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Minutes of Steering Group Meeting
1st June 2023
Present: Adrian Coltman (Acting Chair), Steve Jones-Blackett, Adam & Carol Bull, Theresa Williams, David Lumb, Jeremy Kitto, David Miles, Trevor & Diane Kitto, Dan Martin.
1. Apologies for Absence
Martin Calvert, Mervyn & Joan Clayton.
2. Minutes of the Meeting Held 4th May 2023
Agreed as a true record.
3. Matters Arising
4. Trustees Update
5. Action Mornings
- Sunday 14 May
There was a good turn-out of volunteers. A live hedge was planted with trees from The Arium. The Group need to think about watering them. Also, a gully might need to be dug out due to the slope so that any heavy rainfall is diverted to prevent the surrounding area from collapsing. Some of the fallen trees were cleared. A tree has been uprooted but this was too big to clear so the Council has been contacted.
- Sunday 11 June
Some plants are due to arrive and will need planting. There are more fallen trees to clear and more live hedge to plant. Some cutting back is required around the pond. Forestry will need to be contacted about a propped-up tree. Volunteers to meet at the bottom end of the lake, next to Gledhow Valley Road.
Provisional Action Morning Dates for the rest of the year:
- 16 July 2023
- 13 August 2023
- 24 September 2023
- 29 October 2023
- 26 November 2023
- 17 December 2023
The FGVW AGM will be held on 22nd June at 6pm at the Gledhow Sports & Social Club. Adrian will send out an email at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Jenny has kindly volunteered to be the Vote Teller for postal, e-mail and in-person voting.
7. Heritage Lottery Fund Project Update
£130K has been confirmed in grants including those from the Inner North East Community Committee and Postcode Local Trust. A meeting has been held to discuss the tenders for the contract. The proposed start date was originally August however, due to the school holidays, the start date has moved to 4th September with a 6 weeks follow up. Groundworks will be overseeing the work that is done.
8. Gledhow Sports & Social Club Summer Fair
The Gledhow Sports & Social Club Summer Fair will take place on Saturday 24th June between 1pm and 8pm. The Group agreed to have a stall. Volunteers will be needed and a rota will be drawn up to cover the event.
9. Closing Gledhow Valley Road for an Event
The Group has applied for a Climate Emergency Grant that will allow the Group to fund the partial closing of Gledhow Valley Road to traffic to hold an event. On the 3rd July 2023 there will be a chance for the Group to pitch their proposal to a panel "Dragons' Den" style.
10. AOB
- Adrian asked the Group if it would support the Village Green application going in for an area near Gledhow Flats. The Group agreed.
- A dead chicken has been reported in the woods!
- The Group was asked if they would agree to a proposal to apply to the Aviva Community Fund. Submissions can be for any amount and money is raised through crowdfunding. If the target is achieved, then Aviva will match some of the funding. David M and Carol proposed a project to remove invasive species from an area of the woods so that it can be turned into a wetland area. A design will be drawn up as part of the submission. The Group agreed.
- The Group has received a donation of £10K from Yorkshire Water due to the ongoing concerns over water quality and sewage. There are potentially 2 Combined Sewage Overflows (CSOs) in the area being upgraded. David M is trying to find out some more information on the upgrades and if other CSOs in the area can be added to the upgrade project. There is an online meeting with Yorkshire Water on 7th June 2023 available to all customers.
- Yorkshire Water has awarded the Group £800 to work with water@leeds to train people to measure the water quality in Gledhow Beck. There will be a workshop at Leeds Beckett University from 11am until 4pm on 3rd July. This is a chance to meet other community groups to work towards improving water quality. During July the University has also organised for a PhD student to do some training on water testing.
- Adrian has booked a stall for FGVW at the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival on the 2nd and 3rd of September 2023.
- Adrian has booked in the Bath House as part of the Heritage Open Days event on 17th September 2023.
- There has been some green dye spotted in the water in the woods. Yorkshire Water has confirmed that the dye is being used to test the connections and assess where domestic pollution is coming from in the area.
11. Dates of Next Meetings
- Action Morning - Sun 11 Jun 2023
- FGVW AGM - Thu 22 June 2023
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 6 Jul 2023
- Action Morning - Sun 16 Jul 2023
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 3 Aug 2023
- Action Morning - Sun 13 Aug 2023
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 14 Sept 2023
- Bath House Open Day - Sun 17 Sept 2023
- Action Morning - Sun 24 Sept 2023
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 19 Oct 2023
- Action Morning - Sun 29 Oct 2023
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 16 Nov 2023
- Action Morning - Sun 26 Nov 2023
- Steering Group Meeting - Thu 7 Dec 2023
- Action Morning - Sun 17 Dec 2023