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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
9th March 2023

Present: Martin Calvert, Adrian Coltman, Steve Jones-Blackett, David Lumb.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th February 2023
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Correspondence
  5. Trustees Update
  6. Action Mornings
  1. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
  2. Yorkshire Water
  3. Action Morning projects and Event/Survey to Harness Opinions
  4. AOB
  5. Dates of Next Meetings

1. Apologies for Absence

Joan & Mervyn Clayton, Adam & Carol Bull, Trevor & Diane Kitto, David Miles, Theresa Williams.

2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 9th February 2023

Agreed as a true record.

3. Matters Arising

  • Leeds Coppice Workers will be installing more fascines beteen the carriageway bridge and Gledhow Lane on 22nd March 2023 between 10am and 4pm. Volunteers are very welcome at any time during this period.
  • Martin Calvert gave the sad news that head ranger Dan Malster has died. Dan worked with FGVW for many years. Martin will send our condolences to the Ranger team. The funeral is on 21st March, 2.30pm at Rawdon.

4. Correspondence


5. Trustees Update

  • Steve Jones-Blackett will have samples of Christmas and other cards ready for the next Steering Group Meeting, courtesy of excellent photos from Wendy Jones-Blackett.
  • Martin Calvert to produce an FGVW asset list for insurance purposes.
  • The Heritage Lottery Fund and Veolia were discussed.
  • The FGVW AGM will be held late May or early June.
  • Adrian Coltman is due for re-election.
  • The Trustees are concerned about succession management of the Group and Charity. This will be discussed at future Steering Group Meeting.

6. Action Mornings

  • Sunday 22 January
    Some new volunteers attended. A path was cleared and another "dead hedge" was created. Some beech alongside the path were cleared on Tuesday, which created some timber which could be used in the "dead hedge". Adrian and Mike cleared a lot of the area. The oak tree saplings have been left alone and there is now space for 2 or 3 more oak saplings to be planted.
  • Sunday 19 February
    Activities will include clearing leaves, "dead hedge" construction, work around the repaired jetty. Some rubbish needs clearing that has been dumped opposite 123 Brackenwood Drive near the steps. The path also needs clearing near the new hedge and the crossing point. Volunteers to meet at the jetty/duck feeding platform by the lake.

Future Action Mornings (provisional):

  • Sun 19 February
  • Sun 19 March
  • Sun 23 April
  • Sun 14 May
  • Sun 11 June

7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update

David provided an update for the Group via e-mail.


The National Lottery Community Fund have awarded us 10K.

The Leeds City Council Community Committee application for 5K has been completed and David is planning to submit it once he has met with local councillors and the local elections are over in May. Anyone interested in coming along with would be welcome.

David and Carl Bull are working on an application for funding from Aviva. This is a crowd funding application with Aviva match funding anything we raise. We can submit at any time.

David is planning to submit our application for 25K from the Post Code Local Trust on 3rd April 2023.

We should hear the outcome from our Veolia 75k application by first week in April.

Leeds Coppice Workers

Leeds Coppice Workers are installing more fascines on 22nd March. It would be really appreciated if we could have some volunteers to help with this. Rowan has been planted on the valley sides.

Flood Risk Management

Flood Risk Management (FRM) have asked Duffys to clear the build up of waste at the lake outflow. Unfortunately the arm of the crane Duffys hired to do this wasn't long enough! They are due to return with a longer armed crane.

David has written to FRM to ask again about progress with completing the ecology survey, which is now needed before the silt trap can be cleared.

Beck Pollution/Crayfish

Steve and David met with the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust who confirmed they plan to establish an "Ark site" for 700 native crayfish in the beck.

After correspondence with Yorkshire Water David is writing to the Environment Agency to request funding to resolve the issue of the Gledhow Valley CSOs. The introduction of crayfish into the beck considerably strengthens our case for action to be taken.

David has submitted an Environmental Information Request to YW asking for 2022 data on CSOs in Gledhow valley and full data on the Allerton Grange and Allerton Park CSOs which has never been previously available. David has been told this will appear later this month on the YW website. This will be useful in making the case to the EA for improving the CSOs.

ACTs (Academic Collaboration with the Third Sector) Funding

After discussion at the last meeting David approached Leeds University Water

They have agreed to partner with us on a citizen science project training people to undertake beck pollution monitoring, supplying the kit to do this, seeking solutions and linking us with other community groups working on similar issues so that we can learn from others experiences.

We should hear about the outcome of our funding application later this month.

The University has said that they will look for other opportunities for collaboration if the ACTs bid is not successful.

Leeds Year of Culture 2023

David has submitted an expression of interest in funding for a sculpture for the woods.

Community Right to Bid - Assets of Community Value

David has not yet had time to submit a request, concerning the ownership of beck and beckside land in the Catholic church field.

Balbir Singh Dance Company

Balbir has suggested a series of dance sessions in the woods with the theme of "Spring Picnics". David is meeting up with him to discuss if anyone is interested in coming along.

Other Matters

Steve Jones-Blackett mentioned the riverstrust.org interactive CSO map and demonstrated it. One local CSO discharged 55 times for 97 hours last year!

Adrian Coltman said there is no plan for sewage in the area. David Lumb used the example of Munich, which is the complete opposite to Leeds and which has a forward thinking plan aimed at making their sewage handling carbon neutral e.g. by using it to generate energy.

On the subject of the DMS report, regarding the Land Registry, David Lumb agreed to start the process of applying for ownership of the land adjoining the beck between field 2 and Beck Pasture. Adrian Coltman to send a digital map to David.

The lake level has dropped after Duffys cleared the debris at the end of the lake. This is the same outcome as in 2018 before the HLF project. It was suggested that we need advice from experts to determine the best course of action and create a corporate vision based on the science from e.g. Ebsford and FRM.

With amazing timing, we noted an e-mail from David with the news that the75k Veolia bid has been successful. Congratulations to David for his hard work.

8. Yorkshire Water

Adrian Coltman received a reply to his second e-mail to Yorkshire Water (which he wrote with advice from Patrick his YW neighbour).

YW replied apologising for misunderstanding the first e-mail and offered to meet with FGVW. Adrian to organise a meeting to discuss CSOs and cross connections.

9. Action Morning projects and Event/Survey to Harness Opinions

Postponed until next meeting.

10. AOB

  • Cllr Lisa Martin has funded the a replacement bench on the bend of Little Switzerland, which is much appreciated.

11. Dates of Next Meetings

  • Action Morning - Sun 19 Mar 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 13 Apr 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun 23 Apr 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 4 May 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun14 May 2023
  • Steering Group Meeting - Thu 1 Jun 2023
  • Action Morning - Sun 11 Jun 2023

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