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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
1st October 2019

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Jenny Page, Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Steve Jones-Blackett, Geoff Holden.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 10th September 2019
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement
  7. Information Boards
  8. Crimewave
  9. Heritage Open Day - Bath House 15th September
  1. Trustees Report
  2. FGVW Leaflet
  3. Meadows Cutting / Raking / Seeding - Update
  4. Storage of Marquees
  5. FunDay/HLF Project/Haymaking Celebration 25th October
  6. Christmas Fairs
  7. AOB
  8. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Naomi Watts-Kitto.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 10th September 2019

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • A copy of the FGVW Terms of Reference was attached to the agenda for members to read. This is due for review by the Trustees so comments are welcome. Geoff asked if it should be published on the website and if the Steering Group had any standing in the FGVW Constitution as a sub-committee. Steve JB agreed to check with the Charities Commission as the Terms of Reference is an internal document so we are not aware that this should be made public, and also to ask about the Constitution. This will be added to the next agenda.
  • Justin has been shown the dead tree to assess if it poses a threat to the public and if it needs to be removed. There is another tree surrounded by fungus near the path but we do not think this tree is dead.
  • Steve JB agreed to pick up some FGVW jute bags from Adrian to drop off at The Filling Station in Chapel Allerton.
  • Joan pointed out that an article had been published regarding the moths on the horse chestnut trees.
  • Mervyn is working on getting hold of the master key for the Bath House.

4. Correspondence


5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 8 September
    This was minuted at the last meeting.
  • Sunday 13 October
    Volunteers to meet at the end of the lake. Last meadow to cut and some logs may need to be moved. Litter needs clearing from the area where some people have built a den. Martin will speak to Justin about moving the logs, dead trees and about the horse chestnut trees.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 17 November
  • Sunday 15 December

6. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement

David gave an update on the lake project and the community engagement events.

The Eversheds application has been accepted following a content evaluation. There was some clarification over security and potential failed planting. A pre-meeting has been set up with Ebersford tomorrow to agree terms and set some dates.

The Council are doing some tree work which will finish tomorrow.

David is meeting with the Ward Councillors on Friday afternoon to explain what is happening in their areas. David has produced a briefing for comment.

There is a Fungi Walk on Saturday 26th October 10am-12pm. It has been published on the Eventbrite website and social media and the (free) tickets are going well. A plan will be drawn up for walks for next year and David asked the Group for ideas. The Rangers get booked up quickly so this needs to be done soon. Suggestions included birds, foraging, trees, night sky and more bush craft events. Gareth Mir from TCV at Hollybush Farm is to run an adult bush craft session.

Bankside School would like to do a kids/adults intergenerational art group in the woods.

Hillcrest want to do a bush craft and foraging day and to plant some new hedgerow in the woods.

Gledhow Primary School want to do 3 session and do walks in the woods.

The TLC Café photography exhibition will take place on 23rd November. David is currently framing the photos and has a meeting tomorrow.

When the work is completed on the lake we need to collate community views. David has put together a questionnaire ready. We will need to monitor the site before, during and afterwards and then send the questionnaire. We already have some drone footage. Adrian suggested gathering views at the annual FunDay and after the changes have started to take shape.

The Group also need to liaise with Leeds City Council during and after the works regarding safety around the lake. The Group are committed to reporting anything that happens during the project to Leeds City Council in a monthly report.

Wykebeck TCV are doing some work with crayfish and flood elevation. David is arranging to view the crayfish as a potential future project for the lake.

The Leeds Park Fund closing date is the 8th October for a potential grant of £2,500. David suggested a project to sort out the silted-up pond. The Group agreed as it would be a self-contained project.

7. Information Boards

David passed drafts of two information boards around the Group, one on historical sites in Gledhow Woods and another on the wildlife and plants of Gledhow Lake. Naomi and Geoff have fed back comments already and comments from the rest of the Group and welcome too. A third information board will be drafted up on Beck Pasture.

8. Crimewave

One of our members suffered damage to his bike and cycle helmet while in the woods. This has been reported to the police as the Group has been made aware of other incidents including stones being thrown at passing cars and vans. The newly planted fruit trees have also been badly damaged.

The Group are urging the community to be vigilant and report any and all incidents to the police by phoning 999 or 101 depending on the urgency and type of offence. There was a also a discussion about working in the woods and members were urged not to work alone. Some of the work planned for certain areas of the woods has been put on hold as there is a concern that it would get damaged.

9. Heritage Open Day - Bath House 15th September

There were 103 visitors to the Bath House and the plant sale raised £297 with some of the money to be given to the Chapel Allerton Cemetery to buy seeds and plants. Jenny also raised £141 with a table top sale outside her house. Next year the Group decided that we needed a theme to encourage new visitors to the Bath House.

10. Trustees Report

There will be a Trustees meeting in 3 weeks to update the policies etc.

11. FGVW Leaflet

Steve JB, Dave and Adam discussed updating the leaflets. Adam suggested stripping out the information currently on the back page, putting the social media logos at the bottom and adding in new photos. Dave also wants to change the map to include the meadows. Adam and Steve to get together to do a prototype. Dave suggested adding in logos from our sponsors too. Adam suggested removing the benches.

12. Meadows Cutting / Raking / Seeding - Update

The Group now have 6 meadows to care for. Two by the Bath House have been cut and are now completed, Beck Meadows needs to be raked several times. Steve JB asked the Group if we thought we had too many. The Group do not believe so and although a lot of time is being spent on them this year including trying out new ways of doing things, it is hoped that they will become self-sustaining and just need cutting a raking once a year. There is just some finishing off to do. Trevor has been busy fixing the wooden rakes.

13. Storage of Marquees

Steve JB offered to get some quotes for storage. The Group has also had an offer to store some of the marquees in a cellar which will need to be checked to see if it is suitable.

14. FunDay/HLF Project/Haymaking Celebration 25th October

The Three Hulats has been booked for Friday 25th October at 7.30pm. There will be a buffet and drinks for the volunteers involved in the FunDay, Heritage Lake Foundation project and haymaking.

15. Christmas Fairs

The Oakwood Lights switch-on event is on 9th November between 12 and 8.30pm. Joan has split it into 4 shifts and needs 2 volunteers for each shift. Set up is from 11.30am.

Oakwood Farmers Market is on 16th November between 8.30am and 1pm. There will be 3 shifts lasting 1.5 hours each.

The Group may do a couple of pop-up events as in previous years.

Joan asked Members to take some packs of Christmas cards to sell too.

16. AOB

  • Hyde Park Cinema is showing a film made by the Co-Op on the Rochdale Pioneers. The event is open to Co-Op employees and Community Groups.
  • Joan mentioned that the Group may not be able to put display boards up at markets especially when we have to share a table. She asked if we could have a flyer or information on the lake project to discuss with the community. David suggested using the briefing he had done for the Councillors.

17. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 13 Oct 2019
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 12 Nov 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 17 Nov 2019
  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Dec 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2019

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