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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
11th February 2020

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Steve Jones-Blackett, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, David Miles, Geoff Holden, Stephen Tyndale-Biscoe, Jill Darlington, Jenny Page.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th January 2020
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Action Mornings
  6. Pond Restoration
  1. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement
  2. Lake Celebration Event
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Naomi Watts-Kitto, Teresa Williams, Adam & Carol Bull..

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 14th January 2020

Agreed as a true and accurate record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Brian the Litter Picker: There was a memorial litter pick on Saturday 8th February, attended by 30 people including his brother, which collected 30 bags of litter. It was proposed by David that one of the three new benches be a memorial for Brian. Joan to ask the family.

4. Correspondence

  • It was agreed to put a plaque on an existing bench for Ray after the lake work is completed in return for his contribution to the Group.

5. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 19 January 2020
    There were 52 volunteers who put chippings on the hedge row, dead hedged, litter picked and cleared the carriageway kerb. It was agreed that if there were more volunteers than activities that there needed to be a "buffer" activity and it was agreed that this would be an intensive litter pick.
  • Saturday 15 February 2020
    It was noted that more dust will be arriving on Thursday 13th February, which will be deposited at both ends of the lake in 2 piles of 3 tons and this will need spreading. Also there will be clearing of dead leaves by the dead hedge.
    It was noted that Abi is doing some baking, that we ran out of mugs last time and that 15 university students would be coming. The Group has three wheel barrows but one in Beck Pasture is broken. The possibility of pond work was discussed and it was noted that there was a pile of dead wood at the far end of the lake.
    It was agreed to set up the stall on the carriageway.

Future Action Mornings

Proposed dates and tasks (subject to change):

  • Sunday 15 March 2020
  • Sunday 26 April
  • Sunday 10 May

6. Pond Restoration

David reported that the cost of the pond restoration project would be £2,500 and that he had obtained a grant of £1,992 from Leeds Parks Fund. The project will be managed by Ian Henderson of Legacy Habit Management. It will involve diverting the stream and will have a pond liner as well as clay mixed in with the soil on top which will plug any gaps.

There is a possibility that a wooden silt trap will be installed above the pond.

David raised the possibility of dogs damaging the pond but this was thought to be unlikely.

The pond will be approximately 1.2 metres deep.

There will be a cantilevered pond dipping platform. Steve JB raised concerns over any liabilities for the group to do with its use. It was felt that this has been covered when the Council and Wade's Charity signed off on the project but Martin agreed to check with Vicky on the liability issue.

7. Heritage Lottery Fund - Heritage On Your Doorstep, Lake and Community Engagement

David gave an update on the lake project and the community engagement events.

