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FGVW Annual General Meeting
26th March 2019
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Adam & Carol Bull, Kay Woodward, Steve Jones-Blackett, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Paul Ellis, Jenny Page, Malcolm Robertson, Teresa Williams, Dorothy Carter, Phil Meadley.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for Absence: Steve Johns, Naomi Watts-Kitto.
2. Minutes of AGM Held 27th March 2018
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Various policies governing the Group's activities and procedures have been completed over the year.
- An independent examination of the Group's financial records has been completed.
4. To Receive and Consider the Accounts for the Year Ended 30 November 2018 and the Reports of the Charity Trustees and Examiners
The Trustees Annual Report & Financial Statement can be downloaded below:
Copies of the Trustees Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ending 30th November 2018 were circulated amongst the Group.
Martin went through the Trustees Annual Report.
Joan provided the latest volunteer figures. The key points were that the total number of volunteers were 334 and the total number of volunteer hours were 835 for 2018. Over 15 years equivalent earnings amount to £101,749 (calculated at £11 per hour). Volunteer numbers remain steady and consistent each month.
Paul went through the Financial Review. This is the first time we have had an independent financial review. Paul chose a Social Enterprise called Outsource that is experienced in dealing with small charities such as ours. The Trustees agreed to complete "receipts and payments" type accounts. Paul has also created a Dropbox account to store all the records.
Martin thanked Paul for all his hard work and effort in preparing all the financials resulting in no comments or concerns from the independent examiner.
Paul highlighted two actions for the Group:
- Write down the procedures for doing the financials.
- Record all the trustees' decisions.
Vote to approve the FGVW Trustees Annual Report 2018:
19 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
Vote to approve the FGVW Financial Statement 2018:
19 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
Paul had decided to step down as Treasurer so Steve Jones-Blackett agreed to put himself forward for the post.
In line with Rule 13(1)b of the FGVW Constitution there needs to be a vote to (potentially) re-appoint Adrian Coltman as a Charity Trustee.
5. To Appoint MARTIN CALVERT as Chair of FGVW
19 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
6. To Appoint STEVE JONES-BLACKETT as Treasurer of FGVW
19 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
7. To Re-appoint ADRIAN COLTMAN as a Charity Trustee
19 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
Thanks to Jenny, as the appointed teller, for completing the vote counting.
8. Any Other Business Permitted by the Constitution of the CIO
- Martin thanked Paul for his contribution as Treasurer. Paul joined the Group in 2001. In December 2001 Paul presented his first Treasurers Report. Paul has been a fantastic Treasurer and will also be known for enjoying digging ditches and getting muddy at Action Mornings. We hope to continue to see Paul at future Action Mornings. Paul also successfully guided and cajoled us through the charity status process. The Group paid a huge thank you to Paul.
Paul responded saying he was grateful for the friendship and support he had received. He will help Steve with the transition to Treasurer and hopes to continue digging ditches and recovering the lost carriageway at future Action Mornings.
- The Group has been offered 2000 hedgerow plants. Martin suggest a morning or two to plant them with a small number of volunteers.
- A member of the community has suggested building a café on the new field.
- Joan thanked all the ladies who do all the baking for our events and especially to Diane for providing Rocky Road at Action Mornings.
- The Group was also notified that JustGiving has dropped the 5% charge for charities.
- There was a suggestion to put up a sign in the woods to say we had planted 400 trees. Martin agreed to do this.
- A person from Chapeltown has been in contact with the Group, offering to donate her wild flower garden. The Group thought that it was a lovely gesture but that it would be impracticable to move it.