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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
12th January 2023

Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Steve Jones-Blackett, Theresa Williams, Adam & Carol Bull, Mervyn Clayton, David Miles, Rob Welborn.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 8th December 2022
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Trustees Update
  1. Action Mornings
  2. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
  3. Ideas for Action Morning Projects
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Martin Calvert, Joan Clayton, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Jeremy Kitto, David Lumb.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 8th December 2022

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Mrs Hudson's steps have been assessed and need renovating.
  • The Co-op presentation has not yet happened but the Group has received the donation.
  • Liam Calvert has made a video for the Veolia application, although we could just submit photos.
  • Christmas card sales went well when the Group had a stall for the morning in Chapel Allerton in December. It was suggested holding the event in November this year.
  • The FGVW Social Event took place at The Three Hulats in December.
  • The Group need more Christmas and greetings cards to sell. Steve mentioned that they have a new printer that can run batches in the numbers needed rather than having to buy in bulk. It will allow us to be more flexible and Steve is developing a template for FGVW cards.
  • The meeting between Mervyn and Ian from Potternewton Park to discuss the top path in the woods near the railings as not yet taken place. The safety barriers are now in the lake but Duffys and the Council are aware of this.
  • The Wade's Charity cheque has been received.
  • Adrian has spoken to Yorkshire Water and is setting up a meeting. Martin, David M and Steve also expressed an interest in attending. David has provided Adrian with a list of questions. The Group were asked to submit any other questions to Adrian and would also ask if the water is still being tested.

4. Correspondence


5. Trustees Update

The next Trustees meeting is in February.

6. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 18 December
    It was extremely cold. Some fencing was replaced and there was a lot of litter picking.
  • Sunday 22 January
    Activities will include clearing leaves, dead hedging and path clearing. There is also some hedging and honeysuckle to plant. A tree has fallen across the path blocking access so needs to be removed. If there are enough volunteers Mervyn will take a group to do some edging on the path near Allerton Grange as water is leaking over the top.
    Volunteers to meet at the jetty/duck feeding platform by the lake.

Future Action Mornings (provisional):

  • Sun 19 February
  • Sun 19 March
  • Sun 23 April
  • Sun 14 May
  • Sun 11 June

7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update

David provided an update for the Group.

The Veolia Application was submitted on 5th January. The Group had to prove that it had all the authorisation in place beforehand. The silt certificate is outstanding but we have said we will be able to submit it by the end of the month. Flood Risk Management have been very supportive with the application. The Environment Agency has told us that we need a special permit for Phase 2 but Flood Risk Management disagree as the lake and streams in the woods are not classified as a main water course. Lawyers at both organisations are currently discussing this as the decision has major implications for all small streams and becks. The Group should hear the decision by the end of next week and hear from Veolia by the end of March.

David is also working on an application for a £10k Lottery Community Grant.

8. Ideas for Action Morning Projects

September to November inclusive is devoted to work on the meadows. An audit needs to be completed to assess what path work needs to be done. Adam agreed to enlarge the leaflet map to be used by some of the members who would walk around the woods to mark-up the various paths. It was suggested that a large map was produced and brought to the next meeting so it could be marked up with areas where work was required and people could identify areas that had been given special names by the Group.

The access points in the woods also need to be assessed. It was suggested that we ask a wheelchair user, who attends the Action Mornings, if they could point out problems and suggest what we could do to make improvements.

The Group was asked to bring ideas for Action Morning projects to the next meeting.

9. AOB

  • Martin has got 12 Woodcrete bird boxes to replace the life-expired wooden boxes.
  • There is someone new living in the woods. The Street Angels have been contacted to see if they can help. Steve also volunteered to contact Street Outreach suggested by David.
  • A traffic census has been taking place in Gledhow Valley.
  • Rob raised a general observation that woodlands were no longer managed despite a lot of trees being planted. This will lead to problems and lack of biodiversity later on. The Group discussed how tree cutting and removal is expensive and that it is difficult to explain to the public. The Group itself is not allowed to cut down trees more than 10cms in diameter.
  • Theresa suggested notes should be put up in the woods to tell the public when meetings are taking place.
  • The Group agreed that there is a need to attract younger people into the Group i.e. for succession planning.
  • It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting either organising an event or doing a survey to collect opinions from the local community on what work people might like to be done in the woods.

10. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 22 Jan 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 9 Feb 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun 19 Feb 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 9 Mar 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun 19 Mar 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 13 Apr 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun 23 Apr 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 4 May 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun14 May 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 1 Jun 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun 11 Jun 2023

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