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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
17th November 2022

Present: Martin Calvert (Chair), Theresa Williams, Adrian Coltman, Adam & Carol Bull, Joan & Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, David Lumb, Geoff Holden.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th October 2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Trustees Update
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
  2. FGVW Christmas Social
  3. FGVW Christmas Cards
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jeremy Kitto, Steve Jones-Blackett, Jenny Page.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 13th October 2022

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • The steps near Gledhow Lane have been repaired using the wood from the damaged jetty and stone provided by the Council.
  • The jetty is going to be repaired in March and the Group are hoping that the tree root can also be removed as part of this work.
  • The Group has received an e-mail from a member of the public who is concerned about the debris that has gathered at the end of the lake. Duffy's are responsible for clearing it. They have cleared the grass around the area but not the debris in the water. David M volunteered to raise it with the Flood Risk Management Team at his next meeting with them.

4. Correspondence


5. Trustees Update

The next Trustees Meeting will be on Tuesday 29th November.

6. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 23 October
    It was an extremely wet morning and the number of volunteers was low. "Martin's Meadow" was raked so now all 6 meadows have been cut and raked.
  • Sunday 27 November
    The 120 saplings received as part of the Woodland Trust's "Queen's Green Canopy Project" will be planted as well as several hundred saplings supplied by Ecoforest. Some can be planted on the steep valley sides and the hazel can be used in the area between the 2 bridges. An area near the back of the school against the fencing was suggested for the trees. There was also a suggestion to put hedging near the Bath House and Beck Pastures. The leaves also need to be cleared on the path heading to the lake and there will be litter picking.
    Volunteers to meet at the junction of Gledhow Park Drive and Gledhow Valley Road (the old car park).

7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update

David provided an update for the Group. The Group were unsuccessful in with their Postcode Lottery application. So far, the Group has raised £11,500 including a donation from Wade's Charity. Some of the applications require us to get feedback form the community. A survey will be sent out to collect comments and will run from 5th December to mid-January. A film is also required for one submission and the Group agreed to fund this so it could be used for multiple grant applications and at other events. David has also written to several organisations to obtain letters of support for the project.

Voluntary Action Leeds will give us an independent view of our applications to help increase our chances of success.

8. FGVW Christmas Social

The Group agreed that it would be good to have a Christmas Social event for members and volunteers. Martin to look at available dates in the evening in mid-December.

9. FGVW Christmas Cards

Joan updated the Group with the number of Christmas cards, greetings cards and coasters we have left in stock. Martin to ask Steve when we can print some new ones. The Group will have a stall in Chapel Allerton on the first Saturday in December.

10. AOB

  • Geoff raised objections to the lack of consultation with the local Brackenwood residents when FGVW are working in that area. He suggested signs be put up with any proposed activity so the community could have their say beforehand. Geoff had already been in contact with David M about a particular area and Martin had been in contact with the Area Manager and Louise the Park Ranger but had not yet received any responses.
    Although it was agreed in principle that the Group should involve communities on the fringes of the woods, some members raised the logistical difficulties experienced in the past when community consultations had been attempted. It also requires someone with time available to make and put up the signs.
    It was decided that until this issue be resolved the Group would not do any work in the Brackenwoods area.
  • David L raised the dangers of walking on the pavement up Little Switzerland due to the leaves and poor condition of the path. Adrian mentioned a website where the public can report areas like this and they will come out and clear the leaves. Also, the seat half-way up Little Switzerland has been damaged by a vehicle.
  • Adrian brought to the Group's attention a petition that is looking to gain support to protect a local grassy area as a community village green and prevent it from being developed or taken over by individuals.
  • The Co-op is trying to arrange an event to present the Group with a cheque for £4,800 raised through their Community Fund but so far there have been several delays.
  • David M mentioned a nice picture of Gledhow Valley Woods printed in The Guardian in connection with a Diwali Event and the Arts Council Grant. David will send the website link to Adam for the FGVW Update e-mail newsletter.
  • A walking programme as part of the Conservation Trust volunteers is going well and they have some additional money to use public transportation to travel to the Dales for a walk. This is to encourage people back onto public transport following the end of lockdown.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 27 Nov 2022
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 8 Dec 2022, 7.30pm (Gledhow Sports & Social Club)
  • Action Morning - Sun 18 Dec 2022

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