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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
6th August 2019

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Geoff Holden, Jenny Page, Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Steve Jones-Blackett, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th May 2019
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement
  7. Lake Action Group (LAG)
  8. Trustees Report
  9. Change of Dates for Steering Group Meetings/Action Mornings
  1. FGVW Christmas Cards
  2. Meadows Cutting
  3. REAP - Climate Emergency Event
  4. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival
  5. Heritage Open Day - Bath House
  6. Storage of Marquees
  7. FunDay Celebrations
  8. AOB
  9. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 20th May 2019

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Correspondence with Yorkshire Water and John Moxon at Flood Risk Management at Leeds City Council is on-going.
  • Adam to check if card machines can be used on multiple phones.
  • All Risk Assessments are now signed off by the Park Ranger.

4. Correspondence

  • Two e-mails have been received concerning the protocols of cycling in the woods. One member of the public is concerned at the speed of the cyclists on the pathways and the possible danger to others. The other e-mail was from a cyclist who told us that they always give way to pedestrians in the wood. The Group agreed that they would consult with Parks & Countryside at Leeds City Council since both parties should be able to use the woods safely.

5. Action Mornings

  • Saturday 13 July
    There were 19 volunteers which is very good for a Saturday during the summer holidays.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 11 August
    Volunteers are to meet at the Bath House. Cleaning will take place in and around the Bath House and also the meadow is due to be cut on Thursday so will require raking.

Joan gave out some instructions for future Action Mornings based on past experience. The Group has a health ad safety book but some recent incidents have not been covered so it needs to be updated.

  • All volunteers need to have emergency phone numbers. If you have a mobile phone then make sure you have the numbers stored for other volunteers.
  • Volunteers must also work in sight of someone else at all times, or ideally double up. Everyone needs to sign in and out with Joan so we know who is working on site at all times.
  • If you spot someone who is doing a task that needs specialist equipment e.g. protective glasses, then make that they know what is available and that they should be using/wearing it.
  • All areas where work is taking place need to be taped off.
  • All wheelbarrows need to have covered handles. Mervyn will get some handgrips to put on. All volunteers must wear a Hi-Viz vest.

It was also suggested that we go back to having a leader for each volunteer group. We need to check the first aid kit has everything we need and that it is not out of date. A suggestion was made to get some ice packs and that more volunteers become qualified as first aiders. There was also a discussion on whether or not the Group should have Epi-Pens. It was suggested that a notice be put up for volunteers to advise Joan if they have any medical conditions we need to be aware of on the day but be mindful of data protection.

6. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement

Dave gave an update on the lake project and the community engagement events. Before work can be started on the lake the Group needed to have some analysis done on the silt. The test results have come back showing high levels of pollutant. The Group has asked for a re-test as in some cases this is expected due to the bio-degrading leaves. The test results are due back on Thursday. There was a heated discussion on what this meant and what alternative plans were in place. The conclusion was to wait until the second lot of test results came through and then to discuss our options with the Flood Management Team and the Environmental Agency.

Once a decision has been made the Group will organise a series of information sessions with the local community. These are provisionally booked for the 2nd to 7th September at the Chapel Allerton Library and the Reginald Centre. There will also be banners put up to explain what is going on around the lake area.

The Group has received some funding for a hedgerow. It is tree planting week 23rd November to 1st December so it was suggested that we prepare the area and remove brambles and logs ready for the trees.

On 12th July there was a successful Bug Hunt as a community activity with Hillcrest Academy. There were also around 20 children who took part in a Bush Craft event. The community events are proving to be successful and have been fully booked. The next event is a Night Time Safari on 4th September which can be booked via Eventbrite. This will be advertised on the website and social media. There is also a walk planned for 26th October and it is hoped to plan more for next year as the comments have been positive.

Work has started on 3 information boards covering various areas in the woods. David will bring the drafts to the next meeting for comment.

The TLC Café Photography Group are working on a photo display and have a painting and drawing group that meet on Tuesday mornings.

David had a meeting with TCV who are keen to do some woodwork and work with the Black Elders Group.

A charity group in Harehills would like to do some volunteering in the woods.

Space2 in Gipton are looking to develop an art workshop for Bankside Primary School and the elderly in the Autumn.

Martin thanked David for all his time and effort spent on this valuable piece of work that was receiving valuable and positive feedback.

7. Lake Action Group (LAG)

David is happy that the project is going OK. Phil notified the Group that a depth survey was completed last week. The deepest part of the lake is 3.6 metres and there is 1 metre of silt throughout, which is quite dense. This amounts to around 6-7,000 cubic metres of silt to remove. A decision needs to be made as to whether this can be disposed of on site.

