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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
19th May 2022
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Martin Calvert, Adam & Carol Bull, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Jenny Page
1. Apologies for Absence
Trevor & Diane Kitto, David Miles, Steve Jones-Blackett, Sue Harris, David Lumb.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 24th March 2022
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- National Meadows Day Saturday 2nd July 2022
The Group agreed to hold an event on Sunday 3rd July between 2 and 4pm to celebrate National Meadows Day. A path will be cut around the Beck Pasture meadow and some decking placed over the wet area at the June Action Morning. The event will be advertised on social media and a notice put on the gate. Laminated information signs need to be done if no one has the existing ones.
4. Correspondence
5. Trustees Update
Nothing to report.
6. Lake Celebration Event
This event was held as part of the agreement with the Heritage Lottery Fund and was a great success. Over £1,000 was raised for the Group. The leftover books will be divided up and used at a Gledhow School event and the Gledhow Festival. David M to complete the Heritage Lottery Fund report now all actions have been completed.
7. Action Mornings
- Sunday 29 May 2022
Some steps need repairing and the ivy cutting back. The rest of the plant plugs also need to be planted and a few squares may need to be cut out for them as the area is overgrown. An alternative site for the plugs was suggested as Beck Pasture. 4 tons of stone has been ordered for topping up the path.
Volunteers to meet at Beck Pasture (the FGVW owned field) on Gledhow Valley Road.
- Sunday 26 June 2022
The meadow will be prepared ready for the National Meadows Day event. The Bath House railings also need painting.
Volunteers to meet at Beck Pasture (the FGVW owned field) on Gledhow Valley Road.
8. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
David M was unable to attend the meeting, however talks are starting to consider phase 2 of the project. David is arranging a meeting with David Hartley that Adrian is also happy to attend. Some areas are building up with silt so there are opportunities to continue to follow up on the existing work.
9. FGVW Sales Items
The Group has plenty of Christmas cards left but only 27 packs of notelets. There isn't much merchandise left so the Group would like to order some more. Photographs are needed of the woods and in particular bluebells and snowdrops. We need to speak to Steve JB to see what we can do.
10. Gledhow Festival 25th June 2022
A Gledhow Festival will be held at the Gledhow Sports and Social Club on 24th-26th June 2022 with the main day being on Saturday 25th June. There will be stalls, music and activities.
FGVW has been asked if they would like a stall. The Group agreed to attend the event. Adrian offered to provide the gazebo and information boards and to set up on the day. Joan, Meryn and Jenny also volunteered to help during the day and sell merchandise and bird boxes. Adrian offered to contact Viv and the Group discussed contacting Zara, "the hedgehog lady", to see if she was interested too. Steve to provide the equipment, cards and card reader.
11. AOB
- An event has been advertised in the local area that will be held on the field with Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way on Sunday 5th June 2022 for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
- Adrian has booked a stall for FGVW in the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival on 3rd-4th September 2022.
- Adrian has arranged for the Bath House to be part of the Open Heritage weekend on 18th September 2022, 1-4pm.
- Adrian has spoken to Yorkshire Water and asked them to attend an FGVW meeting. The Group discussed what they would like to ask, including questions relating to Bracken Woods, CSOs, Harrogate Road barrier, cross connections and camera ownership and responsibilities.
- The Group has been asked to provide a list of future Action Mornings. The Group agreed to agree the dates for the rest of the year at the next meeting.
- A member has asked the Group if they would re-visit the Pastures area. Work was suspended there in the past due to previous complaints. The Group will investigate and ask the member what they would like to see happen.
- Jenny has been approached by someone who would like a memorial bench in the woods. The Group discussed if this could replace and existing damaged bench without a plaque or if a new location was needed. The cost was estimated at £350. The Group also have a bench for Brian to put into the woods but a plaque is needed.
12. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 29 May 2022
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 16 Jun 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 26 Jun 2022