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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
12th November 2019
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jenny Page, David Miles, Steve Jones-Blackett, Simon Keyse.
1. Apologies for Absence
Naomi Watts-Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, Adrian Coltman, Geoff Holden.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 1st October 2019
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- It has been quieter on the crime front since last month, but it was stressed that any incidents need to be reported. There was some possible inappropriate firework activity (i.e. throwing fireworks towards people) by the usual perpetrator.
- Justin has visited the tree with fungus at the top of the carriageway to assess its condition.
- It was noted that the Chapel Allerton Christmas Lights are to be switched on at 7pm on Thursday 14th November. The Group discussed whether or not to try and arrange a stall for the event but decided against it.
- Members of FGVW attended the Co-op centenary film "The Rochdale Pioneers" with CEO Steve Morrell.
4. Correspondence
- A cheque for £61 was received from Gledhow School for marquee damage at the school fair. Also, the school caretaker has resigned.
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 13 October
29 volunteers scythed and raked the meadow at the end of the lake. Footpaths were cleared and a £20 donation was received from a passing well-wisher.
- Sunday 17 November
Volunteers to meet on Gledhow Valley Road at the dam end of the lake. Work to include making a "dead hedge" around the lake (posts to be put in place by Ebsford), planting 1,000 bulbs, repairing the hedge next to the logs on the meadow and litter picking. Students from the University of Leeds will hopefully be attending.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
6. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement
The current lake project in it's third week of four, on time and on cost. A "dead hedge" is to be under planted with species such as old man's beard and honeysuckle. Plants will be arriving for the Nicospan silt bed.
Community engagement:
Plants have been ordered for hedge planting on the afternoon of Friday 29th November. Volunteers would be very welcome. 60 Cubs from Hillcrest Academy are coming to plant the whips at 1.45pm. Jodie Robertson will be in attendance bringing 15 kid-sized spades. Volunteers from 12 noon please. Logs have been pushed back by Leeds City Council's Forestry Section. 450 native species whips will go in.
On 23rd November invited guests of FGVW and TLC Café in Harehills will be attending the opening of the "The Fabulous Green Photography Exhibition" at TLC Café. The exhibition will be opened by the Lord Mayor of Leeds from 2-4pm. There will be refreshments and a talk. The exhibition will be open to the public after Saturday. After display there, the exhibition will be moving to SHINE in the New Year and then to Chapel Allerton library. BBC Radio Leeds is coming to do an interview about the exhibition and the walking group that spawned it.
There was a talk at the Brackenwood Community Centre Cosy Café. 50 carers and users attended. 2 attendees from the Discovery Centre and David Miles gave talks. Jodie Robertson (a Leeds City Council Ranger) was unable to attend. Another talk on Spring visitors to the Woods is planned for next year.
A draft programme of walks in the woods for 2020 will be prepared for the next meeting, including walks on trees, flowers, birds, bush craft and ethical foraging.
There is the possibly of a TCV men's group adult bush craft session in the New Year.
David Miles is planning an intergenerational group to do art and be inspired, starting at Bankside on 8th January 2020. There will be 6 sessions. Gledhow Care Home on Brackenwood Drive is keen to be invited.
David arranged a session with CATCH but it did not happen in the end.
Progress report due for HLF. David Miles and Steve Jones-Blackett were at odds over its necessity. Steve Jones-Blackett will send an e- mail to Jon Crossley to check if it is definitely required.
7. Storage of Marquees
To be discussed December/January.
8. Hedge Planting by Hillcrest Academy
This will be happening on 29th Nov ember as covered earlier in these minutes.
9. Trustees Report
Our annual return has been submitted to the Charity Commission. We had to change the end of year date to 20th November on the Charity Commission website in order to fit with our accounts. Next year our year end will be December 2020, to cover a 13 month period and get in line with the Charity Commission end of year. This will need to be approved at the FGVW AGM.
Grants from Betty's and Leeds Parks have been applied for to cover the £6600 cost of installing a pond and silt trap to replace the existing pond.
At the last meeting, the trustees reviewed all current policies.
10. FGVW Leaflet
Item postponed until the next meeting.
11. Christmas Fairs
There will be an FGVW stall at Oakwood Farmers Market this Saturday. Jenny, Trevor and Diane to set up, Martin Calvert and Theresa to take over from 10-11ish, then Joan and Mervyn to finish.
Martin Calvert to ask for a couple of mornings at the Three Hulats.
Martin Calvert to ask the Co-op in Chapel Allerton for permission to have a pop-up FGVW stall.
There will be FGVW cards for sale on Sunday at the Action Morning and Steve Jones-Blackett will be bringing seed for duck feeding.
12. Information Boards
A general discussion on the content of the 3 boards took place. Everyone agreed on the need for accuracy and presentation. It was agreed to ask Adam to comment on the boards before finalising them.
Locations proposed: The Beck Pasture board to go on the fence or close to in Beck Pasture; the Lake board to go to the right of the lake viewing platform; the Quarry board to go close to the path on Gledhow Valley Road.
13. AOB
- Mervyn Clayton reported that we have been offered a 3x2m pre-formed pond. It was agreed to accept it for use somewhere. Paul Eliis to be consulted.
- Joan Clayton reported that the remembrance service at the War Memorial in Chapel A was well attended with lots of children there. Joan also reported that there is an Arthur Louis Aaron brick in the St Gemma's Memorial Wall.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 17 Nov 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Dec 2019, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2019