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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
5th February 2019
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Kay Woodward, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Steve Jones-Blackett, Phil Meadley, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe.
1. Apologies for Absence
Theresa Williams, Jenny Page, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 15th January 2019
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Two benches have now had new wooden tops put on to try and save them.
- The Chapel Allerton Cemetery event went well and another is to be arranged soon. 20 volunteers helped tidy the cemetery and all the bird boxes were put up.
- Annual FGVW membership subs are due.
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 20 January
There were 30 volunteers. A skip was filled with branches, etc. from the new field. The paths were cleaned and there was a lot of litter picking. Kay sowed some yellow rattle seed. It is hoped we can now plant 3 more areas now that the field has been cleared if we can get funding. Joan has submitted a report on our volunteer numbers to Parks & Countryside.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 10 February
Volunteers are to meet opposite the field owned by FGVW. There will be some footpath repair work including edging. The fence near the lake also needs to be repaired. Mervyn has already fixed the warped decking. Mervyn to look at the materials needed, including wood, stone and potentially some metal stakes, and order them for Sunday. Adrian will clear the path near the post box. Some steps also need to be cleared. Martin to put up the posters.
6. Lake Action Group (LAG)
The Group was successful in getting the £50,000 grant from the Lottery Fund. The Group will also receive £20,000 from Wade's Charity. The Lottery people would like to do a press release. We also need to get their permission in order to start the project. There is a meeting between Parks & Countryside, FGVW and Wade's Charity to discuss the work to be done. LAG is also talking to Groundworks to arrange for quotes and contractors. The grant will be used to start on the west side of the lake to remove silt, contouring, paths and signage. Part of the project also includes a community element so David will be speaking to schools and other partners to get them involved.
A Pocket Parks application for £25,000 has been submitted and we should hear back in March.
An application for £4,000 is being submitted to Betty's before the end of the month. LAG is using the hydrology report and hope to use the funding to work on a pond near the natural spring. Two quotes are needed for the work for the submission.
David is to meet with the Wykebeck Group to consult with them on the work they have done. They have crayfish in their lake.
The group have already received £2,000 from The Postcode Lottery Fund but have been told they can now apply for £20,000 grant.
The Tesco Bag for Life scheme rules have now been relaxed and the funds can be used for anything ,so it may be useful to the Group.
Bob Ward is looking to do some crowd funding for traffic calming initiatives in Chapel Allerton. David has passed on information from his recent crowd funding course.
LAG is meeting with the Flood Management team to look at clearing the silt traps. Parks & Countryside will also be attending the meeting.
Funding from the Co-Op has been made available and the group has applied for it to provide three plaques.
The Group thanked David for all his hard work and for getting the funding for the lake.
7. Field Management
Kay is writing a field management plan. Kay has had a discussion with David about mini-balers and rakers. Open Country in Harrogate also have a group of volunteers who will scythe fields. The Group aim to cut the field in August/September with some planting in May.
8. Trustees Report
The Trustees Meeting will be held on Thursday. The AGM is proposed for 26th March. The trailer will be discussed as this will cost over £500. Volunteers are required to take minutes at the Trustee Meetings.
9. Trip to Cross Green RERF
Adrian has arranged an outing to the local Refuse and Energy Recycling Facility on Monday 4th March 2-4pm. Between 6 and 30 people are allowed and shoe sizes may be required in advance. If anyone is interested in going please let Adrian know. Car sharing can be organised nearer the time.
10. Litter Recycling
Steve JB asked the Group how they felt about organising the litter picked at Action Morning into different types of recyclable material. There was a discussion over how feasible this was and due to practical considerations decided that it would be up to individual volunteers as to if they wanted to do this and how they would do it. The easiest may be to filter out cans and bottles.
11. FunDay 2019
The FunDay will be on 15th June 2019 and it will be the 20th anniversary. The Group are looking for volunteers and activities. Diane has been speaking to the face painters who may be available again this year. The Group were asked to start collecting books and tombola prizes. Some other parties may need to be included as part of the Lottery Fund. The day after the FunDay it is the Open Gardens Day. St Gemma's Hospice are looking for people to open up their gardens.
12. AOB
- The neighbour of a member of the Group is looking to collect wire, cables, leads, etc. that can be stripped to raise money for Children in Need. It will be matched by N-Power. If anyone has any wires they don't need please contact Adam.
- The trees with spots painted on them are due to be cut down. The branches will be used to form fences to reduce silt as part of the lake management program.
- Some rubbish was recently dumped on Gledhow Park Drive but has now been removed. There is a website where you can report mini fly tipping in the area.
- Members of the Group have been chatting to the homeless people camping in the woods and checking on their welfare.
- Joan provided a report on the number of Christmas cards left and sold. There are only 21 packs left and 6 singles. £1,879.94 has been collected and with the FunDay the total increased to £3,769.54. Angels 2 in Chapel Allerton also raised £230 for FGVW by donating all the profits made from selling cards specially designed for FGVW by Wendy Jones-Blackett.
- Tiles for the roof of the Bath House are still being investigated by Steve JB, who needs to complete a pre-application.
- The large stones near the car park pillars keep moving and people are driving on the daffodil area.
- David to find out what permissions we have especially regarding trees as these are needed for the Lottery Fund.
- The Trustees need to send the accounts to an assessor as the Group has received a lot of money this year. They will also be setting a budget for the year.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 10 Feb 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 19 Mar 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 23 Mar 2019
- AGM - Tue 26 Mar 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club) (TBC)
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 23 Apr 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 28 Apr 2019
- FGVW FunDay - Sat 15 Jun 2019