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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
20th May 2019
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Geoff Holden, Jenny Page, Steve Johns, Andy Smith.
1. Apologies for Absence
Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Phil Meadley, Steve Jones-Blackett, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 23rd April 2019
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- Geoff mentioned the minutes he took 2 meetings ago that had been altered slightly before publishing online and yet were shown as agreed at the following meeting. Kay was accidentally listed as absent as well as being present, but this was corrected to show she was present. Geoff pointed out that we need to record any amendments and Martin apologised for the way it was changed and not recorded.
- Lloyds Bank are sending a group of volunteers to work in the woods on either the 8th or 11th June.
4. Correspondence
- An e-mail has been received complaining about a group of people using the woods as a track for petrol driven model cars on Sunday mornings. FGVW are neutral on the subject and have responded to the e-mail to say that this should be discussed with the owner of the woods.
5. Action Mornings
- Saturday 28 April
There were 32 volunteers.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 26 May
Volunteers are to meet opposite the FGVW field. The footpath will be finished off and Joan has a list of other jobs. There will be no Rocky Road cake this week due to the bank holiday and unpredictable volunteer numbers.
6. Gledhow Beck - Yorkshire Water
Peter Wilkie and David sent an e-mail on behalf of Martin to Yorkshire Water, including Leeds City Council, Councillor Jane Dowson and the Environmental Agency concerning the on-going problems with raw sewage from the Bracken Woods area.
Yorkshire Water had put straw bales and sand bags to collect and monitor the sewage but these have been washed away into the silt traps. The Group received a reply from Yorkshire Water addressed to Mr Smith, so there was discussion as to if this referred to the original complainant some years ago regarding the same issue.
Yorkshire Water has identified some home owners who have incorrect plumbing. Some households have corrected this but not all. They are planning on checking the straw bales, however these are no longer in place.
Andy suggested contacting the Environmental Office at Yorkshire Water as they are also aware of the issue and then the complaint will be joined up. Martin to send on details to Andy.
7. Lake Action Group (LAG)
David is happy that the project is going OK. Phil notified the Group that a depth survey was completed last week. The deepest part of the lake is 3.6 metres and there is 1 metre of silt throughout, which is quite dense. This amounts to around 6-7,000 cubic metres of silt to remove. A decision needs to be made as to whether this can be disposed of on site.
As part of the Heritage Lottery Funding there will be a series of Heritage Walks open to all. David is co-ordinating this in conjunction with Leeds Parks and Countryside and FGVW. Details are on the website and Facebook pages.
8. Card Machine for Sales
Carol and Adam have been investigating card machines for use by the Group when selling merchandise at local events. We could buy a reader for a one-off fee of around £20. No merchant account is required. The reader links to an app on a mobile phone and we can use the existing FGVW bank account. It will accept debit and credit cards and e-mail receipts. There is a cost of around 1.7% on each transaction. We need a volunteer who is willing to give it a go and use their phone. Adam to investigate if the app can be used on more than one mobile phone.
9. Trustees Report
The Trustees Meeting was held on 2nd May. The Trustees discussed on-going projects and if we should apply for any new grants for the LAG. It was decided to stop applications for now and see how we got on with the Heritage Lottery Grant first. We may start again with funding in September.
The Trustees also discussed e-mail etiquette which was led by Adrian who has had experience of this issue within school. It was agreed that personal abuse was unacceptable in e-mails and some people had been upset by a recent incident. The Trustees decided that guidelines may need to be put in place.
Kay has resigned as a Trustee.
10. Dates for Steering Group Meetings and Action Mornings
Geoff stated that we need to have fixed dates for meetings and not make any last minute changes. In other words we need a more formal approach. He suggested that no-one is indispensable and the Group is now large enough that meetings can go ahead regardless of who attends. Geoff will create a policy on setting up meetings for the Group to consider.
Martin will check the proposed dates of the Action Mornings with Joan and Mervyn as they have the equipment. Once agreed these dates can be publicised at the FunDay.
Provisional Meeting/Action Morning Dates July-December 2019:
- Meeting - Tue 9 Jul
- Action Morning - Sat 13 Jul
- Meeting - Tue 6 Aug
- Action Morning - Sun 11 Aug
- Meeting - Tue 10 Sep or Tue 3 Sep
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Sep or Sun 8 Sep (depending on Bath House Open Day)
- Meeting - Tue 8 Oct
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Oct
- Meeting - Tue 12 Nov
- Action Morning - Sat 16 Nov
- Meeting - Tue 10 Dec
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec
11. Risk Assessments
The Risk Assessments will be discussed with the Head Ranger at Leeds City Council, along with the proposed plan of work for the year, at a meeting on 17th June.
12. FunDay 2019
The FunDay will be on 15th June 2019 and it will be the 20th anniversary. The Group are looking for volunteers and activity suggestions.
The Flyers have been printed and Diane has been busy distributing them out to volunteers to take into the local schools. Steve has printed the posters and Martin will pick these up and start to distribute them to local shops and put up in the woods.
The Group has also received posters and leaflets from Leeds City Council promoting the Summer Bands. Jenny will take the leaflets to the local library and Martin will put some of the posters up.
Ropes and cones for traffic cone will be delivered to Joan and Mervyn's as they have the van to transport items.
Once the Action Mornings have been agreed a leaflet will be printed for the FunDay.
Martin agreed to ask Paul if he will be attending the FunDay and if he will be organising the floats.
Andy is organising the book stall and has asked if books can be delivered to him for sorting prior to the FunDay.
There was a discussion as to where the Alpacas should go on the day. It was suggested that they could go in the FGVW field but the Group were concerned over the additional risks and of children crossing the road. It was decided that the animals would remain on the FunDay field. The donkey would also be there. Steve stressed that we would need to plan the event out carefully as this year we have a lot more animals to consider. Andy suggested that if the animals were successful we could perhaps invite them again at our Open Meadows Day.
Martin will pick up the large marquee from the school and pick up the fire extinguishers.
Adam is collecting prizes for the Tombola. Andy had received a message from Mary who had some left-over prizes from another event. Adam to contact her.
13. AOB
- Geoff notified the Group of an area in the woods that is being turned into quite a sophisticated den and camping area with fire pit and tree house building. There is graffiti on the trees and chairs and picks are there. Martin will take Dan from Leeds City Council there on his next site visit to assess the situation.
- Jenny thanked Martin for the birdboxes that had been put up in the churchyard.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- FGVW FunDay - Sat 15 Jun 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 9 Jul 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 13 Jul 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 6 Aug 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 11 Aug 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Sep or Tue 3 Sep 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Sep or Sun 8 Sept2019 (depending on Bath House Open Day)
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 8 Oct 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Oct 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 12 Nov 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sat 16 Nov 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Dec 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2019