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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
18th August 2022

Present: Adrian Coltman (Chair), Adam & Carol Bull, Steve Jones-Blackett, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Jenny Page, David Lumb, Jeremy Kitto

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 21st July 2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Trustees Update
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
  2. Yorkshire Water Meeting
  3. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 3rd-4th September 2022
  4. Bath House Open Day 18th September 2022
  5. Yorkshire Water Meeting
  6. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Trevor & Diane Kitto Theresa Williams, Sue Harris, Malcolm Robertson, David Miles.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 21st July 2022

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

Adrian and Martin have cut the Beck Pasture meadow. Some patches have been left where it was still in flower. The new raking machine was used. Adrian to check with Meanwood Valley Farm to see if they need any of the grass.

All items are covered on the agenda.

4. Correspondence


5. Trustees Update

Nothing to report.

6. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 28 August
    The focus will be on Beck Pasture and raking the field. Four new wooden rakes have been ordered. There is also the cherry tree on the opposite side of the road to clear up and litter picking to do. The Bath House also needs clearing ready for the Open Day but this may need to be done at a later date.
    Meeting place: Beck Pasture (the FGVW owned field) on Gledhow Valley Road.
  • Sunday 25 September
    "Audrey's Meadow" needs to be cut but this is weather dependant. The Group also need to look at tidying up the pond.
    Meeting place: The jetty/duck feeding platform by the lake.

7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update

David and Groundworks have completed the final report submission which should unlock the remaining £5,000.

Phase 2 is underway and David has received some designs for the Group to look at during a future meeting.

There is still some work to be done in the lake including a need to re-instate the feeding station. The Group discussed approaching Parks and Countryside to help with costs and/or grants.

The Group's former Treasurer has released the current Deposit Fund so Steve can now transfer the Group's funds into a different Deposit Account.

8. Yorkshire Water Meeting

Adrian is arranging for an engineer from Yorkshire Water to look at the area around the valley and in particular cross-connections and sewage overflows. There has been no response so far due to holidays.

9. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 3rd-4th September 2022

Adrian will collect what is needed the day before the event so only one car is required. Items include gazebo, display boards, 3 tables, card reader and merchandise. Steve will be bringing Wendy's cards and there will also be books and DVDs for sale. Jenny will be doing a "Name the Teddy" competition.

Adrian will produce a volunteer timetable covering both days.

10. Bath House Open Day 18th September 2022

The event will take place from 1pm until 4pm so it was suggested that volunteers meet at noon to set up. The Group need to agree a day to tidy up the Bath House and to paint the railings beforehand. A tree is leaning over the railings so pruning may be needed. Volunteers are required, to bake cakes and refreshments and drop off for the event. Adam agreed to send out an email to ask for help. Cups may also be needed.

11. AOB

  • Adam mentioned the Bracken Hall Countryside Centre at Shipley Glen. The Group has been invited to visit and the Bracken Hall volunteers are keen to welcome us there.
  • Mervyn has been doing some decking and path work. While he was working some of the community stopped and asked how they could donate money to the Group. The Group had a discussion over whether or not we need to create a QR code to put up in the woods for donations. Steve agreed to look into it. The steps in the wood also need repairing and we already have the wood to do it. This would need to be a mid-week activity. Chapel Allerton Allotments have been selling scaffolding boards so the Group hope to get in contact about them.
  • Some of the fallen tree has been removed from the lake by the Council but not all of it. The steps have been damaged when logs were dragged out. The jetty has also been damaged. The Group agreed to contact Forestry to ask if they thought the job was completed and then ask them what they are going to do to fix the jetty. This may require a site visit and showing them a photo of when the Group built the jetty and what it looked like. The Group agreed to discuss the proposal with Martin at the Action Morning.
  • Chapel Allerton Artists are inviting the public into their homes and studio spaces for the 2022 Chapel Allerton Arts Trail on 20th and 21st August 2022 from 11am-5pm. On both days the artists are also hiding examples of their work in Gledhow Valley Woods. If you find them, they are yours to keep.

13. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 28 Aug 2022
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 15 Sep 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 25 Sep 2022
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 13 Oct 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 23 Oct 2022
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 17 Nov 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 27 Nov 2022
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 8 Dec 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 18 Dec 2022

  • Chapel Allerton Arts Festival - Sat 3 & Sun 4 Sep 2022
  • Bath House Open Day - Sun 18 Sep 2022

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