As part of the Heritage Lottery Funding there will be a series of Heritage Walks open to all. David is co-ordinating this in conjunction with Leeds Parks & Countryside and FGVW. Details are on the website and Facebook pages.

8. Trustees Report

The Heritage Lottery Fund project was discussed and what would happen afterwards. The Trustees would like to do an evaluation after we see what happens with the project and what it all looks like. Ideally we want the work to start this year.

9. Change of Dates for Steering Group Meetings/Action Mornings

It was decided to change the Action Morning booked on Saturday 16th November to Sunday 17th November.

Geoff has looked at the Constitution as to how the Steering Group fits into the structure and was unable to find it referenced. Martin said that it was covered in the Terms of Reference and he will bring a copy to the next meeting.

The next Steering Group Meeting was confirmed as the Tuesday 8th September.

An extra Action Morning has been scheduled for 8th September to rake the Beck Pasture.

It is up to volunteers which events and Action Mornings they wish to attend as there are a lot booked in over 3 weeks. It is not necessary to attend everything unless you wish to do so.

10. FGVW Christmas Cards

Naomi has sorted out the fox and swan Christmas cards and they have gone to be printed so we can have them for the Chapel Allerton Festival.

11. Meadows Cutting

Martin and Adrian had a site meeting with Steve Jouls to discuss meadow cutting. Steve was surprised at the high quality of the meadows in the woods. He hires a Koppl to cut other meadows in the area so he has booked it to cut the meadows in the woods between 28th August and 6th September.

The Group agreed to have an extra Action Morning on 8th September so that the grass could be raked in the meadows. The Group will have to dispose of the grass and arrange for it to be recycled. It would be good to find a use for it but balers are expensive and look dangerous so this was felt to be the best option at present. The Group will assess how this system works this year. Ian has also agreed to cut some of the area around the Bath House for the Open Day.

12. REAP - Climate Emergency Event

REAP is thinking about engaging with the local Roundhay community in a "Climate Emergency" event to start in the Autumn. It will have an accent on practical measures that individuals can take (food, transport etc.) and include a pledge to plant more trees. A meeting will be held with a few key local groups who might be interested on 20th August at 7pm at a REAP member's house. The ideas are in the early stages, nothing is fixed, so this is an exploratory meeting.

13. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival

The Chapel Allerton Arts Festival is on Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September. Adrian will be available on Saturday but would appreciate other volunteers coming to help on both days. The Group will be selling merchandise and also books (currently with Andy) with the book proceeds to be split between FGVW and Gledhow Primary School.

14. Heritage Open Day - Bath House

The Bath House Open Day will be on 15th September between 1.30 and 4.30pm. Set up will be form 12.30 and 3 pop-ups and home baking is required.

15. Storage of Marquees

Adam to ask, in the next newsletter, if anyone is able to store our marquees, pop-ups and the Allen Scythe. Joan will ask the volunteers at the Action Morning. Steve will get a quote from the storage company he uses.

16. FunDay Celebrations

The Group has had some fantastic feedback on the FunDay and it was suggested we had a social get together at the newly re-opened Three Hulats to celebrate. Martin to speak to Steve Johns about some possible dates.

17. AOB

  • Some fly tipping was spotted at 10.15pm on Thursday evening at the Bath House. The Group has obtained some details and it has been reported. The Council has also been notified and the rubbish has been removed. Some CCTV signs have since been put up in the area.
  • David has a contact at the Government Lab in York that is an expert on trees. He does free talks funded by the European Community so if it is of interest David will look into arranging a talk for the Group.
  • Steve T-B mentioned that in the area where you cross the bridge there used to be a pathway but this is now overgrown. He offered to clear it again if the Group felt that it was needed or if it should be left as it is. The Group agreed it would be a good idea to clear the pathway again and that it could be done at an Action Morning.
  • Joan notified the Group that the West Yorkshire Police do a "Community Alert" that tells you what is happening in your area. Also, that the Leeds Geographical Association are doing a walk around Roundhay on 14th September at 1.30pm, meeting at the Mansion House. A group of volunteers working in the cemetary in Chapel Allerton at the weekend and some phots were taken which she will pass on to Steve J-B.
  • There are some black bags of rubbish in the woods that Steve J-B has reported.
  • Steve J-B notified the Group that there was a lot of Balsam growing in the woods again.

18. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 11 Aug 2019
  • Extra Action Morning - Sun 8 Sep 2019
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Sep 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Bath House Open Day - Sun 15 Sep 2019
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 8 Oct 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Oct 2019
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 12 Nov 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 17 Nov 2019
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Dec 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2019

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