  • An application had been made to the Postcode Lottery for £20K for completion work. We will be informed on 6th March whether we have progressed to Stage 2.
  • David had had a meeting with Nick Ashley of Ebsford to cost ideas. One idea is to have floating islands to create a habitat in the lake for flowers and birds. David is going to see some at Aquatic Solutions in Bradford on Sunday 16th February.
  • There will be additional work to remove silt from the silt traps.
  • The Community Engagement work had an £11K budget of which £5.7K has been spent or committed.
  • There is some money for the Lake Celebration Day.
  • The three new benches have been ordered.
  • The plants for underplanting the dead wildflowers are on order and include Dead Man's Beard.
  • The interpretation boards will be arriving on Thursday 13th February.
  • A volunteer day on 30th January run by the TCV has spread dust on the path.
  • The "Walks & Events Programme" was circulated prior to the meeting. The foraging was dropped and before it goes to the Group's website the dates of the bushcraft days will be checked. There will also be leaflets advertising the programme.
  • There is to be a photo exhibition at Shine from Thursday 13th February. It will move to Chapel Allerton Library on 28th May and the possibility of having an "opening event" to promote it was discussed.
  • TCV will be running a Men's Bushcraft session on Friday afternoons on 25th April and 19th June. The preferred venue was the edge of "Adrian's Meadow" but it was suggested that this might clash with a playgroup that meets there on Friday mornings. A cleared area nearby was suggested as an alternative. It will feature a firebowl. Dave will be having a meeting with Gareth to arrange publicity as this event is aimed at a "difficult to reach" group of men.
  • Louise Gibbons the Ranger is giving her time for free to work with 5 to 12 year olds on the morning of 26th August with the focus on building hedgehog habitats. She will also work with 16-25 year olds on 27th August although what they do has yet to be arranged. There will be a follow-up session in October half-term. Louise is going to see if they can do the DBS checks in-house.
  • Royal Voluntary Service (RVS): David is doing talks on the woods with Jody Robinson. The Older Person's Group want to visit the Bathhouse: the Council will need to provide insurance cover for the visitors and it will also need the provision of tea and biscuits and a toilet.
  • The TLC Cafe has been walking in the woods every week but have stopped for now. There are talks with James Beeston of LCC about getting communities more active. LCC is mapping out green spaces where people can walk.
  • TSV will be having a walk on 25th February to encourage bushcraft.
  • There is intergenerational work at Bankside Primary School with potters working with the children there and then at Gledhow Care Home after which the children are going to visit the home and have tea and a talk. Later on the artwork will be displayed in the woods.
  • Touchstone (a mental health group) want to do an event in the summer which would tie in with what we do.
  • There is lots going on with schools which is being mapped out.
  • The leaflet for the Group was not discussed as Adam was not present.
  • It was noted that for the moment it is only possible for the Group to promote one event at a time on Eventbrite.

8. Lake Celebration Event

This will be on the afternoon of Saturday 16th May. A report was given by Jill who had met up with David to make arrangements. There will be a further meeting with Steve Johns to sort out "permission approvals".

Planned stalls/happenings are:

  • The Hedgehog Lady;
  • Refreshments using one of the smaller tents;
  • Sale of bird boxes, plants and tea light holders;
  • FGVW merchandise;
  • TLC pop-up food stall;
  • Self-guided walks with work and history marker posts;
  • Children's quiz;
  • Hanging laminated photos from the railings on the dam;
  • Bushcraft for children run by a Council Ranger;
  • "Live" dead hedge making which might include planting the honey suckle;
  • A small scale raffle (possibly);
  • Art and photos from the Bankside children and the Gledhow Care Home residents (the potter who has been working on this project will be there);
  • Children's art competition;
  • Pop-up "do your own art";
  • The possibility of having the climbing wall was discussed.

It will take place on the carriageway going down to the lake. It was suggested that we could apply to Highways and the police to close part of Gledhow Valley Road. If this was possible we could have a band.

Adrian has enquired about a PA.

There will need to be toilets. Steve Johns to point the way on this.

Steve JB will take care of posters advertising the event.

Adrian suggested a focal point to signify the completion of the project.

The next planning meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 18th February.


The e-mail giving notice of the AGM will be sent out soon. The Annual Report presented to the meeting will not be the same one that will be going to Outsource.

Martin, Steve JB and Naomi will be seeking re-election as trustees.

10. AOB

  • Geoff proposed that the minutes of Trustee Meetings should be circulated to members three weeks after a Trustee Meeting. This was agreed with it being noted that at this point the minutes would not have been ratified.
  • Adrian reminded members that annual membership fees are due.
  • Mervyn noted that new green material had been placed in the dead hedge, which is not recommended.
  • Joan asked if anyone had information about the work that is being carried out on Allerton Grange Fields.
  • David said that he would use spare canes from Beck Pasture in the new hedge at the end of the lake, cut to the height of the protective plastic tubes.
  • Diane asked that if it became necessary to cancel the upcoming Action Morning because of Storm Dennis that the decision be made on the Friday morning before.

12. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Steering Group Meeting - Tue 10 Mar 2020, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 15 Mar 2020
  • FGVW AGM - Tue 24 Mar 2020 (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 26 Apr 2020
  • Action Morning - Sun 10 May 2020

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