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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
15th September 2022
Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Trevor & Diane Kitto, Theresa Williams, Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn Clayton, Jenny Page, David Lumb, Jeremy Kitto, David Miles.
1. Apologies for Absence
Steve Jones-Blackett, Joan Clayton, Sue Harris, Malcolm Robertson.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 18th August 2022
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
- No update on the potential meeting with Yorkshire Water.
- Reports received of a fallen tree blocking a pathway used to get to a nearby school.
All other items are covered on the agenda.
4. Correspondence
5. Trustees Update
Nothing to report.
6. Action Mornings
- Sunday 25 September
The focus will be on raking "Audrey's Meadow" and "Adrian's Meadow". We have four new wooden rakes.
Meeting place: The jetty/duck feeding platform by the lake.
- Sunday 23 October
"Martin's Meadow" needs raking.
Meeting place: At the end of the lake.
7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
David provided an update for the Group and circulated copies of the proposed Phase 2 plans provided by Groundworks, following consultation with the Group. The plans concentrate on the beck and some work on the lake where the beck enters it. It is proposed to fill the side nearest the path and meadow with silt and put in a reed bed.
More marginal planting is also proposed. The plan is to create more wetland areas along the beck and also for beech wood fascines to be built by the coppice workers to help prevent run-off.
Other proposals include a second lake viewing platform, removal of invasive species and adding 2 information boards showing the history of the beck and explaining the wildflowers in the meadows. There was a suggestion to add in a "dead hedge" around the meadow by the lake.
David has received some costings for the work and has started looking for funding. Wade's Charity has offered £5,000 and Parks & Countryside are looking for organisations that offer funding for this type of work. The plans have also been shared with Flood Risk Management, who has assigned someone to check the plans and work with the Group.
David has also received some data on how many times sewage has been discharged in the area, following a Freedom of Information Request. He is currently collating the statistics and hopes to compare the woods with the rest of Yorkshire.
It was also reported that the fallen trees in the lake have not been removed yet.
8. Bath House Open Day 18th September 2022
The area around the Bath House has been cleared and some trees cut back. The pool has not been cleared this year as it is being used by local wildlife including a kingfisher.
The event will take place from 1pm until 4pm. Volunteers are requested to meet up at 11.30am. Adrian will supply the pop-ups. Mervyn and David M to provide tables. Jenny has sourced some disposable cups so these will be used alongside pot cups.
There are Christmas cards, coasters and cards to sell. Trevor and Diane are also supplying some plant cuttings. Volunteers requested to bake refreshments.
9. Chapel Allerton Arts Festival 3rd-4th September 2022
It was a fantastic event and Martin thanked the volunteers for helping over the 2 days. The group raised £500 on Saturday and £280 on Sunday. The volunteers enjoyed meeting and chatting to the community again following the pandemic.
Adrian is going to try and book a couple of weekends to have a stall to sell merchandise in November and December in the centre of Chapel Allerton.
10. Health & Safety Policy
The policy has been updated and near misses will now be logged in the Accident Book. The Group will be able to watch for any common occurrences which mean they need to look at changing working practices. The Group currently do not have a qualified first aider.
11. AOB
- A group of corporate volunteers are going to be working in the woods on 28th September. It was proposed that they rake a meadow and do some hedging work.
- Three people came to take some of the meadow hay at the weekend. The Group need to think about how they can get rid of this in the future. Most of the options looked at require large transport costs. There was also a suggestion to contact local florists about some of the wildflower pods. It was also mentioned that North Yorkshire have a scheme to try and connect people with hay to those that work with hay digesters.
- We have been granted 120 free saplings from the Woodland Trust as part of the Queen's Jubilee Canopy. These will be delivered during the first 2 weeks of November so can be planted during the November Action Morning.
- It was reported that a young man has been seen the woods on several occasions using a sling shot and carrying an axe. There were suggestions to try and speak to him but if unsuccessful to call in the Police/PCSOs to help.
- There is some Council fencing work currently going on in the woods and the site is a mess with metal washers and cardboard being left in the woods.
- The blue tarpaulin has been moved but it is not clear whether this is being used as a shelter or play den. The previous area was left in a messy state and had to be cleared.
- David has applied for some more hedging material and some trees from an ecological society.
13. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 25 Sep 2022
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 13 Oct 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 23 Oct 2022
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 17 Nov 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 27 Nov 2022
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 8 Dec 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
- Action Morning - Sun 18 Dec 2022
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 18 Sep 2022