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FGVW Annual General Meeting
28th April 2022
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Adrian Coltman, Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Adam & Carol Bull, Steve Jones-Blackett, Jenny Page, Malcolm Robertson, Teresa Williams, David Lumb, Sue Harris.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for Absence: Joan Clayton, Geoff Holden Steve Johns, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jeremy Kitto, Naomi Watts-Kitto, Paul Ellis, Claire Standage.
2. Minutes of AGM Held 26th March 2019
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
None. This is the first AGM held since the Coronavirus pandemic and lockdown restrictions.
4. Trustees Annual Report and Annual Statement of Accounts (1st January 2021 - 31st December 2021)
The Trustees Annual Report & Financial Statement can be downloaded below:
Copies of the Trustees Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ending 31st December 2021 were circulated amongst FGVW Members prior to the meeting.
Martin went through the Trustees Annual Report and in particular gave his thanks to:
- Joan and Mervyn Clayton for continuing to work in the woods and re-instate the Action Mornings when it was safe to do so and in keeping with the risk assessments and Government guidelines during and following the pandemic.
- Theresa Williams for her fund raising efforts for the Group.
- Diane Kitto for all her wonderful baking, producing treats for every Action Morning.
- David Miles for his continued effort and dedication to complete the Heritage Lottery Fund project.
Vote to approve the FGVW Trustees Annual Report:
13 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
Vote to approve the FGVW Financial Statement:
13 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain
The voting included one postal vote.
Thanks to Jenny for completing the vote counting.
5. Alteration to the Constitution
A vote was held to agree alteration to the FGGVW Constitution so that it reads:
12.(2) add
e) a prospective trustee must have been a member of the C.I.O. for at least 3 years.
f) A prospective trustee can be self-nominated but seconded by a member of the C.I.O.
g) The nomination must be received by the Chair, at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
Members raised concerns about the proposed wording in that it could discriminate against people who regularly attend Action Mornings each month over a number of years but are not members. It seemed disproportionate to make them wait another 3 years.
Also, that it didn't make allowances for someone to be a trustee to fill a specific skills gap that would be needed within less than 3 years e.g. Treasurer position.
Although there was agreement that the intention of the amendment was to avoid malicious intent, there was a general unease on the 3 year time limit. It was therefore agreed to reduce the time to 2 years and that this time limit could be waived if at least 75% of voting members at a Steering Group meeting agreed.
Vote to approve the changes:
12 votes for, 0 votes against, 1 votes abstain
The voting included one postal vote.
Thanks to Jenny for completing the vote counting.
6. Future Projects
A discussion was held on Members' thoughts on areas for projects or developments for the enhancement of our work in the valley in the future.
We have regular on-going work to fill most of the Action Mornings such as pruning, litter picking and meadow cutting but Martin asked the Members if they had any thoughts on these projects or any other developments.
Theresa mentioned that one of the paths was wearing out at the top of the woods near the Lodge. Access was becoming very difficult especially for wheelchairs and pushchairs. It was difficult to get from the top of the woods to the bottom without having to use the road as there is very little pavement going down under Little Switzerland. Members agreed that this was a good project but we would need to involve the Council to advice on the edging as it has a steep drop.
Mervyn mentioned there was also some path work to finish off and Martin agreed that this could be picked up at the next Action Morning.
Mervyn also mentioned Risk Assessments and that we need a notice for the ponds.
It was confirmed that the Group has no responsibility at all for the swings in the woods.
7. Vote to Appoint Trustees of FGVW
All existing trustees were up for re-election - Martin Calvert as Chair, Steve Jones-Blackett as Treasurer, Adrian Coltman as Charity trustee and Naomi Watts-Kitto.
All trustees were happy to stand again.
No new nominations received.
Voting Results:
12 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain to re-elect Martin Calvert
12 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain to re-elect Steve Jones-Blackett
12 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain to re-elect Adrian Coltman
12 votes for, 0 votes against, 0 votes abstain to re-elect Naomi Watts-Kitto
Thanks to Jenny for completing the vote counting.
8. Any Other Business Permitted by the Constitution of the CIO
- David L raised the issue of graffiti on the bridge over Gledhow Lane. He has agreed to raise it with the Council as they have removed it in the past.
- David also congratulated the Group on their success and hard work they did during Action Mornings in the woods.
- Mervyn mentioned the state of the CSOs. After the recent flooding there was a lot of "rags" on the CSOs demonstrating that they were still not operating correctly. However, the rags were removed quickly so we believe the cameras are working and Yorkshire Water are maintaining them regularly. Adrian agreed to ask Yorkshire Water to come to a Steering Group meeting to discuss how they operate in the valley.
- Concerns were raised over some 5 gallon containers left near the CSOs and that the area around the bee hives and nearby access points were getting messy.
- David M asked if anyone had a water carrier for Saturday's event. Martin to supply.
- There was a general discussion about the FGVW owned field (Back Pastures) and confirmation that the Group intend to keep it as it is to encourage bio-diversity.
- Items were raised for discussion at the next Steering Group meeting including whether or not we should continue to ask volunteers to e-mail us to say they are coming to an Action Morning. This was brought in as part of the pandemic guidelines and has worked out very well to be able to work out task beforehand based on numbers. It was also suggested that we discuss whether or not to have an event in the field as part of National Meadows Day and there was a suggestion to organise some walks in the woods again e.g. Bat Walks, Night-time Safaris, Fungus Forays.
The next Steering Group Meeting will be held on Thursday 19th May.
The next Action Morning will be held on Sunday 29th May and will include planting some plugs near Lincoln Drive. Volunteers to meet at the FGVW field.