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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
10th December 2019
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Adam & Carol Bull, David Miles, Steve Jones-Blackett, Geoff Holden, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Steve Johns, Jill Darlington.
1. Apologies for Absence
Jenny Page, Adrian Coltman, Joan & Mervyn Clayton.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 12th November 2019
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
4. Correspondence
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 17 November
A record 61 volunteers. A "dead hedge" was constructed, path was cleared and there was some litter picking. The Group received lots of positive feedback from a lot of new volunteers and there were also representatives from Ebersford and Groundworks at the event. Steve JB had increased promotion via social media.
- Sunday 15 December
4 tons of stone has been order to improve the path. More work needs to be done on the "dead hedge" and there is some tidying up to do.
Future Action Mornings
Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):
- Sunday 19 January 2020
- Saturday 15 February 2020
- Sunday 15 March or 29 March 2020 (TBC)
- Sunday 26 April
- Sunday 10 May
6. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement
David gave an update on the lake project and the community engagement events.
There is a meeting on Thursday with Eversheds to make sure there are no issues and to check on the work being done. David will also ask them about the fencing and netting to keep birds out of the area. The second phase of the funding for £20k has been applied for and we will receive the remaining £5k once the works are completed.
It was suggested that there should be a partnership meeting involving all stakeholders at the end of January.
The hedge planting went well with the school children. Diane suggested doing a bird walk as some of the children didn't know what some of them looked like. David thanked Diane and Trevor for helping with the event and also for providing the home baking. Stephen TB and Theresa were also thanked.
A form has been submitted for some money for hedging. Justin has provided some additional hedging to finish it off. Justin was also very helpful in getting the logs removed.
The TLC Café photography exhibition on 23rd November was opened by the Lord Mayor and there was coverage of the event on Radio Leeds. The exhibition will be on until the end of January when it will be moved to "Shine" in Harehills followed by the Chapel Allerton Library.
Parks and Countryside has agreed to provide some input and a volunteer day from Hollybush, between January and March, focussing on the lake.
The walks program for next year is shaping up:
- 2 bird walks by Martin.
- Tree talk in the woods by Steve Joule in May.
- Youth volunteering session by Louise Gibson in June.
- Themed walk on the meadows by Steve Joule.
- History session by Christine and Lynn from the Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group.
- Nightime safari in August.
- Fungi walk in October.
The Group will need to pay for some Ranger time which has already been factored into the costings for the lake project. There are also 3 other bush craft sessions being booked for specific schools and the TLC café kids.
A dementia group in Roundhay would like a talk on the woods following a successful talk with another dementia group.
One of the issues raised was with the seating - it needs to be suitable for the elderly and needs a back. The Group has funding for 2 new seats and it would be preferable if these could fit in with the existing landscape rather than look like park benches. David to consult with Vicki Nunns to see what is available.
When the lake is completed the Group will need to arrange a celebratory event with the sponsors.
It was raised that we need a procedure for inviting other groups.
There was a discussion over the FGVW leaflet and whether the current one should be updated as a generic leaflet and then have a sperate one for the lake project. The Heritage Lottery logo and Pocket Parks logo needs to be added as they will be funding the leaflet. There were some concerns that this might confuse people into thinking that the Group was fully funded by large organisations. The original idea was to change the back page of the existing leaflet to include pictures, contact details and the logos in place of the merchandise information. David has some photos that we have the right permissions to use. The map also needs to be updated with the meadows and some information on the lake. Adam will pick this up with David.
John Crossley of Groundworks was thanked for all his hard work in giving feedback and on calculating the costings etc. for the Lottery Funding.
The group has received £2,500 from Leeds Park Fund. This is for the pond renewal project. The application was well received and they liked our community involvement activities. The original plan was to tie this in with the lake work but we are £4k too short and the acknowledgement was received later than expected.
Martin raised that we need to ask people what projects they would like us to do so that these could be discussed with the Trustees and any partnerships. David stressed that we had lost a potential amount of £400k that had become available through various grants that we hadn't applied for over recent months. The lake project is viewed as a huge success however the financial planning aspect was not always good. Martin stressed the need to do a full evaluation when it was completed so that we can assess the good and the bad and learn from the experience with the partners for future projects.
Wade's Charity need to apply for some pond funding. The Betty's Funding Scheme has changed and they want planning to be the major element so the pond project no longer fits. We need to discuss the best way to use the money.
7. Future Projects
The Group need to discuss ideas for any future projects. If anyone has any ideas e.g. islands in the lake, then Martin can pick these up and discuss at the site meeting on Thursday. Leeds City Council has made a model of the lake for maintenance and is now including the lake in their future plans.
8. Storage of Marquees
Steve JB had a quote for commercial storage for £72 a month. Jill has offered the use of her cellar for storage so Martin will go and have a look to see if it is suitable.
9. Trustees Report
There will be a Trustees Meeting in January.
10. Christmas Fairs
The Group has attended a Christmas Fair and also done a pop-up at The Three Hulats that raised £80. There are approximately 50 packs of Christmas cards left.
11. Information Boards
Various Group members fed back comments on the information boards to David and we are now waiting for Lynne to come back with the final amendments for agreement. Justin has approved 2 of the sites for the boards. The one at Beck Pasture needs to be looked at again as there was some concern over where the sewage pipe is.
12. FunDay 2020
Steve J explained that if we want to do a FunDay next year then we need to start planning and getting permissions in January. Many of the core volunteers e.g. Joan, Mervyn, Trevor and Diane, would like to retire from the organising. Steve J also expressed that he would like to step back from organising the event and Claire would like to step down from doing the raffle.
From a financial point of view it would be a loss but the Group could cover it. This is not the main issue.
A question was raised if we could get other groups to help us and they could run their own stalls. However, this would mean a loss of revenue and it may be difficult to get volunteers as Chapel Allerton Festival had struggled for volunteers this year too.
Geoff raised the idea that we could miss the FunDay next year and instead focus on a lake celebration. This would be much more low key and would allow the Group to get feedback from the community as to whether the FunDay would be missed or not. It would also give the Group members a chance to see if it would be something they would like to pick up again. It may be better to have a break now rather than struggling through another year. Originally FunDays were to promote the Group but this could be done at the lake celebration event instead.
There were some suggestions at having some smaller stalls at the lake event and Jill had a suggestions as to someone who could pick up the plant stall.
However, the Group decided to take a year off from the FunDay to test the community reaction and just have a small celebration for the completion of the lake project.
13. AOB
- There was a suggestion to invite the media, such as Leeds TV, to the lake celebration event.
- There was a suggestion to use social media more to promote events.
- A homeless person has been seen in a tent in the woods. There was concern that he was vulnerable as he was in a public spot that could easily be seen and that maybe he should find a more sheltered area. He has now moved on.
- Geoff updated the Group with his on-going concerns with the Council and the rubbish in one particular area. The Neighbourhood Group has been doing some clearing and litter picking each week and are keeping Geoff up to date with developments. There is some rubbish down the slope near the noticeboard and Geoff suggested that we clear this at a future Action Morning to show support for the other group.
14. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Dec 2019
- Steering Group Meeting - Tue 14 Jan 2020, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 19 Jan 2020
- Action Morning - Sat 15 Feb 2020
- Action Morning - Sun 15 Mar or 29 Mar 2020 (TBC)
- Action Morning - Sun 26 Apr 2020
- Action Morning - Sun 10 May 2020