to help with planning and also to help on the day. The Group need to start looking at succession planning so that others can take over the planning in future years. The Group also have two keen ice cream vans to consider.
12. AOB
- Kathryn from Buglife is attending the Action Morning. Kay will drop the rakes off with Adrian beforehand.
- Kat has attended a lichen course. She passed on a leaflet from Meanwood Valley regarding being a responsible dog owner.
- Kay is going on some first aid training but would like others to be trained for Action Mornings as well. Adrian mentioned that shorter courses, les than 3 days, may be more suitable and something the Group could look in to.
- Steve has been asked by a local Scout leader if we could supply them with some bird box kits. The Group currently don't have any wood but they will see what they can do.
- There will be a work party at the Chapel Allerton Cemetery on 24th January from 10am who are going to tidy the area and scythe the grass. Jim Mudd will also be there to help identify the trees. Volunteers are welcome.
- The Group discussed the homeless people still living in the woods. The Council are aware, and help has been offered.
- Theresa has received comments regarding the Group collecting and raking leaves in the woods. The Group do not do this activity.
- The Open Gardens event has been confirmed as the 16th June 1-5pm and will raise funds for St Gemma's Hospice and FGVW.
- The trailer needs replacing so the Group will investigate prices for a new one that includes a ramp.
- Adrian reminded the Group that annual membership subs are due.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 27 Jan 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 5 Feb 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Feb 2019
- Action Morning - Sat 23 Mar 2019
- Action Morning - Sun 28 Apr 2019
- FGVW FunDay - Sat 15 Jun 2019