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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
19th March 2019

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Diane & Trevor Kitto, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Geoff Holden, Kay Woodward, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Stephen Jones-Blackett, David Miles, Phil Meadley.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th February 2019
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. FGVW Treasurer
  7. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  8. Field Management
  1. Trustees Report
  2. Trip to Cross Green RERF
  3. Action Morning Days
  4. Card Machine for Sales
  5. Benches in the Woods
  6. FunDay 2019
  7. AOB
  8. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Adam & Carol Bull

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 5th February 2019

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • We will try to recycle litter collected on Action Mornings if we can.
  • Men in high viz jackets with a truck were seen behaving suspiciously near the Bath House and reported by Avril.

4. Correspondence

  • None.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 10 February
    There were 26 volunteers. Path repair work was carried out and steps from the Brackenwood were cleared.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Saturday 23 March
    Volunteers are to meet opposite the field owned by FGVW. Four tons of hard core have been ordered for repairing the path opposite the field. Work may also include thinning of trees by the lake.

6. FGVW Treasurer

Paul Ellis has resigned as FGVW Treasurer. It was agreed the Group should try and think of a present for him and Hazel. The Charity Commission could find "no cause for concern" with our accounts. The Group expressed their thanks to Paul for his work for the FGVW.

Steve Jones-Blackett has volunteered to fill the role until the AGM. He will organise a separate petty cash account and use purchase order numbers.

7. Lake Action Group (LAG)

Phil reported that the tendering process is continuing. LCC is offering £3000 worth of work-in-kind. The focus will be on the lake and then on the big silt trap. Tight focus is needed on the trees around the lake. Willows will be removed by the contractors. The trees on the north bank to be discussed with Justin - they are to be crowned. The budget for this is £50K.

There is an organised group who are not happy with the planned work. We need to get back to them quickly. It was proposed that Phil and Kay (and possibly Justin) meet with them to discuss their grievances.

Dave reported that there is Pocket Parks funding of £25,200 to be matched against the Lottery funding which will be paid to LCC. Most of it is for the area between the bridge and the island. £100k+ of funding has been achieved.

£540 has been paid to the Group from Tesco bag sales.

£25K from the National Lottery has been paid into our account but some of it will go to Groundworks.

Carriers for Causes have invited us to apply for £1,000. We are awaiting a decision from Betty's about a grant.

There are still decisions to be made about future funding.

Ben Aston of Yorkshire Water (YW) is sending reports of similar projects and put the LAG in touch with the Wild Trout Trust who have created similar environments. YW want to improve the water quality in the beck but there are still issues to be addressed.

We need clarification from John Moxon of Flood Risk Management as to whether they will maintain the silt traps. The top one needs clearing annually, the bottom one every 2 to 3 years. The work needs to be underwritten to be sustainable. The permissions that are needed to deal with the silt have been obtained and need to shown to the Environmental Agency.

The LAG are hoping that FGVW may be able to generate more community engagement in the form of bird, bat, history, flower and tree walks, possibly with the involvement of Park Rangers and training for volunteers. It was noted that Forest Schools training has moved to the wood, the TLC Café is to take pictures of the wood and the Dementia Café is organising walks.

It was agreed that there needs to be more public engagement before all the work starts and that our publicity material should ideally feature a more diverse range of people so as to widen our audience.

There was to be an outing to Wyke Beck to observe their crayfish, but it was cancelled as the crayfish were in hiding!

8. Field Management

It was noted that the field is flooded at the bottom and that there is frogspawn in the pond.

The hedge, which been thought to be largely dead, has been found to be alive.

9. Trustees Report

Dave was congratulated for obtaining the Lottery grant for the lake.

It was agreed that Steve Jones-Blackett and Adrian will be signatories to FGVW cheques.

The purchase of a new trailer was approved.

10. Trip to Cross Green RERF

This was very informative and a great success particularly since Steve JB got to operate the grab for the incinerator.

The possibility of a trip to the recycling plant was discussed.

11. Action Morning Days

Some members wondered whether we should continue with Action Mornings on a Saturday as numbers were generally lower than on Sundays. It was agreed that we would see how numbers were on the next Action Morning, which is on a Saturday.

12. Card Machine for Sales

This will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

13. Benches in the Woods

Mervyn and Joan have repaired various benches and fences in the woods.

14. FunDay 2019

  • All the necessary preparation has been done.
  • The climbing tower needs to be on the flattest part of the field.
  • Alpacas are coming. It was discussed whether they should be in our field or at the FunDay site.
  • We will pay a fee for the falconer, she will charge the children and then pay us.
  • The `Friendly Band' and the juggler cannot come but have suggested other artistes;
  • The posters and flyers are to be printed after Easter.

15. AOB

  • The council grass cutters have agreed not to mow the area in front of the Bath House.
  • Joan reported that we should suggest that everyone who attends an Action Morning give a contact name and number in case of an emergency.
  • There have been articles about the Group in the YEP and North Leeds.

16. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sat 23 Mar 2019
  • AGM - Tue 26 Mar 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club) (TBC)
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 23 Apr 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 28 Apr 2019
  • FGVW FunDay - Sat 15 Jun 2019

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